Polly Williams

A Bad Bride's Tale Two weeks before her wedding Stevie Jonson has got the jitters. Is she finally growing up, or compromising horribly? In love or in denial? Yes, there are good reasons to get married. Babies, or at least the possibility of babies before eggs shrivel up. Sex whenever she wants it. A justification for staying in without feeling like a loser. Contentment, the shave-legs-in-front-of-him kind. And there are very good reasons not to get married. Not wanting to sleep with him unless nothing on telly. Never sleeping with anyone else ever again. His mother. His new bald patch. Being called, 'my wife.' And the disconcerting reappearance of a former major crush, reminder of everything fiance isn't. As the clock ticks, a shocking secret threatens to bring Stevie's future crashing down around her. A hilarious and heartfelt story about love, marriage and mating and what happens when they refuse to schedule. Подробнее
The Rise and Fall of a Yummy Mummy One woman’s struggle to fit back into her old self. Amy Crane is in crisis. Six months after the birth of her baby, Amy still looks pregnant and can’t remember the last time she had a wax, or an orgasm. Motherhood is stirring up disturbing questions about her own childhood. And she suspects her boyfriend is cheating. Enter Alice, yummy mummy superior, on a mission to transform Amy’s body, and love life. As Amy swaps breast pads for Botox and climbs out of a vortex of self-doubt, her libido awakens from its long nap and things get rather more complicated … A wonderfully well-written, funny and sharp novel about the trials of playing hip happy families and the contradictions at the heart of modern motherhood. Подробнее
How to be Married Sadie Drew thinks she must be the world's worst wife. She only needs to walk into a room to make it untidy. She wears flannel pyjamas in bed. Furry things breed in her fridge. But she's a busy working mother not a wifebot and husband Tom loves her as she is. Until he gets a hot new job and things change. There are alpha-wives to entertain. Nuclear rows. Unsettling secrets. And the smell of another woman's perfume on his suit. Sadie risks losing everything if she can't transform herself into the perfect wife... But what is a perfect wide anyway? Подробнее





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