Margaret Simpson

Elizabeth I and Her Terrible Temper Everybody knows that Elizabeth I was called the Virgin Queen, that she had lots of admirers and refused to marry and that her army beat the Spanish Armada. But in this book readers can discover all the fascinating facts they didn't Liz liked to lock up her ladies for getting married and how her reputation was nearly ruined when her boyfriend's wife was found dead at the bottom of the stairs. It offers everything you could ever want to know about the woman with the big red wig. Подробнее
Mary Queen of Scots and Her Hopeless Husbands Mary Queen of Scots is dead famous for: having terrible taste in husbands, rotting away in Liz 1's prison and, totally losing her head — on the chopping block. But have you heard that Mary: was a six-foot stunner who had a charmed childhood, got kidnapped by a murderous lord — and married him, managed to give her executioner a fright or two? Even though she's dead, Mary's still full of surprises. Now you can get the inside story with Mary's secret diary, read all about it in The Scottish Herald, and discover some Prickly Thistle Facts about the Scottish Queen and her hopeless husbands. Подробнее
10 Best Arthurian Legends Ever The ten best Arthurian Legends are re-told ... with a modern twist. Readers can follow Arthur's sensational rise to fame in the Celtic Clarion and find out who proves to be the best in the quest for the Holy Grail. With fact files on knights and jousting, plus a who's who of Arthurian Legends this title is 100% Horrible! Подробнее
10 Best Irish Legends Ever In this title, ten of the best-known Irish Legends are retold... with a twist! Etain and Midir — gorgeous girl is pursued by hunky guy in a green tunic. The result is pure magic! Read all about it in Etain's secret diary... The Man with the Silver Arm — The Irish Messenger gives you the inside info on big battles, lost limbs and a boy with amazing powers... The Ballad of the Little Fawn — cool hero Finn chases a deer, finds a wife and fathers a son who becomes Irelands most brilliant bard... it'll be poetry to your ears! You've never read them like this before. Подробнее





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