Coetzee J.M.

In the Heart of the Country
, 1997
A novel set in colonial South Africa, where a lonely sheepfarmer makes a bid for private salvation in the arms of a black concubine, while his daughter dreams of and executes a bloody revenge. From the author of DUSKLANDS and WAITING FOR THE BARBARIANS. Подробнее
Infancia Tiene diez años. Vive en Worcester, una pequeña localidad al norte de Ciudad del Cabo, con una madre a la que adora y detesta a la vez, un hermano menor y un padre por quien no siente respeto alguno. Lleva una doble vida: en el colegio es el alumno modélico, el primero de la clase. en casa, un pequeño déspota. Los secretos, los engaños y los miedos le atormentan. el amor por la granja familiar y por el veld, las desnudas mesetas sudafricanas, le arraigan a la tierra. J. M. Coetzee vuelca sus dotes de narrador sobrio, mesurado y elegante en este relato lleno de fuerza, en el que evoca su infancia a comienzos de los años cincuenta: escenas de una vida de provincias donde la inocencia en su estado más puro y la violencia soterrada forman parte tanto de la propia historia como de la de Sudáfrica. «A la calidad de su obra le sobra todo premio». CARLOS FUENTES Подробнее
, 2008
A divorced, middle-aged English professor finds himself increasingly unable to resist affairs with his female students. When discovered by the college authorities, he is expected to apologize and repent in an effort to save his job, but he refuses to become a scapegoat in what he sees as a show trial designed to reinforce a stringent political correctness. He preempts the authorities and leaves his job, and the city, to spend time with his grown-up lesbian daughter on her remote farm.Things between them are strained — there is much from the past they need to reconcile — and the situation becomes critical when they are the victims of a brutal and horrifying attack. In spectacularly powerful and lucid prose, Coetzee uses all his formidable skills to engage with a post-apartheid culture in unexpected and revealing ways. This examination into the sexual and political lawlines of modern South Africa as it tries desperately to start a fresh page in its history is chilling, uncompromising and unforgettable. Подробнее
, 2009
A brilliant new work of fiction from the Nobel Prize-winning author of Disgrace and Diary of a Bad Year. A young English biographer is researching a book about the late South African writer John Coetzee, focusing on Coetzee in his thirties, at a time when he was living in a rundown cottage in the Cape Town suburbs with his widowed father-a time, the biographer is convinced, when Coetzee was finding himself as a writer. Never having met the man himself, the biographer interviews five people who knew Coetzee well, including a married woman with whom he had an affair, his cousin Margot, and a Brazilian dancer whose daughter took English lessons with him. These accounts add up to an image of an awkward, reserved, and bookish young man who finds it hard to make meaningful connections with the people around him. Summertime is an inventive and inspired work of fiction that allows J.M. Coetzee to imagine his own life with a critical and unsparing eye, revealing painful moral struggles and attempts to come to grips with what it means to care for another human being. Incisive, elegant, and often surprisingly funny, Summertime is a compelling work by one of today's most esteemed writers. Подробнее
The Childhood Of Jesus
, 2014
After crossing oceans, a man and a boy arrive in a new land. Here they are each assigned a name and an age, and held in a camp in the desert while they learn Spanish, the language of their new country. As Simon and David they make their way to the relocation centre in the city of Novilla, where officialdom treats them politely but not necessarily helpfully. Simon finds a job in a grain wharf. The work is unfamiliar and backbreaking, but he soon warms to his stevedore comrades, who during breaks conduct philosophical dialogues on the dignity of labour, and generally take him to their hearts. Now he must set about his task of locating the boy's mother. Though like everyone else who arrives in this new country he seems to be washed clean of all traces of memory, he is convinced he will know her when he sees her. And indeed, while walking with the boy in the countryside Simon catches sight of a woman he is certain is the mother, and persuades her to assume the role. David's new mother comes to realise that he is an exceptional child, a bright, dreamy boy with highly unusual ideas about the world. But the school authorities detect a rebellious streak in him and insist he be sent to a special school far away. His mother refuses to yield him up, and it is Simon who must drive the car as the trio flees across the mountains. The Childhood of Jesus is a profound, beautiful and continually surprising novel from a very great writer. Подробнее
Der Meister von Petersburg
, 2002
Ein lebendiges literarisches Porträt Fjodor Dostojewskijs und zugleich ein eindrucksvoller Roman über die Suche nach den verlorenen Söhnen. J. M. Coetzee schildert die verzweiflungsvollen Bemühungen des russischen Dichters, den — von Coetzee fingierten — Tod seines Stiefsohns Pawel zu verwinden, mit großem Gespür für die seelische Zerrissenheit des Schriftstellers. Der Meister von Petersburg ist nicht zuletzt auch eine Dichtung über einen Dichter, die künstlerische Ausgestaltung eines komplexen Dostojewskij-Bildes, in dem sich Werk und Leben zu einer engverwobenen Textur verbinden. Ulrich M. Schmid, Neue Zürcher Zeitung. Подробнее





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