Cathy Kelly

Always and Forever
, 2008
The warm and engaging new novel from the bestselling author of BEST OF FRIENDS. Fairy godmothers do exist, even in the tranquil hills of Ireland… Once upon a time, in the beautiful town of Carrickwell, lived three women whose lives were mapped out: Ambitious Mel would have her career and her family; caring Daisy a child with the boyfriend who is everything to her; and hot-headed Cleo would finish her degree and step into the family hotel business. Until the landscape shifted and it all came tumbling down. But Carrickwell, nestled in the shadows of Mount Carraig, is an ancient, magical place. And when Leah, a woman with her own secret turmoil, opens the Clouds Hill spa, Mel, Daisy and Cleo are thrown together – and find the courage to discover what really matters to them, always and forever… Подробнее
Past Secrets
, 2008
The women of Summer Street have their fair share of secrets and soon learn that if you keep a secret too long it will creep out when you least expect it… The warm and moving new novel from the No. 1 Bestselling author of Always and Forever. Keep a secret too long and it will creep out when you least expect it… Behind the shining windows and rose-bedecked gardens of Summer Street, there are lots of secrets. There’s the one that hard-working single mother, Faye, hides from her teenage daughter, Amber. And there’s the one that thirty-year-old Maggie hides from herself. When fiery Amber decides to throw away her future for love, and when Maggie ends up back home looking after her sick mother, their secrets begin to bubble over. The only person on Summer Street who appears to know all the answers is their friend Christie. Wise and kind, she can see into other people’s hearts to solve their problems. Except that this time, the secrets she’s hidden from her beloved husband and grown up sons suddenly reappear. When the past comes alive for Maggie, Faye and Christie, they finally have to face it. Подробнее
Woman to Woman
, 1998
Best friends Jo Ryan and Aisling Moran have it all. As a fashion journalist with an Irish glossy magazine, Jo has a great career, independence and a drop-dead gorgeous boyfriend. Aisling is deliriously happy with her brilliant editor husband, two beautiful ten-year-old sons and a home she's rag-rolled and stencilled to within an inch of its life. But all that's about to change. One Friday morning, Aisling finds a receipt for expensive lingerie in her husband's suit pocket and Jo finds a blue line on her blue-for-positive pregnancy testing kit...By Friday night, it's all over — or has it only just begun. Подробнее
Once in a Lifetime
, 2010
Every woman needs her Cathy Kelly time...Kenny's Department Store, with its handsome Edwardian facade and unique cherry-picked goods, is the jewel in the Irish town of Ardagh's crown. Star Bluestone sells her beautifully crafted tapestries at Kenny's. Made with natural dyes, they embody her mother-earth spirit and creative vision. She has a special reason for caring about Kenny's beyond her sales. Meanwhile for Ingrid Fitzgerald, hotshot political interviewer and wife of David Kenny, the store is the 'other woman' in her marriage. With her children leaving home and her career blossoming, she is worried by the toll the store is taking on her husband. Charlie Fallon, one of David's staff, is one of the first to hear the rumour that Kenny's is facing with a takeover bid. As the threat of closure looms and with an owner who doesn't seem his usual self — what does the future hold for the women who are bound together by its fortunes? Подробнее
Lessons in Heartbreak
, 2010
Three Lives. Three Loves. Three Reasons to Let Go — the compelling new novel from the international No.1 bestselling author Izzie Silver left the small Irish town of Tamarin behind for New York. Life is good — until she breaks her own rules and falls for a married man. On the other side of the ocean, Izzie's aunt Anneliese discovers the pain of infidelity for herself. Then Lily, the wise and compassionate family matriarch, is taken ill. At her bedside back in Ireland, Izzie discovers a past her grandmother has never spoken of, while Anneliese feels despair mount. The one person she could have turned to is starting to slip away. The lessons each of the women learns — both past and present — bring joy and heartbreak. And the hardest lesson of all is learning to let go. Подробнее
The Perfect Holiday
, 2010
An exclusive short story for World Book Day from one of our bestselling authors Sometimes all we need is a relaxing holiday in the sun. For Anthony and Carole, a week in a lovely Greek hotel has helped them mend the cracks in their marriage. For widowed Jessica, it's the longest she's ever gone without visiting her beloved husband's grave. However when the flight doesn't go according to plan, they are each forced to face up to the very things they have been avoiding for so long. By the time they land, they have learnt important life lessons about themselves and each other which change them forever. Подробнее
, 2011
The warm and wonderful new novel from the natural heir to Maeve Binchy Eleanor Levine left Ireland seventy years ago with little more than a suitcase and her mother's handwritten recipe book. Now, a lifetime later, she's returning from New York with hard won wisdom and memories of her own. A renowned psychoanalyst, Eleanor knows there's one final journey she has to make! Lovely young actress Megan Bouchier didn't have to chase success — it arrived effortlessly. Fame was what she always wanted until a disastrous affair made her the wrong kind of headlines — now Megan needs a place to hide! Darkly beautiful Rae is a wonderful wife, a loyal friend and a dedicated community carer. From Titania's Tea Rooms she dispenses tea and sympathy to everyone — until a painful secret from her past threatens everything she holds dear. Big-hearted teacher Connie O'Callaghan has given up on love. She's cheerfully approaching forty and besides, why does no man ever match the heroes in her beloved romantic novels? As Eleanor re-reads her mother's comforting words and watches life unfold from her window in Dublin's pretty Golden Square, she slowly becomes drawn into the lives of Megan, Rae and Connie. But can treasured wisdom handed down from mother to daughter really be relevant today? And what are the ingredients for a life well lived? Подробнее





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