Brimson Dougie

Everywhere We Go: Behind the Matchday Madness This volume offers an insight into the behavior of the football thug. It features many first-hand accounts of incidents, from both perpetrators and victims, that make chilling reading. It builds up to provide a comprehensive look behind the matchday madness and explores other related issues. Подробнее
Barmy Army This text looks at why hooliganism continues to pose a major threat to the modern game, and reveals how football violence has evolved from the terrace conflict of the 1970s into the Internet-led designer combat of the millennium. Подробнее
Eurotrashed Hooliganism may often be deemed the English disease, yet increasingly some of the most violent supporters come not from the UK but from the continent. The banner Welcome to Hell that was waved at Manchester United fans when they visited Galatasaray a few yeas ago became horribly true when two Leeds supporters were murdered by Turkish fans in 2000. But this was only one example of the increasing tide of shocking behaviour that was taking place in Italy, Holland, Germany and elsewhere. Dougie Brimson charts the growth of this new trend and explains the reasons behind this wave of violence. He asks what UEFA and the authorities can do to solve the problems and presents some of his own solutions. Подробнее





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