Pratchett Terry

Der Zeitdieb Die Revisoren der Realität wollen mit einer gläsernen Uhr die Zeit für immer anhalten, um eine endgültige Ordnung herzustellen. Da also den Bewohnern der Scheibenwelt ihr letztes Stündlein zu schlagen droht, entsenden die Geschichtsmönche den 900-jährigen Lu-Tze und seinen Gehilfen Lobsang zur Rettung des Universums nach Ankh-Morpork. Doch als sie eintreffen, wird die Uhr mittels eines Blitzschlags aktiviert. Das Leben erstarrt. Zum Glück können die beiden auf einen Vorrat an gespeicherter Zeit zurückgreifen. Sie sind entschlossen, das Rad der Geschichte zurückzudrehen... Подробнее
Wintersmith Tiffany Aching put one foot wrong, made one little mistake... And now the spirit of winter is in love with her. He gives her roses and icebergs, says it with avalanches and showers her with snowflakes — which is tough when you're 13, but also just a little bit... cool. And just because the Wintersmith wants to marry you is no excuse for neglecting your chores. So Tiffany must look after Miss Treason, who's 113 and has far too many eyes, learn the secret of Boffo, catch Horace the cheese, stop the gods from seeing her in the bath — 'Crivens!' Oh, yes, and be helped by the Nac Mac Feegles — whether she wants it or not. But if Tiffany doesn't work it all out, there will never be another springtime. Подробнее
Wyrd Sisters: Illustrated Screenplay When King Verence of Lancre is murdered by his cousin, his baby son is rescued by three witches. They are Granny Weatherwax, Nanny Ogg and the downtrodden Magrat Garlick. This illustrated edition of Terry Pratchett's Discworld novel, Wyrd Sisters ties in with the Channel 4 TV screenings. Подробнее
Thud! Koom Valley? That was where the trolls ambushed the dwarfs, or the dwarfs ambushed the trolls. It was far away. It was a long time ago. But if he doesn't solve the murder of just one dwarf, Commander Sam Vimes of Ankh-Morpork City Watch is going to see it fought again, right outside his office. With his beloved Watch crumbling around him and war-drums sounding, he must unravel every clue, outwit every assassin and brave any darkness to find the solution. And darkness is following him. Oh... and at six o'clock every day, without fail, with no excuses, he must go home to read 'Where's My Cow?', with all the right farmyard noises, to his little boy. There are some things you have to do. Подробнее
Nanny Ogg's Cookbook Nanny Ogg, one of Discworld's most famous witches, here passes on some of her huge collection of tasty and interesting recipes, since everyone else is doing it. In addition to such dishes as Nobby's Mum's Distressed Pudding, Mrs Ogg imparts her thoughts on such matters as life, death and courtship. A Discworld spin-off. Подробнее
The Discworld Almanac for the Common Year 2005 With witty illustrations from Paul Kidby, this is an artistically presented package guaranteed to tickle the funny bone of all Pratchett fans. Подробнее
Nation The sea has taken everything. Mau is the only one left after a giant wave sweeps his island village away. But when much is taken, something is returned, and somewhere in the jungle Daphne — a girl from the other side of the globe — is the sole survivor of a ship destroyed by the same wave. Together the two confront the aftermath of catastrophe. Drawn by the smoke of Mau and Daphne's sheltering fire, other refugees slowly arrive: children without parents, mothers without babies, husbands without wives — all of them hungry and all of them frightened. As Mau and Daphne struggle to keep the small band safe and fed, they defy ancestral spirits, challenge death himself, and uncover a long-hidden secret that literally turns the world upside down. Internationally revered storyteller Terry Pratchett presents a breathtaking adventure of survival and discovery, and of the courage required to forge new beliefs. Подробнее
Lords and Ladies Ever wonder what those magic circles of stones in the English countryside are for? They're to keep the elves out. Elves are nasty (besides being brutish and short). They're vicious. They love cruelty. Plus, to make things worse, elves have got It. Glamour. Style. Humans find elves absolutely irresistible. They actually think elves are cute! So when an infestation of Faerie Trash invades the Kingdom of Lancre, upsetting the Royal Wedding Plans (not to mention the Annual Morris Dance), the ordinary people of Lancre are helpless. It's up to the witches, led by Granny Weatherwax, to deal with the vicious little bastards. Which is all right with Granny. She thinks elves are cute, too. And that makes them even more fun to kill. Подробнее
Witches Abroad When Death takes her fairy godmother, Princess Emberella is left in the care of her other not-so-good-and-wise godmother. It's up to the three witches — Magrat Garlick, Granny Weatherwax, and Nanny Ogg — to hop on their broomsticks and make for far-distant Genua to ensure the servant girl «doesn't» marry the Prince. The 12th novel in the Discworld series. Подробнее
The Discworld Mapp By the author of The Streets of Ankh-Morpork and The Discworld Companion. This pack contains a detailed map, in colour, of the Discworld, plus a booklet with lots of wacky facts and figures. Подробнее
Snuff The new Discworld novel from the master features the popular Sam Vimes, Commander of the City Watch. According to the writer of the best-selling crime novel ever to have been published in the city of Ankh-Morpork, it is a truth universally acknowledged that a policeman taking a holiday would barely have had time to open his suitcase before he finds his first corpse. And Commander Sam Vimes of the Ankh-Morpork City Watch is on holiday in the pleasant and innocent countryside, but not for him a mere body in the wardrobe. There are many, many bodies and an ancient crime more terrible than murder. He is out of his jurisdiction, out of his depth, out of bacon sandwiches, and occasionally snookered and out of his mind, but never out of guile. Where there is a crime there must be a finding, there must be a chase and there must be a punishment. They say that in the end all sins are forgiven. But not quite all. Подробнее
The World of Poo From Snuff: 'Vimes' prompt arrival got a nod of approval from Sybil, who gingerly handed him a new book to read to Young Sam. Vimes looked at the cover. The title was The World of Poo. When his wife was out of eyeshot he carefully leafed through it. Well, okay, you had to accept that the world had moved on and these days fairy stories were probably not going to be about twinkly little things with wings. As he turned page after page, it dawned on him that whoever had written this book, they certainly knew what would make kids like Young Sam laugh until they were nearly sick. The bit about sailing down the river almost made him smile. But interspersed with the scatology was actually quite interesting stuff about septic tanks and dunnakin divers and gongfermors and how dog muck helped make the very best leather, and other things that you never thought you would need to know, but once heard somehow lodged in your mind'. Подробнее
Guards! Guards This is where the dragons went. They lie... not dead, not asleep, but... dormant. And although the space they occupy isn't like normal space, nevertheless they are packed in tightly. They could put you in mind of a can of sardines, if you thought sardines were huge and scaly. And presumably, somewhere, there's a key... Guards! Guards! is the eighth Discworld novel — and after this, dragons will never be the same again! Подробнее
Les annales du Disque-Monde Procrastination Pourquoi remettre ni lendemain ce que l'on peut faire le jour même? Le très très vieux moine Lou-Tsé et son apprenti Lobsang en savent quelque chose puisque c'est à eux qu'incombe la tâche de gérer le temps et de le distribuer au mieux, veillant ainsi au bon déroulement de l'Histoire. Jusqu'au jour où Jérémie, maître horloger d'Ankh-Morpok reçoit une mystérieuse commande pour construire une horloge de verre parfaite. Celle-ci pourra tout simplement arrêter le temps et mettre fin au Chaos. Ah, cela ne serait-il pas le rêve des Contrôleurs que le Disque-Monde insupporte par ses activités incessantes? Le temps est compté pour Lou-Tsé! Mais la Mort va s'en mêler, attirant dans son sillage les cinq Cavaliers de l'Apocalypse — oui, c'est une longue histoire... Подробнее
The Long Earth 2015: Madison, Wisconsin. Junior cop Sally Jansson is called out to the house of Willis Lynsey, a reclusive scientist, for an animal-cruelty complaint: the man was seen forcing a horse in through the door of his home. Inside there is no horse. But Sally finds a kind of home-made utility belt. She straps this on — and 'steps' sideways into an America covered with virgin forest. Willis came here with equipment and animals, meaning to explore and colonise. And when Sally gets back, she finds Willis has put the secret of the belt on the internet. The great migration has begun... The Long Earth: our Earth is but one of a chain of parallel worlds, lying side by side in a higher space of possibilities, each differing from its neighbours by a little (or a lot): an infinite landscape of infinite possibilities. And the further away you travel, the stranger the worlds get. The sun and moon always shine, the basic laws of physics are the same. However, the chance events which have shaped our particular version of Earth, such as the dinosaur-killer asteroid impact, might not have happened and things may well have turned out rather differently. But only our Earth hosts mankind... Подробнее
The Illustrated Eric Eric is the Discworld's only demonology hacker. The trouble is, he's not very good at it. All he wants is the usual three wishes: to be immortal, rule the world and have the most beautiful woman fall madly in love with him. The usual stuff. But what he gets is Rincewind, the Disc's most incompetent wizard, and Rincewind's Luggage (the world's most dangerous travel accessory) into the bargain. Terry Pratchett's hilarious take on the Faust legend stars many of the Discworld's most popular characters in an outrageous adventure that will leave Eric wishing once more — this time, quite fervently, that he'd never been born. Подробнее
The Compleat Ankh-Morpork There's a saying that all roads lead to Ankh-Morpork. And it's wrong. All roads lead away from Ankh-Morpork, but sometimes people just walk along the wrong way.' Ankh-Morpork! City of One Thousand Surprises (according to the famous publication by the Guild of Merchants). All human life is here! Although, if it walks down the wrong alley, often quite briefly! This is the city celebrated in Terry Pratchett's bestselling Discworld series as you've never seen it before. This is a stunning map and comprehensive street directory covering each and every district from Unseen University to the Shades, major landmarks like the Patrician's Palace to little-known, er, nooks like Dwarf Bread Museum in Whirligig Alley. See the notorious establishments and famous streets along which so many heroes have walked, in some cases quite hurriedly. As leading Ankh-Morpork entrepreneur CMOT Dibbler would say, A nip at any price — and that's cutting our own throat. Well, close. Подробнее
A Blink of the Screen In the four decades since his first book appeared in print, Terry Pratchett has become one of the world's best-selling and best-loved authors. Here for the first time are his short stories and other short form fiction collected into one volume. A Blink of the Screen charts the course of Pratchett's long writing career: from his school days through to his first writing job on the Bucks Free Press, and the origins of his debut novel, The Carpet People; and on again to the dizzy mastery of the phenomenally successful Discworld series. Here are characters both familiar and yet to be discovered; abandoned worlds and others still expanding; adventure, chickens, death, disco and, actually, some quite disturbing ideas about Christmas, all of it shot through with his inimitable brand of humour. With an introduction by Booker Prize-winning author A.S. Byatt, illustrations by the late Josh Kirby and drawings by the author himself, this is a book to treasure. Подробнее
I Shall Wear Midnight A man with no eyes. No eyes at all. Two tunnels in his head... It's not easy being a witch, and it's certainly not all whizzing about on broomsticks, but Tiffany Aching — teen witch — is doing her best. Until something evil wakes up, something that stirs up all the old stories about nasty old witches, so that just wearing a pointy hat suddenly seems a very bad idea. Worse still, this evil ghost from the past is hunting down one witch in particular. He's hunting for Tiffany. And he's found her... A fabulous Discworld title filled with witches and magic and told in the inimitable Terry Pratchett style, I Shall Wear Midnight is the fourth Discworld title to feature Tiffany and her tiny, fightin', boozin' pictsie friends, the Nac Mac Feegle (aka The Wee Free Men). Подробнее
Dodger A storm. Rain-lashed city streets. A flash of lightning. A scruffy lad sees a girl leap desperately from a horse-drawn carriage, in a vain attempt to escape her captors. Can the lad stand by and let her be caught again? Of course not, because he's... Dodger. Подробнее





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