James Ellroy

American Tabloid
, 2010
1958. America is about to emerge into a bright new age — an age that will last until the 1000 days of John F Kennedy's presidency. Three men move beneath the glossy surface of power, men allied to the makers and shakers of the era. Peter Bondurant — Howard Hughes' right-hand man, Jimmy Hoffa's hitman. Kemper Boyd — employed by J. Edgar Hoover to infiltrate the Kennedy clan. Ward Littell, a man seeking redemption in Bobby Kennedy's drive against organised crime. The festering discount of the age that burns brightly in these men's hearts will go into supernova as the Bay of Pigs ends in calamity, the Mob clamous for payback and the 1000 days ends in brutal quietus in 1963. Подробнее
L: A. Confidential
, 2005
This work is set during Christmas of 1951. Los Angeles is a city where the police are as corrupt as the criminals. Six prisoners are beaten senseless in their cells by cops crazed on alcohol. For the three L. A. P. D. detectives involved, it will expose the guilty secrets on which they have built their corrupt and violent careers. Подробнее





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