Losier Michael J.

The Law of Connection Have you every felt like partners or colleagues constantly misunderstand what you are saying to them? Do you and your partner go round in circles? This book shows you how to break the cycle and really connect with everyone in your life — at work, at home and with friends. You will learn how to enhance your communication style to really get what you want out of your relationships, so you can move on from tension to harmony. Подробнее
Law of Connection Married couples... dating couples... parents and children... teachers and students... office workers... management and staff... business to business... There is a simple solution to improving your communication and building better, healthier relationships. It's called Law of Connection. Make it work for you! Are there certain people you cannot seem to communicate with — at home, at work, or in your community? You say one thing, they hear something different. You simply do not understand one another, and you cannot explain why. The only thing you are certain of is that the lack of connection leads to disappointment, frustration, and conflict. Now in LAW OF CONNECTION, Michael J. Losier gives you the key to successful communication. Using the principles of Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), you will soon master the few simple skills needed to create better understanding with people in every aspect of your life. Подробнее





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