Wendy Cooling

The Puffin Book of Stories for Six-year-olds With a martian in a supermarket, a monkey in trouble and a magic pearl tree, there's something for everyone to discover in this special collection. This book is perfect for six-year-olds to share or read alone. Подробнее
The Puffin Book of Stories for Seven-year-olds This brilliant collection is full of magic, mayhem and adventure! Find out how the camel got his hump, how Jimmy learned to vanish, and what Horrid Henry got up to on his holiday... It is perfect for seven-year-olds to share or read alone. Подробнее
The Puffin Book of Stories for Eight-year-olds Children will be spellbound by the amazing characters in this fabulous collection — a greedy king, a very bad giant, a fairy queen and lots more...This title is perfect for eight-year-olds to share or read alone. Подробнее





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