Cecily von Ziegesar

Gossip Girl 10: Comme si j'allais te mentir Bienvenue à New York, dans Flipper East Side, où mes amis et moi vivons dans d'immenses et fabuleux appartements, où nous fréquentons les écoles privées les plus sélectes. Nous ne sommes pas toujours des modèles d'amabilité, mais nous avons le physique et la classe, ça compense. Dieu merci, l'été est là, et nous attelons enfin à la dure tâche de nous la couler douce. Après un mois de juin actif passé en ville, juillet est arrivé avec son lot de réservations permanentes dans les meilleurs restaurants des Hamptons. Le Manhattan chaud et humide n'est pas loin, mais nous préférons flâner pieds nus dans nos bikinis Eres ou Missoni et dans nos sarongs Calypso en batik, ou conduire nos Mercedes CLK 500 platine décapotables sur Main Street dans East Hampton, à la recherche de la place de parking introuvable et des mecs en short de surf Billabong. Nous sommes les princes et les princesses de l'Upper East Side et, maintenant, nous régnons sur la plage. Si vous êtes l'un d'entre nous, c'est-à-dire l'un des heureux élus, je vous verrai sur l'Île. Manifestement, la saison bat déjà son plein, d'autant plus que certaines de nos fashionistas préférées ont décidé de nous honorer de leur présence. Подробнее
Gossip Girl 12: Le trio infernal Attention! Dans Gossip Girl, une promotion de lycéens peut en cacher une autre... Serena, Olivia et leurs amies ont quitté la très sélecte école de Constance Billard, dans l'Upper East Side. Direction l'université! Mais que les lectrices se rassurent, une nouvelle promotion attend déjà dans les couloirs, des filles toutes prêtes à attirer l'attention, toujours en alerte, de notre Gossip Girl et à lui fournir des anecdotes croustillantes, à la hauteur de nos attentes... Cette dernière a d'ailleurs repéré des sujets de choix, Peyton, Owen et Baby: les triplés Carlyle. Pendant que Peyton cherche à devenir la fille la plus populaire de Constance ce qui, soit dit en passant, ne semble pas du goût de tout le monde, sa soeur Baby est aux prises avec un terrible chagrin d'amour. Quant à Owen, il vit une relation amoureuse triangulaire avec Chloe et Rhys, qui n'a rien d'évidente non plus... Amatrices de potins, cela devrait vous intéresser! Подробнее
Gossip Girl 10: Would I Lie to You Enter the world of Gossip Girl – a world where espadrille sandals are flown in from Spain, crisp cotton sundresses are made to order, and jealousy and betrayal are the ultimate summer accessories... Serena and Blair are now co-muses to a super-famous designer, who just happens to live next door to Nate’s Hamptons estate... But how neighbourly are these new neighbours going to get? And what’s this about Vanessa venturing surfside? Who’s next, Dan? Never say never... Подробнее
Gossip Girl 9: Only in Your Dreams Welcome to New York City's Upper East Side, where Gossip Girl and her friends are the biggest stars ...whether or not the cameras are rolling. Lights, camera, scandal! Hollywood is invading New York and Serena is set for her big screen debut. She's already having an off-screen romance with her onscreen lover, Thaddeus. What will that mean for Hamptons-bound Nate? And if Nate is free, what about Blair? Sure, she's off to London to spend time with her royal boytoy, but Nate will always be Prince Charming in her eyes... Подробнее
Gossip Girl: Prequel: It Had to Be You ‘Welcome to New York City’s Upper East Side, where my friends and I all live in huge, fabulous apartments and go to exclusive single-sex private schools. We aren’t always the nicest people in the world, but we make up for it in looks and taste’. Enter the world of Gossip Girl and the exclusive Manhattan private school Constance Billard, inhabited by the city’s most fabulous crowd; a world of jealousy, betrayal and outrageous behaviour! There's a lot more to this story than anyone realises and you might find out just how the legendary Gossip Girl column began... Подробнее
Gossip Girl: The Carlyles: You Just Can't Get Enough The high-life can be oh so complicated...The Carlyle triplets are making their mark on the Upper East Side. But not everyone is pleased to hear they're staying: Jack Laurent, who lost her boyfriend to Baby, for one, and how long before Owen's new BFF discovers the real reason he got dumped? With the first benefit party of the year approaching everyone's attention is on who is going with whom. But who will they be going home with? New York may be a big city, but it's one small island... Подробнее
Gossip Girl: The Carlyles: Take A Chance On Me The third book in the deliciously scandalous «Gossip Girl: The Carlyles» series Owen, Avery and Baby Carlyle are really finding their feet on the Upper East Side. Owen's secret is out and he and Kelsey can live happily ever after. Can't they? Avery is set to take her place as Queen Bee now she has an internship at Metropolitan magazine. If she could just sort out her love life...And Baby has finally realised that J.P. is just too, well, 'perfect' for her — she wants someone a bit more interesting and surprising. Maybe she needs to look a little further a field...Gossip Girl will keep you informed of all the juicy details — even the ones they don't want you to know! Подробнее
Gossip Girl: The Carlyles: Love The One You're With The fourth book in the deliciously naughty «Gossip Girl: The Carlyles» series Serena, Nate and Blair kept us all entertained with their less than pure behaviour but Gossip Girl was the true star of the show and now she's back with all the juicy secrets about the scandalous behaviour of Manhattan new comers Owen, Avery and Baby Carlyle. The triplets may be from small town Nantucket but they're taking full advantage of the opportunities the big city has to offer... Подробнее
Lucky: An It Girl Novel 5 The bash at the Miller farm was the hottest party Jenny Humphrey had ever attended. Literally. But when Dean Marymount announces that someone is going to be held responsible, and expelled, for burning down the antique red barn the heat is really on. Tensions are rising, rumours are flying, and pretty soon everyone is a suspect. But was it Julian, Jenny's shaggy-haired new crush, whose engraved Tiffany lighter was found at the scene of the crime? Or could it have been Callie and Easy who were in the barn together when the blaze began? Tinsley knows she's also in the line of fire for organising the party, but luckily she's come up with a crafty way to stay out of trouble: by blaming Jenny. Подробнее
Tempted: An It Girl Novel 6 When Jenny Humphrey confessed to a crime she didn't commit — starting the Miller Farm fire — she thought her time was up at elite Waverly Academy. But her last-minute escape from expulsion made her the most talked-about girl in school. What nobody knows is who saved her. Now at the annual Halloween masquerade ball, Jenny has a plan to unveil her secret admirer. Callie Vernon knows who her Prince Charming is: Easy Walsh. But when he discovered she and Tinsley Carmichael tried to get Jenny kicked out, Easy dumped her on the spot. Now Callie is dressing up as Cinderella in hopes of winning back his heart. Can she convince him she's the one before the clock strikes midnight? Or will her heart shatter like a glass slipper? Подробнее
Infamous: An It Girl Novel 7 The seventh fabulous novel in the New York Times bestselling «It Girl» series Jenny Humphrey has survived the trial of the barn fire with only a few scratches, and has actually managed to make allies of the notorious Tinsley Carmichael and Callie Vernon in the process. Easy Walsh has been kicked out of Waverly once and for all, and Callie is struggling to keep it together in her love’s absence. But new friends Jenny and Tinsley have a plan to get her out of her funk: head to NYC over the Thanksgiving holiday for a little rest, relaxation, and pampering. And of course, a whole lot of trouble. But can the alliance between Jenny, Tinsley, and Callie last? They’re all beautiful, captivating, and a little crazy... and they all want to be Waverly’s It Girl. Подробнее
Adored: An It Girl Novel 8 The eighth book in the addictive IT GIRL series Jenny Humphrey's time at Waverly Academy has had its ups and downs — from making enemies of the most popular girl at school to stealing her room mate's boyfriend. But now everything has changed — Jenny, Tinsley, Callie and Brett have put their differences behind them to jointly rule over Waverly Academy — but how long can peace last? Подробнее
Devious: An It Girl Novel The ninth book in the New York Times bestselling It Girl series. Jenny Humphrey could have lost everything she'd worked so hard for when the reality show her adoring freshman fans were filming backfired on her in the most publicly humiliating way...but it meant she found out who her friends were — maybe Waverly is big enough for four It girls? Подробнее
Gossip Girl: I will Always Love You Nate, Dan, Chuck, Serena, and Blair are back from college for a holiday break in the city. Has college changed anyone? What kind of hookups and breakups were going on while our favorite BFFs were apart...and what will happen now that they’re together again in the city that never sleeps? Not to fear, Gossip Girl will be there to dish all. Подробнее
Classic: An It Girl Novel Starring Jenny Humphrey from the hit series GOSSIP GIRL. Подробнее
Gossip Girl 'Welcome to New York City's Upper East Side, where my friends and I live and go to school and play and sleep — sometimes with each other. We're smart, we've inherited classic good looks, and we know how to party. It's a luxe life, but someone's got to live it.' «The Gossip Girl» series is the ultimate in glamour and cool — set in New York's glamorous Upper East Side the narrative follows the thrills and spills (with Jimmy Choo shoes and shopping at Barneys mixed in along the way) of its richest and most beautiful teenage residents. Подробнее
Don't You Forget About Me 'Welcome to New York City's Upper East Side, where my friends and I all live in huge, fabulous apartments. We aren't always the nicest people in the world, but we make up for it in looks and taste.' «The Gossip Girl» series is the ultimate in glamour and cool. Set in New York's glamorous Upper East Side the narrative follows the thrills and spills of its richest and most beautiful teenage residents (with Jimmy Choo shoes and shopping at Barneys mixed in along the way). Подробнее
Gossip Girl: You Know You Love Me 'Welcome to New York City's Upper East Side, where my friends and I all live in huge, fabulous apartments and go to exclusive private schools. We aren't always the nicest people in the world, but we make up for it in looks and taste.' «The Gossip Girl» series is the ultimate in glamour and cool. Set in New York's glamorous Upper East Side, the narrative follows the thrills and spills of its richest and most beautiful teenage residents (with Jimmy Choo shoes and shopping at Barneys mixed in along the way). In this second novel, they are interviewing for college (Ivy League only, naturally). Подробнее
Nothing Can Keep Us Together It's almost graduation and the lives of New York's private high school elite are really heating up. Everyone's got into college and it's clearly time to party — not that they haven't been doing plenty of that already. This is the eighth book in this series. Подробнее





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