Marian Keyes

Brightest Star in the Sky
, 2012
Marian Keyes's inimitable blend of rollicking humor, effervescent prose, and captivating stories that deal with real-life issues have won readers around the globe. Reminiscent of the blockbuster movie Love, Actually, her new novel The Brightest Star in the Sky, features seven neighbors whose lives become entangled when a sassy and prescient spirit descends on 66 Star Street to radically transform at least one person's life in the Dublin town house. With the comic appeal of Nick Hornby's novels and delicious drama akin to Jane Green, The Brightest Star in the Sky will keep readers guessing, laughing, gasping, and in tears until the very last page. Подробнее
Mystery of Mercy Export Jacket
, 2013
Utterly compelling, moving and very funny, The Mystery of Mercy Close is unlike and novel your have ever read and Helen Walsh is the perfect heroine for our times. Подробнее
Under the Duvet
, 2002
'When people ask me what I do for a crust and I tell them that I'm a novelist, they immediately assume that my life is a non-stop carousel of limos, television appearances, hair-dos, devoted fans, stalkers and all the glitzy paraphernalia of being a public figure. It's time to set the record straight. I write alone, in a darkened bedroom, wearing my PJs, eating bananas, my laptop on a pillow in front of me ...' Her novels are read and adored by millions around the world — now read Marian Keyes' collected pieces: regular bulletins from the woman under the duvet. Подробнее
, 2008
Zwei Babys, eine merkwürdige Hochzeit und ein kleines Wunder auf dem turbulenten Weg zum Glück Wenn das Leben aus den Fugen gerät, hilft nur noch die chaotische Familie Walsh. In ihrem neuen Roman erzählt sie die urkomische und zugleich anrührende Geschichte von Anna Walsh, deren Familie den Lesern aus „Wassermelone“, „Rachel im Wunderland“ und „Auszeit für Engel“ bereits bestens bekannt ist. Anna hat einen schweren Schlag erlitten. Wird sie im Chaos von New York neues Glück finden? Anna, die vierte der Walsh-Töchter, lässt sich nach einem schlimmen Autounfall im Kreise ihrer liebenswert-verrückten Familie aufpäppeln. Erst als ihre Wunden so weit verheilt sind, kann sie sich langsam dem ganzen Ausmaß des Unglücks stellen: Ihr Mann Aidan ist bei dem Unfall umgekommen. Vorsichtig tastet sie sich in ihr früheres Leben in New York zurück – in einem anrührenden und zugleich doch urkomischen Parforceritt durch die Verrücktheiten des Alltags: Denn wie soll man in einer Séance Kontakt zum Verstorbenen aufnehmen, wenn nebenan die Laienbauchtanzgruppe und der Altdamengesangsverein proben? Wie soll man sich mit seiner besten Freundin austauschen, wenn diese sich gerade in einen Super-Macho verliebt? Wie mit der Schwester, wenn diese als Privatdetektivin ausgerechnet für Mr. Big arbeitet – den Dubliner Gangsterboss, der zutiefst darunter leidet, dass jeder ihn auf „Sex and the City“ anspricht? Und doch gelingt es Anna schließlich, nicht nur das Leben wiederzuentdecken, sondern sogar die Liebe ... Подробнее
Anybody Out There?
, 2007
Anna Walsh is officially a wreck. Physically broken and emotionally shattered, she lies on her parents' Dublin sofa with only one thing on her mind getting back to New York. New York means her best friends, The Most Fabulous Job In The World and above all, it means her husband, Aidan. But nothing in Anna's life is that simple anymore Not only is her return to Manhattan complicated by her physical and emotional scars but Aidan seems to have vanished. Is it time for Anna to move on Is it even possible for her to move on A motley group of misfits, an earth-shattering revelation, two births and one very weird wedding might help Anna find some answers and change her life forever. Подробнее
This Charming Man
, 2009
‘Everybody remembers where they were the day the heard that Paddy de Courcy was getting married’. But for four women in particular, the big news about the charismatic politician is momentous… Stylist Lola has every reason to be interested in who Paddy’s marrying because she’s his girlfriend, yet she definitely isn’t the bride-to-be… Journalist Grace wants the inside story on the de Courcy engagement and thinks Lola holds the key… While Graces sister Marnie still can’t forget her first love: a certain Paddy de Courcy. And what of the soon-to-be Mrs de Courcy? Alicia will do anything for her fiance and is determined to be the perfect wife. But does she know the real Paddy? Four very different women. One awfully charming man. And the dark secret that binds them all… Подробнее
The Brightest Star in the Sky
, 2009
At 66 Star Street in Dublin, someone is watching over the lives of the people living in its flats. But no one is aware of it — yet... One of them is ready to take the plunge and fall in love; another is torn between two very different lovers. For some, secrets will come to light, which for others will have tragic consequences. Подробнее
Lucy Sullivan is Getting Married
, 2009
What happens when a psychic tells Lucy that she'll be married within the year? Her flatmates panic! Lucy reassures her friends that she's far too busy arguing with her mother and taking care of her irresponsible father to get married. And then there's the small matter of not even having a boyfriend. But then Lucy meets gorgeous, unreliable Gus. Подробнее
, 2008
At twenty-nine, fun-loving, good-natured Claire has everything she ever wanted: a husband she adores, a great apartment, a good job. Then, on the day she gives birth to her first baby, James visits her in the recovery room to inform her that he's leaving her. Claire is left with a beautiful newborn daughter, a broken heart, and a body that she can hardly bear to look at in the mirror. So, in the absence of any better offers, Claire decides to go home to her family in Dublin. To her gorgeous man-eating sister Helen, her soap-watching mother, her bewildered father. And there, sheltered by the love of an (albeit quirky) family, she gets better. A lot better. In fact, so much better that when James slithers back into her life, he's in for a bit of a surprise. Подробнее
The Brightest Star in the Sky
, 2011
June the first, a bright summer's evening, a Monday... And into the busy, bustling homes at 66 Star Street slips, unseen, a mysterious visitor. As the couples, flatmates and repentant singletons of No 66 fall in and out of love, clutch at and drop secrets, laugh, cry and simply try to live, no one suspects the visitor patiently waiting in the wings. For soon, really very soon, everything is going to change... Подробнее





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