Воронов В.К.

Парамагнитные комплексы в спектроскопии ЯМР высокого разрешения Монография посвящена методу исследования пространственного и электронного строения органических гетероатомных соединений, основанному на использовании спектров ядерного магнитного резонанса, измененных электронно-ядерным или сверхтонким взаимодействием. Рассмотрены основы явления ЯМР в парамагнитных системах, в том числе механизмы контактного и псевдоконтактного сверхтонкого взаимодействия, процессы релаксации ядерных спинов, а также математический аппарат теории, необходимый для анализа экспериментальных результатов. Описана методика записи спектров ЯМР-образцов, содержащих парамагнитные комплексы. На ряде азот- и кислородсодержащих соединений проиллюстрированы широкие возможности метода в изучении молекулярного строения. Книга представляет интерес для специалистов, применяющих метод ЯМР в своих исследованиях. Подробнее
Physics at the Turn of the Millennium: New Objects of Atomic and Nuclear Physics. Quantum Information
, 2010
This is the second volume of the series entitled «Physics at the Turn of the Millennium.» This book contains five chapters. The first chapter is devoted to modern concepts pertaining to the nature of fundamental interactions. The second chapter describes some novel objects of atomic physics that attract an ever-increasing attention of researchers due to a variety of physical properties and phenomena inherent in these objects. These are the exotic and Rydberg atoms, excimers, clusters, fullerenes, endohedral compounds, and carbon nanotubes. The third chapter describes a major success in the understanding of the structure and dynamics of nuclear matter achieved during the last fifty years. In the fourth chapter, new nonlinear optical effects whose origin depends on light intensity are discussed. The interpretation of these effects is frequently related to microscopic laws of the interaction of light at molecular and atomic levels. The fifth chapter deals with quantum information, a new direction in physics deriving from some ideas of quantum mechanics that have been neglected until recently. The book is intended for everyone who is interested in the problems of modern physics. Подробнее
Physics at the Turn of the Millennium: Physics of Self-Organizing and Ordered Systems
, 2010
This is the first volume of the series entitled «Physics at the Turn of the Millennium.» This book contains three chapters. The first chapter deals with the fundamentals of a new interdisciplinary scientific direction, physics of open systems, whose origin was associated with the work of outstanding researchers of the nineteenth century. Among them are physicist L. Boltzmann, mathematicians A. Poincar and A. Lyapunov, and biologist Ch. Darwin. The second chapter covers the physics of solids. This study is of a paramount importance because it allows obtaining information about the structure of matter in living and nonliving nature as well as about materials used in technologies. The third chapter analyzes the branch of physics related to new possibilities of large-scale application of semiconductors in diverse fields of science and technology. The book is intended for everyone who is interested in the problems of modern physics. Подробнее
Physics at the Turn of the Millennium: Physics of the Organic World: Novel Ideas
, 2010
This is the third volume of the series entitled «Physics at the Turn of the Millennium.» This book contains two chapters. The first chapter is devoted to the theoretical and experimental fundamentals of a new scientific direction that has formed at the boundary of several disciplines — the field of knowledge related to the structure and dynamics of molecules. In a broader context, it deals with the study of matter at the molecular level. In the long run, such investigations are aimed at elucidating the electronic and spatial structure of multielectron (molecular) systems as well as the nature of processes and phenomena proceeding with participation of these systems. In the second chapter, essential problems of the origin of life and thinking are discussed. The avenues to the solution of these problems are sought on the basis of advances of modern physics. The book is intended for everyone who is interested in the problems of modern physics. Подробнее





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