Melvin Burgess

Junk This is an uncompromising, compelling and true-to-life story of two teenagers drawn into the dangerous and destructive world of heroin addiction. This tour de force by an acclaimed and provocative writer should become a definitive teenage novel on this subject. Подробнее
Penguin Readers 3: Billy Elliot Eleven-year old Billy Elliot is different from other boys. He is not very clever or good at sport. Then, one day, he discovers ballet dancing. Finally he has found something that he can do well. But everybody knows that ballet is for girls, not boys! Will Billy continue to dance? Or have his father and brother got other plans for him? Подробнее
Billy Elliot Told from the differing male viewpoints of Billy, Jackie his dad and Michael his friend, this is the tough, heart-warming story of Billy Elliot with Melvin Burgess, author of Junk, adding power and even greater depth to the characters in this novel. The life of 12-year-old Billy, a coal-miner's son from Northern England is changed forever when he stumbles on a ballet class during his weekly boxing session. Before long he finds himslef wanting to dance and showing a raw talent seldom seen by the class teacher. But Billy knows he must keep his participation a secret. His mother is dead and his father and brother are fiercely involved in a bitter miner's strike; they wouldn't understand his fascination with ballet. This is Billy's gritty, poignant struggle to realise his talent and find a differnet future. Подробнее





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