
Журнал URBAN magazine №3/2014 Журнал посвящён вопросам градостроительства, архитектуры, урбанистики, экологии. Тема номера: Что и кто делает города «умными» Подробнее
Symbols of Power in Art This volume examines the ways that sovereign rulers have employed well-defined symbols, attributes, and stereotypes to convey their power to their subjects and rivals, as well as to leave a legacy for subsequent generations to admire. Legendary rulers from antiquity such as Alexander the Great, Julius Caesar, and Constantine have been looked to as models for their display of imperial power by the rulers of later eras. From medieval sovereigns such as Charlemagne and France’s Louis IX to the tsars of Russia and the great European royal dynasties of the Hapsburgs, the Bourbons, and the Tudors, the rulers of each period have appropriated and often embellished the emblems of power employed by their predecessors. Even the second-tier lords who ruled parts of France and Italy during the Renaissance, such as the dukes of Burgundy, the Gonzaga of Mantua, and the Medici of Florence became adept at manipulating this imagery. The final chapter is reserved for Napoleon I, perhaps the ultimate master of symbolic display, who assumed the attributes of Roman emperors to project an image of eternal and immutable authority. The author examines not only regal paraphernalia such as crowns, scepters, thrones, and orbs, but also the painted portraits, sculptures, tapestries, carved ivories, jewelry, coins, armor, and, eventually, photographs created to display their owner’s sovereign power, a vast collection of works that now forms a significant portion of the cultural heritage of Western civilization. Подробнее
Artists' Techniques and Materials An artist's materials--the bold brushstrokes of a Van Gogh oil painting, the sparkling gold leaf in a Byzantine mosaic, the fragile translucence of a porcelain vase--are not just the accessories of his or her work. They are the physical embodiment of the artist's creative vision and a reflection of the historical context in which they were used. This latest volume in the popular Guide to Imagery series discusses the materials and processes used in eight media: painting, drawing, printmaking, sculpture, mosaics, ceramics, glass, and metalwork. Within each of these categories, Antonella Fuga examines the range of materials and techniques that have developed over the centuries. For instance, in the chapter on drawing, she analyzes the use of charcoal, red chalk, and pastels, among other media. Capsule descriptions in the margins list essential information about the subject under discussion, and details of the artworks employed as examples are called out. The book concludes with a brief overview of contemporary techniques. Richly illustrated with artworks from many of the world's important museums, this book provides art enthusiasts with new insights into the creation of many of the world's great masterpieces. Подробнее
European Art of the Fourteenth Century Fourteenth-century Europe was ravaged by famine, war, and, most devastatingly, the Black Plague. These widespread crises inspired a mystical religiosity, which emphasized both ecstatic joy and extreme suffering, producing emotionally charged and often graphic depictions of the Crucifixion and the martyrdoms of the saints. While the great boom of cathedral building that had marked the previous century waned, cathedrals continued to serve as the centers of religious life and artistic creation. Wealthy patrons sponsored the production of elaborate altarpieces, as well as smaller panel paintings and religious statues for private devotional use. A growing literate elite created a demand for both richly decorated prayer books and volumes on secular topics. In Italy, the foremost Sienese painter, Duccio, sought to synthesize northern, Gothic influences with eastern, Byzantine ones, while the groundbreaking Florentine Giotto moved toward the depiction of three-dimensional figures in his wall paintings. This third volume in the Art through the Centuries series highlights the most noteworthy concepts, geographic centers, and artists of this turbulent century. Important facts about the subjects under discussion are summarized in the margins of each entry, and salient features of the illustrated artworks are identified and discussed. Подробнее
Doctor Who: The Official Annual 2015 The Official 2015 Doctor Who Annual is packed with essential info on the brand-new Twelfth Doctor, secrets from series 8, terrifying monster fact files, spooky stories, comic action, activities and puzzles. It's the perfect Christmas gift for all Whovians! Подробнее
Деревянные дома за 2013 год Журнал «Деревянные дома» выходит с 1999 г. и представляет материалы по коттеджному строительству европейских стран (Германии, Венгрии, Финляндии), Канады и России. Журнал содержит информацию о технологиях и материалах, используемых в строительстве деревянных домов, освещает современные тенденции архитектурного и строительного рынков, а также наиболее удачные реализованные проекты архитекторов России, стран Европы и Америки. Основные разделы «Строительство» полномасштабное представление реализованных проектов отечественных и зарубежных архитекторов, включая планы, фасады и интерьеры. «Эксклюзив» представление эксклюзивных реализованных проектов. «Среда обитания» интервью-фоторепортаж с известными личностями в интерьере их дома. «Технологии» информация о современных технологиях строительства и оборудования деревянного жилого дома. «Проекты» профессионально разработанные проекты домов, пояснительный текст с планами. «Дом и сад» рубрика содержит материалы, в которых представлены наиболее удачные примеры оформления территории, прилегающей к загородному дому, даются подробные комментарии. «События» информация о последних событиях в области деревянного домостроения. «Дайджест» обзор новинок рынка строительства и ремонта деревянного дома, товаров для дома. Подборка содержит 6 полноцветных журналов «Деревянные дома» (№47-52 за 2013 г.). Подробнее
Medium Things Notebook: Orange A beautifully crafted range of notebooks; manufactured using the very best materials, they come in a medley of colours. Подробнее
Книга рецептов «Monbento» Пожалуй, сложно назвать это книгой рецептов — в классическом понимании. Скорее, это путеводитель в мир кулинарии, который позволит приготовить 30 вкуснейших французских блюд, насладившись не только вкусом, но их историей и великолепными иллюстрациями. Книга на английском языке. Разделы книги: закуски, основные блюда, десерты + рецепты хлеба и французского завтрака. Особая прелесть: каждое из этих блюд, будь то круассан, салат или горячее, можно положить и взять с собой в ланч-боксе Monbento. Подробнее
Eagles From their inception in 1971 through their smashingly successful 2007 album Long Road Out of Eden and the accompanying 2008-2010 international tour, The Eagles have seen it all and lived to tell about it. In Eagles, one of America's top rock journalists delivers a comprehensive insider look at arguably the greatest American rock-and-roll band on the occasion of their 40th anniversary. From their origin and rise to fame, to the music, the recording sessions, the fights, the tours, the parties afterward and the hangovers that followed, Ben Fong-Torres covers it all backed by deft research, first-hand interviews, and a collection of fantastic photographs from some of the best rock photographers in the business. In the course of 40 years, the Eagles changed line-ups five times, split up twice, recorded seven highly successful albums, toured the world multiple times, released the top-selling rock album in American history, and sued each other. Their story is a uniquely American journey, and their legacy is assured for decades to come. Подробнее
Ornaments Since the early 1990s there has been a great revival in the popularity of interior decoration using historical ornamental forms. The Practical Decorator and ornamentist, published in 1892 by George A. and Maurice A. Audsley, and here republished in a newly prepared edition, was in its day one of the best-known collections of ornamental designs. In contrast to previous new editions of the Audsleys' pattern-books, the present volume does not confine itself to reproducing their designs, but also provides a commentary based on the Audsleys' own explanatory text. Thus the reader is given hints on how to use each design, on its style and on possible colour schemes. An appendix gives detailed practical instruction on how to transfer and execute the designs, allowing interested readers to use them in the decoration of their own homes. Подробнее
Van Gogh The Great Artists Collection is one of a series of gift packs containing a 64-page paperback book in a lavish folder with 6 free ready-to-frame 8 x 10 prints. Each book features a biography of each artist, looking at their life and their legacy, and useful fact boxes talk about the artists 'Great Works' and include fascinating information to improve the reader's knowledge of each artist. A fabulous gift pack which includes a 64-page paperback book and 6 ready-to-frame keepsake 8 x 10 prints on one of the world's most recognized artists! Подробнее
Monet The Great Artists Collection is one of a series of gift packs containing a 64-page paperback book in a lavish folder with 6 free ready-to-frame 8 x 10 prints. Each book features a biography of each artist, looking at their life and their legacy, and useful fact boxes talk about the artists 'Great Works' and include fascinating information to improve the reader's knowledge of each artist. A fabulous gift pack which includes a 64-page paperback book and 6 ready-to-frame keepsake 8 x 10 prints on one of the world's most recognized artists! Подробнее
Renoir The Great Artists Collection is one of a series of gift packs containing a 64-page paperback book in a lavish folder with 6 free ready-to-frame 8 x 10 prints. Each book features a biography of each artist, looking at their life and their legacy, and useful fact boxes talk about the artists 'Great Works' and include fascinating information to improve the reader's knowledge of each artist. A fabulous gift pack which includes a 64-page paperback book and 6 ready-to-frame keepsake 8 x 10 prints on one of the world's most recognized artists! Подробнее
, 2013
The Great Artists Collection is one of a series of gift packs containing a 64-page paperback book in a lavish folder with 6 free ready-to-frame 8 x 10 prints. Each book features a biography of each artist, looking at their life and their legacy, and useful fact boxes talk about the artists 'Great Works' and include fascinating information to improve the reader's knowledge of each artist. A fabulous gift pack which includes a 64-page paperback book and 6 ready-to-frame keepsake 8 x 10 prints on one of the world's most recognized artists! Подробнее
Dali The Great Artists Collection is one of a series of gift packs containing a 64-page paperback book in a lavish folder with 6 free ready-to-frame 8 x 10 prints. Each book features a biography of each artist, looking at their life and their legacy, and useful fact boxes talk about the artists 'Great Works' and include fascinating information to improve the reader's knowledge of each artist. A fabulous gift pack which includes a 64-page paperback book and 6 ready-to-frame keepsake 8 x 10 prints on one of the world's most recognized artists! Подробнее
, 2013
The Great Artists Collection is one of a series of gift packs containing a 64-page paperback book in a lavish folder with 6 free ready-to-frame 8 x 10 prints. Each book features a biography of each artist, looking at their life and their legacy, and useful fact boxes talk about the artists 'Great Works' and include fascinating information to improve the reader's knowledge of each artist. A fabulous gift pack which includes a 64-page paperback book and 6 ready-to-frame keepsake 8 x 10 prints on one of the world's most recognized artists! Подробнее
Магический календарь на каждый день Календари бывают самые разные, но не все из них приносят реальную пользу. Данный магический календарь станет своеобразным проводником в мире сверхъестественного. Из книги вы узнаете о различных приметах, оберегах и заговорах, действие которых усиливается в определенные дни. Каждый год обладает собственной мощью, воспользоваться которой вы сможете, «договорившись» с господствующими в этот период силами. Эта книга даст детальную характеристику каждому дню года и позволит грамотно спрогнозировать свое будущее. Подробнее
The Triumph of Caesar The new novel in the Roma Sub Rosa series is set against the background of Caesar's stupendous quadruple triumphs in Rome in 46 BC, full of colour and spectacle. Having obliterated the opposition, Caesar is now dictator for life. In the upcoming celebrations, Vercingetorix the Gaul is scheduled to be executed, as is Arsinoe, the sister of Cleopatra... and Cleopatra herself is in Rome on a state visit, trying to convince Caesar to acknowledge their son as his heir. Marc Antony and Caesar are at odds; Cicero is making a fool of himself with a new teenage bride; and Caesar's wife Calpurnia, having fallen under the spell of an Etruscan soothsayer, is convinced of a plot on her husband's life. Murder and intrigue again draw Gordianus into the vortex of history. Praise for Stephen Saylor 'Saylor's gifts include authentic historical and topographical backgrounds and... sombre themes set off the brilliant scenery and clever plotting' — Times Literary Supplement. 'Saylor's scholarship is breathtaking and his writing enthrals' — Ruth Rendell. 'Readers will find his work wonderfully (and gracefully) researched... this is entertainment of the first order' — Washington Post. 'Saylor has acquired the information of a historian but he enjoys the gifts of a born novelist' — Boston Globe. Подробнее
A Gladiator Dies Only Once Fresh from his duel of wits with Cleopatra in The Judgement of Caesar, Gordianus the Finder, detective of ancient Rome, returns in this new collection of short stories. Nine tales of mystery, murder and intrigue take Gordianus from the seamy streets of Rome to elegant villas on the Bay of Naples, and from a Sicilian graveyard with a deadly secret to a bloody battlefield in Spain. Whether against the spectacular backdrop of a chariot race, or settling a domestic dispute with his beautiful Egyptian concubine Bethesda, Gordianus is always on the case. As in Saylor's previous collection, The House of the Vestals, all the stories in A Gladiator Dies Only Once take place early in Gordianus's career. Often at his side, rapidly growing up, is the mute boy Eco, his adopted son. Frequently conferring with Gordianus is his good-hearted patrician friend, Lucius Claudius. Cicero, the great lion of the Roman law courts, makes several appearances. Sertorius, the rebel general who set up a rival Roman state in Spain, casts a shadow across the book from beginning to end, and makes a haunting appearance in the story The White Fawn. In the title story, a beautiful Nubian actress begs to Gordianus to solve an impossible problem: how can she have just seen her beloved brother in the marketplace, when she previously saw him die a gruesome death as a gladiator? Подробнее
Elvis Remembered: 30 Years Later (+ Audio CD) During his life, Elvis Presley was idolised: since his death, he has become immortalised. Now, drawing from Life Magazine's unrivalled archives, the editors of Life chronicle in pictures and text Elvis' transformation from shy teenager to superstar. It is a story best told in the details, and this singular collection of unforgettable pictures reveal all those details: the sad, the funny, and the passionate. Подробнее





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