Krols Birgit

По следам родителей: знаменитые отцы и их дети (на английском языке)
, 2011
Simply being the son or daughter of someone famous does not guarantee success, and in order to step out of the shadow of your well-known dad, you need to muster up more than just good genes. Nevertheless, some celebrity fathers are so inspirational that they entice their brood to choose very similar career paths. This book celebrates the most famous father-son and father-daughter combinations in the world of sport, politics, entertainment, business, science, art and literature. Подробнее
Boulevard of Broken Hearts
, 2011
The world's most compelling love affairs don't end in happily ever after. They end tragically, and by doing so, achieve immortality, reminding us of the fact that even though lovers may die, love itself remains forever. Whether on film, in literature or in real life, there have been many enduring tales of love found and lost. Romeo and Juliet, Sid and Nancy, Heathcliff and Catherine, John and Yoko, Ennis Del Mar and Jack Twist — their names are etched in golden letters in the history of mankind, as their stories reinforce the belief that true love is worth sacrificing everything. Подробнее
Bimbos and Machos: A Photographic View of a 20th Century Phenomenon
, 2011
Bimbos and machos. A match made in heaven: both are twentieth century cultural phenomena that are unrivalled in their straightforwardness. With examples from tv, film, comics, games, literature, music and real life, this book attempts to explore the bimbo and macho universe and pay tribute to the greatest bimbos and machos of all time. Kelly Bundy, David Hasselhof, Lolo Ferrari, Poncherello, Britney Spears, Julio Iglesias, Sabrina... get ready to meet them as you have never seen them before! Подробнее
Extreme Venues
, 2011
How about an incentive in an igloo, a wedding in a submarine or a birthday party in the world's biggest toy store? From traditional to contemporary, intimate to large-scale — Extreme Venues sought and found the most unique, eccentric and unusual venues on earth. More than 40 radically original gathering locations from all over the world in words and images. Подробнее
Extreme Locations
, 2011
Imagine a world in which every location offers its very own, unique adventure: an unusual approach, a breathtaking decor, an experiential concept. Welcome to the realm of Extreme Locations, a stunning, 500-page illustrated book filled to the brim with the world's most amazing hotels, bizarre bars, eccentric restaurants and extreme venues. Подробнее
The Kiss
, 2011
The classic movie Casablanca was wrong about one thing — a kiss is never just a kiss! First kisses, stolen kisses, farewell kisses, motherly kisses, gay kisses, kisses of betrayal — each and every kiss has its own moment, its own reasons and its own players. This book showcases more than 150 of the most romantic, memorable and notorious kisses in films, television, literature, music, the arts and real life. From Rodin's statues in twisted embrace, to Romeo and Juliet's secret smooches, and from Madonna's controversial tongue twister with Britney Spears at the MTV Awards to Rachel and Ross's long-awaited first kiss in Friends — this book is sure to make every romantic swoon. Подробнее
Extreme hotels / Экстремальные отели
, 2011
Have you ever spent the night in a room that looks like a gigantic dog, or woken up in a tree-house? Extreme Hotels takes you on an unbelievable journey to the world's most bizarre hotels, holiday homes and bed and breakfasts, from a survival capsule and a church hotel to a Hobbit house and an underwater cottage, and on to an igloo village and a sewage-pipe hotel. Whether you use this book to plan your own unusual holiday, to wonder in amazement at the creativity the human mind is capable of, or to stimulate interesting conversations, with these varied forms of accommodation, success is assured! Подробнее





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