Juliana Foster

Moan About Men: A Joyful Guide to the Things Men Do That Drive Women Mad What is it about men that drives women to distraction? Could it be the way they flick to the footie results while you're trying to watch your favourite television programme? Is it their dogged inability to admit that they might — just might — be wrong? Or is it the infuriating way that they can meticulously order and maintain comprehensive record collections but can't quite find the time to rinse the sink after shaving? From unsightly splayed legs and headache-inducing snoring to the bathroom blight of poorly positioned pee and the horrors of man-flu, “Moan About Men” is a brilliantly funny take on all the things men do that make women weep with frustration — and also with mirth. In an amusing and all-encompassing rant, this is a chance to get it off your chest and dare to share in a life-affirming moan about men. Подробнее
The Girls' Book: How to Be the Best at Everything How to do almost anything in one handy little book! Want to be known for your unique style? Inside you'll learn how to design your own clothes (p. 35), do the perfect manicure (p. 82), or make your own lip gloss (p. 11). Feel like impressing your friends? Show them how you can make a crystal (p. 16), juggle one-handed (p. 33), or deal with a bully (p. 42). Bored and need something to do? Not anymore when you find out how to keep a secret diary (p. 88), make a scrapbook (p. 9), or put together a dance routine (p. 24). And tons of other neat-o things you need to know how to do! Подробнее





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