Amis Martin

L'Etat De L'Angleterre
, 2008
Dans un bar enfumé à Londres, deux scénaristes s'escriment à peaufiner leur texte, tandis qu'à Hollywood les grosses machines du marketing éditorial s'affairent pour lancer sur le marché mondial le nouveau sonnet d'un poète anglais — un producteur songe même à en faire un remake! Comment faire bonne figure lors d'une course à pied dans l'école huppée de son fils, lorsqu'on est un petit malfrat récemment divorcé et toujours amoureux de sa femme, bisexuel et qu'on s'est fait tabasser la veille? Entre vision iconoclaste du milieu de l'édition et errements sexuels et sentimentaux de personnages pathétiques, Martin Amis dresse avec un comique décapant un portrait du monde anglo-saxon. Подробнее
House of Meetings
, 2008
There were conjugal visits in the slave camps of the USSR. Valiant women would travel continental distances, over weeks and months, in the hope of spending a night, with their particular enemy of the people, in the House of Meetings. The consequences of these liaisons were almost invariably tragic. «House of Meetings» is about one such liaison. It is a triangular romance: two brothers fall in love with the same girl, a nineteen-year-old Jewess, in Moscow, which is poised for pogrom in the gap between the war and the death of Stalin. Both brothers are arrested, and their rivalry slowly complicates itself over a decade in the slave camp above the Arctic Circle. As one brother, finally, writes to the other, 'You know what happened to us? It wasn't just a compendium of very bad experiences. That was general and standard-issue. That was off the rack. What I'm referring to is the destiny that is made to measure. Something was designed inside us, blending with what was already there. For each of us, in different ways and settings, the worst of all possible outcomes.' A short novel of great depth and richness, «House of Meetings» finds Martin Amis at the height of his powers, in new and remarkably fertile fictional territory. Подробнее
Yellow Dog
, 2013
When dream husband Xan Meo is vengefully assaulted in the garden of a London pub, he suffers head-injury, and personality-change. Like a spiritual convert, the familial paragon becomes an anti-husband, an anti-father. He submits to an alien moral system — one among many to be found in these pages. We are introduced to the inverted worlds of the yellow journalist, Clint Smoker; the high priest of hardmen, Joseph Andrews; the porno tycoon, Cora Susan; and Royce Traynor, the corpse in the hold of the stricken airliner, apparently determined, even in death, to bring down the plane that carries his spouse. Meanwhile, we explore the entanglements of Henry England: his incapacitated wife, Pamela; his Chinese mistress, He Zizhen; his fifteen-year-old daughter, Victoria, the victim of a filmed intrusion which rivets the world — because she is the future Queen of England, and her father, Henry IX, is its King. Подробнее
The Pregnant Widow
, 2013
Summer 1970 — a long, hot summer. In a castle in Italy, half a dozen young lives are afloat on the sea of change, trapped inside the history of the sexual revolution. The girls are acting like boys, and the boys are going on acting like boys, and Keith Nearing — twenty years old, a literature student all clogged up with the English novel — is struggling to twist feminism and the rise of women towards his own ends. The sexual revolution may have been a velvet revolution (in at least two senses), but it wasn't bloodless — and now, in the twenty-first century, the year 1970 finally catches up with Keith Nearing. The Pregnant Widow is a comedy of manners and a nightmare, brilliant, haunting and gloriously risque. It is the most eagerly anticipated novel of the year and Martin Amis at his fearless best. Подробнее
Lionel Asbo: State of England
, 2013
Lionel Asbo — a very violent but not very successful young criminal — is going about his morning duties in a London prison when he learns that he has just won GBP139,999,999.50 on the National Lottery. This is not necessarily good news for his ward and nephew, the orphaned Des Pepperdine, who still has reason to fear his uncle's implacable vengeance. Savage, funny, and mysteriously poignant, Lionel Asbo is a modern fairytale from one of the world's great writers. Подробнее
Koba The Dread
, 2002
»Koba the Dread» is the successor to Martin Amis's celebrated memoir, Experience. It is largely political (while remaining personal). It addresses itself to the central lacuna of twentieth-century thought: the indulgence of communism by intellectuals of the West. In between the personal beginning and the personal ending, Amis gives us perhaps the best one hundred pages ever written about Stalin: Koba the Dread, Iosif the Terrible. Stalin said that the death of one person was tragic, the death of a million a mere 'statistic'. «Koba the Dread», during whose course the author absorbs a particular, a familial death, is a rebuttal of Stalin's aphorism. Подробнее





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