Dibdin Michael

Tod auf der Piazza Sonderermittler Aurelio Zen wird nach Bologna beordert, um den Mord an dem skrupellosen Industriellen und Eigentümer des ortsansässigen Fußballclubs, Lorenzo Curti, aufzuklären. Kurz nach Zens Ankunft wird auf den Semiotikprofessor Edgardo Ugo geschossen, und zwar mit derselben Waffe, mit der Curti getötet wurde. Was die beiden Fälle verbindet, bleibt zunächst völlig schleierhaft. Aber je länger Zen ermittelt, desto tiefer gerät er in ein Netz aus Korruption, gekränkten Eitelkeiten und Fanatismus. «Dibdin ist ein Genie, weil es ihm nicht nur gelingt, das italienische Leben in all seiner bunten Absurdität zu porträtieren, sondern weil er Kriminalromane schreibt, die sich wie von selbst lesen. Dibdin ist einfach eine Klasse für sich!» — The Mirror «Mit Aurelio Zen hat Michael Dibdin eine der literarisch fruchtbarsten Serienfiguren der neueren Kriminalliteratur geschaffen.» — Tobias Gohlis, Die Zeit «Zwei angloamerikanische Autoren prägen unser (Krimi-) Bild von Italien: Donna Leon das sanft-touristische, Michael Dibdin das schwarz-groteske.» — Die Zeit Подробнее
Thanksgiving Anthony is a British journalist whose American wife, Lucy, has suddenly died. Grieving and haunted, he becomes obsessed with her youth and the years he missed before he met her. To find out more, he travels to a remote part of the Nevada desert to meet Lucy's first husband. Their encounter is the beginning of a journey that takes him across the world, to the edge of madness, and into the corners of the human heart. It is a journey in which he is never at peace and never far from the woman he still loves. Подробнее
And Then You Die Aurelio Zen of Rome's elite Criminalpol is back, but nobody's supposed to know it. After months in hospital recovering from a bomb attack on his car, he is lying low under a false name at a beach resort on the Tuscan coast, waiting to testify in an imminent anti-Mafia trial. Zen has clear instructions: to sit back and enjoy the classic Italian beach holiday — relaxing in the sun, eating seafood and engaging in a little mild flirtation with the attractive woman sitting under the next umbrella. But Zen is getting restless, and as an alarming number of people are dropping dead around him, it seems just a matter of time before the Mafia manages to finish the job it bungled months before on a lonely Sicilian road. Abruptly, the pleasant monotony of beach life is cut short as Zen finds himself transported to a remote and strange world far from home... and wherever he goes, trouble follows. Подробнее
Back to Bologna When the corpse of the shady industrialist who owns the local football team is found both shot and stabbed with a Parmesan knife, Italian police inspector Aurelio Zen is called to Bologna to oversee the investigation. Recovering slowly from surgery, and fleeing an equally painful crisis in his personal life, Zen is only too happy to take on what at first appears to be a routine and relatively undemanding assignment. But soon a world-famous university professor is shot with the same gun, immediately after publicly humiliating Italy's leading celebrity television chef, and the case — intertwined with the fates of an earnest student of semiotics and a mysterious young immigrant who claims to be from Ruritania — spins out of control, and Zen is in no condition to rise to the challenge. There's also a wild card in the pack, Tony Speranza, Bologna's most flamboyant private detective. Back to Bologna is dazzlingly plotted, features a cast of vivid and idiosyncratic characters, and along the way delivers both comic and serious insights into the realities of modern Italy. Подробнее
Blood Rain In the seventh book of the acclaimed Aurelio Zen series, the Italian police detective finally receives the order he has been dreading all his professional life — his next posting is to Sicily. Indeed it soon turns out that he will need all his cunning and skill to survive in a milieu where unwritten rules are enforced with ruthless violence, one false step can prove fatal, and the truth must be paid for in blood. The gruesome discovery of an unidentified, decomposed corpse sealed in a railway wagon on a disused siding marks the beginning of Zen's most difficult and dangerous case. Set against the backdrop of the three thousand-year-old city of Catania, in the shadow of the smouldering volcano of Etna, Blood Rain reveals Aurelio Zen at his most desperate and driven. Подробнее
End Games Aurelio Zen is posted to remote Calabria, at the toe of the Italian boot. And beneath the surface of a tight-knit traditional community he discovers that violent forces are at work. There has been a brutal murder. Zen is determined to find a way to penetrate the code of silence and uncover the truth. But his mission is complicated by another secret which has drawn strangers from the other side of the world — a hunt for buried treasure launched by a single-minded player with millions to spend pursuing his bizarre and deadly obsession. Michael Dibdin has crafted another suspenseful, action-packed thriller full of unexpected twists and turns through the dark corners of the human heart. Подробнее
The Last Sherlock Holmes Story There can be no question that the contents of this book will prove extremely controversial. Many people will be deeply shocked by the nature of Watson's statement. Many will no doubt prefer to reject it rather than surrender the beliefs of a lifetime. Others will at least regret that two of the great mysteries of crime are finally solved... An extraordinary document comes to light which for fifty years had been held on deposit by the bankers of the deceased John Herbert Watson MD — better known as Dr Watson. The document, written by Dr Watson himself, opens in the East End of London in 1888. Three women have been savagely murdered by Jack the Ripper. To calm the public outcry, Scotland Yard approaches London's most eminent detective, Sherlock Holmes, and asks him to investigate the killer. Can Holmes solve the mystery of Jack the Ripper? And why has this story been suppressed for so long? As cunningly plotted as anything by Conan Doyle, The Last Sherlock Holmes Story is a thrilling addition to the Sherlock Holmes canon from another of Britain's best-loved crime writers. Подробнее





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