Zweig Stefan

Selected Stories
, 2013
Truly gripping, these mini-masterpieces each contain the substance of a condensed full-length novel. Fantastic Night is the story of one transformative evening in the life of a rich and bored young man. He spends a day at the races and an evening in the seedy but thrilling company of the dregs of society. His experiences jolt him out of his languor and give him a newfound relish for life, which is then cut short by the Great War. Two of Zweig's most powerful works, The Invisible Collection and Buchmendel, explore lives led in the single-minded pursuit of art and literature against a backdrop of poverty and corruption. Letter from an Unknown Woman is a poignant and heartbreaking tale of the strength and madness of unrequited love, while in The Fowler Snared, it is the man whose passion remains unrequited. Twenty-Four Hours in the Life of a Woman is the story of a middle-aged English widow who travels to escape loneliness and boredom. One evening while enjoying the elegant atmosphere of the Monte Carlo Casino, she becomes mesmerized by the obsessive gambling of a young Polish aristocrat. This fateful encounter leads to passion, despair, and death, changing their lives forever. Подробнее
Casanova: A Study in Self-portraiture
, 2013
Casanova, the Venetian who lived most of his life in exile from his beloved city and created his own myth — which in turn is a reflection of the nature of the city itself — is the subject of this masterly biographical essay by Stefan Zweig. As Zweig describes in this volume: Imaginative writers rarely have a biography, and men who have biographies are only in exceptional circumstances able to write them... Casanova is a splendid, almost unique exception. Подробнее
, 2012
En 1518, un Portugais exilé du nom de Magellan convainc le roi d’Espagne, Charles Quint, d’un projet fou: «Il existe un passage conduisant de l’océan Atlantique à l’océan Indien. Donnez-moi une flotte et je vous le montrerai et je ferai le tour de la terre en allant de l’est à l’ouest». Partie en 1519, l’expédition reviendra trois ans plus tard, disloquée, victorieuse. Malgré les fausses cartes et les mutineries, le froid, la faim et les maladies, Magellan a forcé le détroit qui porte aujourd’hui son nom et vaincu le Pacifique, inconnu à l’époque. Un destin héroïque magistralement conté et réfléchi par Zweig. Подробнее





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