Joachim Martin

Amazing Auctions Auctions are a kind of business. People have something they want to sell and auction it to the person who offers the most. Regarding business: the domain has been auctioned for $7.5 million and therefore as the most expensive web address ever. But the real gems are, inconspicuously at first, among the totally normal auctions. Bizarre, funny, astonishing, unexpected, shocking-Not 'business as usual' but — just amazing! Подробнее
Cult Moments: Events Etched in Our Memories Special moments leave marks on world history. Picture Neil Armstrong's first step on the moon, the fall of the Berlin wall or the election of the first African-American president of the United States. Massive scandals find recurring attention throughout the years, groundbreaking achievements in science and glorious sport successes are kept in good memory. Подробнее





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