O'Flanagan Sheila

Stand by Me When her husband vanishes, Dominique Delahaye could crumble — or she could start to enjoy a whole new life... An unputdownable read from the No. 1 bestselling author Dominique ('Domino') lives a charmed existence as wife to one of Ireland's most successful businesssmen, Brendan Delahaye — until the day Brendan disappears, leaving his company in disarray and Domino and their daughter alone to face the music. STAND BY ME is the story of Domino's recovery and her journey from obliging and dependent wife to a stronger and happier woman, with a new man ready to step into the gap left by her deserting husband. And that's when Brendan comes home, handsome and charismatic as ever, expecting life to carry on just as it was before... Подробнее
Better Together The fabulously addictive new novel from No. 1 bestselling author Sheila O'Flanagan. When high-flying journalist Sheridan Gray loses her job, her boyfriend and her flat, she knows she must pick herself up and make a new start. But how will she adjust to small-town living and local reporting? Meanwhile, home-loving Nina Fallon's life is shattered when the exploits of her actor husband become national news. Now she's avoiding friends as she runs Ardbawn's guesthouse on her own. When Sheridan moves into Ardbawn, she realises Nina holds the key to a story that will make her name as a reporter again. But as she gets closer to the truth, Sheridan risks jeopardising her relationship with the man she has come to love. Is she better off going it alone? Or is love the greatest prize of all? Подробнее





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