
Все домашние работы к учебнику и комплекту рабочих тетрадей «Немецкий язык: Первые шаги» Бим И. Л. 4 класс
, 2012
Решебник к учебнику и рабочим тетрадям «Немецкий язык. 4 класс. В двух частях», авторов И.Л. Бим, Л.И. Рыжова поможет учителям и родителям детей, обучающихся по данной программе. В издание включена большая часть заданий из учебника и рабочей тетради, благодаря чему возможно помочь ребенку с выполнением домашнего задания, проверить его знания. Издание будет интересно как учителям, так и родителям. Подробнее
Washington In Maps
, 2008
Standing among the most important cities of the world, and a planned city from its inception, Washington, District of Columbia, is abundantly documented. In Washington in Maps, Iris Miller delves into this historic documentation, into sometimes rare and often buried maps and letters and charts, and reveals to us a brilliant portrait of this ever-evoloving capital of a nation. Washington in Maps features, in full color, over 100 glorious maps, dating from the seventeenth century to the present, featuring the most splendid antique maps of Washington-to the extraordinary, otherworldly satellite imagery of today. Included are maps by Thomas Jefferson and Pierre Charles L'Enfant, the man upon whose design modern Washington now stands; a map of Captain John Smith from 1608; and maps by the Senate Park (McMillan) Commission, among many others. Maps detail both the current reality of a place, and, as well, offer imaginative renderings of future possibility, in the process often becoming something of extraordinary beauty in their own right. Washington in Maps charts a passionate course through this terrain and serves as a testament to the wonder, artistry, and intelligence that these maps manifest. Подробнее
Advanced Mathematics Statistics 3 and 4
, 2005
Revised to match the new 2005 specification in light of comments from teachers, Cambridge Advanced Mathematics for OCR has been updated and improved to meet schools’ latest requirements. Based on the current OCR series, this new edition has been carefully revised by experienced teachers and examiners to produce accessible material for the new specification. Combining both modules in one volume for economy and easy reference, Statistics 3 & 4 is designed and written specifically for the OCR 2005 Statistics 3 and Statistics 4 A2 modules. Clear, easy-to-use text revised for the new 2005 specification, in line with teachers’ comments Exercises and questions written by examiners include revision exercises and mock exam papers Supports all students — includes practical and computer-based activities, as well as clearly marked extension material for exceptional students. Подробнее





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