
The New Living
, 2011
New Living (Das Neue Wohnen) was the title of an exeptional architectural propaganda film created in 1930 by German avant-garde artist and filmmaker Hans Richter. It showcased exemplary modernist buildings and furniture — some of which were on view shortly after in the prestigious exhibition The International Style — and contrasted them with the impractical, unhygienic living spaces that were the norm. Visually diverse and full of experimental montage techniques, New Living pioneered a radical method of portraying architecture on celluloid. Подробнее
Наш малыш от 0 до 1 года: Календарь Первый год жизни ребенка самый насыщенный, все происходит впервые, и не хочется упустить ни одного момента. «Наш малыш от 0 до 1 года» — это перекидной календарь первого года жизни, дневник жизни Вашего малыша, где вы можете наклеить фотографию, оставить комментарий, прочесть интересный факт о развитии ребенка. Календарь не привязан к календарному году, вы можете начать ваш календарь, когда угодно. К календарю прилагаются забавные наклейки-картинки. Подробнее
Banksy: Myths and legends No single living artist has created as many myths, rumours and legends as Banksy. Many of the tales in this book are from Bristol, some are from further afield. What they share is that they are all told with the wide eyed wonder which Banksy inspires. Collated between 2009 and 2011 some of these stories are quite old and have been told so many times they have become the stuff of legend, others are more questionable and best described as myths. Some are laugh out loud bollocks and others are simply gossip. You be the judge. Подробнее
Savoy Cocktail Book
, 2013
Synonymous with style, elegance and sophistication, the Savoy is unsurprisingly also the birthplace of some of the most famous cocktails in the world. During the 1920s and '30s, prohibition-dodging Americans visiting London for tea-dances and «mixed drinks» (cocktails), made the bar at the Savoy their home. Here they were entertained by legendary American barman Harry Craddock, inventor of the White Lady and populariser of the Dry Martini. Originally published in 1930, the Savoy Cocktail Book features 750 of Harry's most popular recipes. It is a fascinating record of the cocktails that set London alight at the time — and which are just as popular today. Taking you from Slings to Smashes, Fizzes to Flips, and featuring art deco illustrations, this book is the perfect gift for any budding mixologist or fan of 1930s-style decadence and sophistication. Updated with a new introduction and recipes from The Savoy. Подробнее
Audrey Hepburn In Hats
, 2013
Enshrined in Hollywood's golden age is the iconic image of Holly Golightly peering provocatively from beneath the wide saucer brim of her fabulous black Chapeau du Matin, the boa-length pink hatband declaring an unmistakable independence of spirit. The world s most coveted designers flocked to dress Hepburn, whose look redefined glamour, redefined beauty. From Givenchy, Mr. John, Dior, Cecil Beaton and Balenciaga, Hepburn inspired loyalty, set trends and cemented reputations. Creating a hat for Hepburn was to stake your claim in fashion history. At the top of the list was Hubert Givenchy, one of the world's great designers. Audrey became his muse and their association and friendship lasted a lifetime. This exquisite volume includes an entire section dedicated to My Fair Lady and the fabulous Academy Award winning costumes and sculpted hats designed by Sir Cecil Beaton. It features stunning photographs of Audrey Hepburn taken by leading photographers including Dennis Stock, Howell Conant, Terry O'Neill, Bud Fraker and Bob Willoughby, and the book features insightful accompanying text from fashion writer, June Marsh. Quintessentially elegant, Hepburn's status as a global style icon owes as much to an endless assortment of fabulous headwear, as it does to her body of work. Hepburn and her hats were a match made in heaven and for decades she not only graced the silver screen but the cover of every glossy magazine throughout the world, rarely captured without her signature accessory. Подробнее
Book of New Israeli Food: A Culinary Journey
, 2013
In this stunning new work that is at once a coffee-table book to browse and a complete cookbook, Janna Gur brings us the sumptuous color, variety, and history of today’s Israeli cuisine, beautifully illustrated by Eilon Paz, a photographer who is intimate with the local scene. In Gur’s captivating introduction, she describes Israeli food as a product of diverse cultures: the Jews of the Diaspora, settling in a homeland that was new to them, brought their far-flung cuisines to the table even as they looked to their Arab neighbors for additional ingredients and ideas. The delicious, easy-to-follow recipes represent all of these influences, and include some creative interpretations of classics by celebrated Israeli chefs: Beetroot and Pomegranate Salad, Fish Falafel in Spicy Harissa Mayonnaise, Homemade Shawarma, Chreime–North African Hot Fish Stew, Roasted Chicken Drumsticks in Carob Syrup. With favorite recipes for the Sabbath (Sweet Challah Traditional Chopped Liver, Chocolate and Halva Coffeecake) and for holidays (Balkan Potato and Leek Pancakes, Flourless Chocolate and Pistachio Cake), this book offers a unique culinary experience for every occasion. All of this is enriched by Paz’s gorgeous and vibrantly colored photographs and by short narratives about significant aspects of Israel’s diverse cuisine, such as the generous and unique Israeli breakfast (which grew out of the needs of Kibbutz life), locally produced cheeses that now rival those of Europe, and a dramatic renaissance of wine culture in this ancient land. “In less than thirty years,” Janna Gur writes, “Israeli society has graduated… to a true gastronomic haven.” Here she gives us a book that does full, delectable justice to the significance of Israeli food today–Mediterranean at its heart, richly spiced, and imbued with cross-cultural flavors. Подробнее
The Square: Sweet
, 2013
The second volume of the extraordinary work from two-Michelin-star chef, Philip Howard that began in September 2012 with The Square: The Cookbook Volume 1: Savoury. Regarded amongst his peers as one of the world's great culinary artists, his lifetime of dedication and creativity have gone into writing this monumental work of gastronomic creativity and technical expertise. The Square: The Cookbook Volume 2: Sweet gives precise instructions on how to create food of top Michelin standard. Meticulous, detailed and fiercely intelligent, this is a book that will set the benchmark for books of the highest culinary ambition. Featuring brilliant dishes such as his signature Brillat Savarin Cheesecake with Passion Fruit and Lime, and Lemon Posset with a Blueberry Compote and Warm Vanilla Beignets. Philip Howard's incredible second volume features a full repertoire of sweet recipes, each accompanied by the beautiful photography of Jean Cazals. A must-have book for all chefs, but a great book for keen amateurs and serious foodies alike. Подробнее
Журнал Личности №9(61) 2013 В номере: Марчелло Мастроянни: Никого не доводить до слез. Яна Дубининская Бобби Фишер: Игра в злого гения. Роман Евлоев Зинаида Гиппиус: Сатанесса в белом. Татьяна Винниченко Хо Ши Мин: Вьетнамская мечта. Алексей Краевский Покахонтас: Лицо Нового света. Марина Ливанова Григорий Котовский: Криминальная революция. Михаил Дубинянский Подробнее
Сет из 3-х календариков-закладок: Искусство Японии. Русский портрет. Прерафаэлиты В книге, в блокноте, в тетради — отрывные закладки с календарем на каждый месяц со знаменитыми произведениями мирового искусства и блистательными афоризмами великих людей — приятное дополнение к любым ежедневным задачам. Подробнее
Lumen Picturae Originally published in Amsterdam between 1660 and 1675, Frederick de Wit's Lumen Picturae falls within the tradition of treatises on illustration, an essential element in any artist's education up to the era of the Impressionists. The complete version of the work, presented here in a photographic facsimile edition, is an authentic introduction to the aesthetic thought of 17th-century Holland, the Dutch Golden Age that also produced Rembrandt and Vermeer. Подробнее
Как жить с «Паркинсоном»? Болезнь Паркинсона можно лечить эффективно! С увеличением продолжительности жизни все больше пожилых людей страдает от ограничения движений и особенно от нарушений ходьбы. Самая распространенная причина – БОЛЕЗНЬ ПАРКИНСОНА. Когда-то эта болезнь быстро превращала человека в инвалида. Но современная медицина вооружена эффективным средством лечения самых тяжелых ее симптомов. К сожалению, первые признаки болезни Паркинсона часто принимают за обычное проявление старости и упускают ранний период заболевания, когда лечение наиболее эффективно. Другая болезнь, нередко лишающая человека возможности ходить, — сужение и закупорка артерий ног вследствие атеросклероза. Это заболевание особенно опасно для курящих и диабетиков. Если своевременно не начато соответствующее лечение, больному грозит тяжелая инвалидность, вплоть до ампутации конечностей. Предлагаемая книга знакомит читателя с причинами, способствующими развитию этих заболеваний, их симптомами, методами профилактики и лечения. Авторы стремятся убедить: успех в лечении достигается только совместными усилиями врача и самого пациента. Воля больного, его оптимизм, упорство и терпение в проведении необходимых процедур и тренировок могут отвести угрозу инвалидной коляски и дать пожилому человеку годы активной, полноценной жизни. В качестве иллюстрации приводятся истории болезней нескольких больных, бывших под наблюдением авторов. Книга написана в общедоступной форме и рассчитана на широкий круг читателей. Подробнее
Крайон: Послания Света на каждый лунный день. Лунный календарь до 2024 года »Каждый лунный день имеет свою энергетическую особенность. Если правильно распорядиться энергиями, которые несет лунный день, можно улучшить благосостояние и здоровье! Это известно с глубокой древности жрецам Египта, шаманам Севера и мудрецам Индии. Что нужно делать в каждый лунный день, чтобы быть счастливыми? Ответ в этой книге дает Крайон, Божественный Дух, никогда не воплощавшийся на Земле, и уже много лет передающий нам, людям, вдохновляющие и поддерживающие послания. В книге — рекомендации Крайона на каждый лунный день и лунный календарь на 10 лет.» Подробнее
Marilyn This is a new mini featuring the twentieth century's greatest movie icon, Marilyn Monroe — a star like no other. The legions of Marilyn fans can't get enough of this beloved pop culture icon. She remains a face and name more recognizable than current stars. Now that famous smile gets a Mini Book makeover for the first time. In this concise little package are the essentials fans love to know (the stats, favourites, firsts) about their Marilyn, filled with gorgeous images unearthed from the 20th Century Fox studio vaults. This book contains never-before-seen photos which weren't included in Marilyn Monroe: Platinum Fox. Подробнее
The Quotable Winston Churchill: A Collection of Wit and Wisdom This tiny tome featuring a faux leather binding with embossed type and illustration is filled with Winston Churchill's biography, his most inspirational quotes, and excerpts from some of his most famous speeches. Подробнее
So Audrey: 59 Ways to Put a Little Hepburn in Your Step With fans who emulate her style crossing the spectrum of ages from teens on up, So Audrey is the most coveted of compliments among women. Little black dress? That's So Audrey! Ballet flats? So Audrey of you! A generous spirit? Well, it doesn't get any more Audrey than that. Legendary superstar, trend setter, and humanitarian Audrey Hepburn remains the epitome of style, charm, and humility in the face of enviable beauty for women of all ages. Filled with fashion and lifestyle tips inspired by Audrey, paired with gorgeous photos, this book imparts 59 little ways to put some Hepburn in your step. Подробнее
The Passion of Bradley Manning: The Story of the Suspect Behind the Largest Security Breach in U: S. History
, 2013
Bradley Manning was arrested, imprisoned in solitary confinement for nine months, and court-martialed for leaking nearly half a million classified government documents, including the infamous Collateral Murder gunsight video. He was an intelligence analyst in the US Army's 10th Mountain Division, is twenty-four, and comes from Crescent, Oklahoma. But who is Private First Class Bradley Manning? Why did he commit the largest security breach in American history — and why was it so easy? Is Manning a traitor or a whistleblower? Is long-term isolation an outrage to American values — or the new norm? Which is the greater security threat, routine elite secrecy or flashes of transparency? And what impact does new information really have? In this book, the astonishing leaks attributed to Bradley Manning are viewed from many angles, from Tunisia to Guant namo Bay, from Foggy Bottom to Baghdad to small-town Oklahoma. Around the world, the eloquent act of one young man obliges citizens to ask themselves if they have the right to know what their government is doing. Подробнее
Form I Fokus A
, 1998
Form i fokus Three exercise books for Swedish grammar training from beginners' level. The books are intended for you who recently have begun your Swedish studies or who need a repetition of the basics of grammar. Form i fokus combines exercises with a thorough presentation of rules and structures. Each element is clarified by examples. The books contain exercises in everyday idiomatic language. They are quite varied, making grammar practice stimulating. Certain exercises are designed for creative writing. Book A has a great number of illustrations to facilitate the learning process. Подробнее
Что советуют врачи: При диабете, остеохондрозе, гипертонии, аритмии, панкреатите, астме, дерматите Книга «Что советуют врачи» является энциклопедией самых распространенных на сегодняшний день заболеваний. В ней просто и доступно написано о сахарном диабете, остеохондрозе, гипертонии, аритмии, панкреатите, простатите, бронхиальной астме, дерматите, пиелонефрите. Квалифицированные специалисты помогут сориентироваться в современных методах обследования и лечения, расскажут о новых и надежных способах оздоровления. И самое главное — вам будет интересно узнать о профилактике этих болезней, особенно если есть наследственная предрасположенность. Подробнее
Избранные произведения: Баян в камерном ансамбле: Выпуск 2 В сборник избранных произведений Вячеслава Недосекина (второй выпуск) вошли оригинальные сочинения для различных по составу камерных ансамблей, включающих баян. Предназначается для студентов музыкальных училищ и вузов, а также концертирующих исполнителей. Подробнее





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