Simon & Schuster

The Duel: Pakistan on the Flight Path of American Power
, 2009
Pakistan stands on the front line of the war against terror. Yet this long-time ally of the West, whose links with the US have caused enormous friction within the country, is in deepening crisis. As President Pervez Musharraf struggles to cling to power through states of emergency, press curbs and imprisonment of his opponents, a range of forces threaten to destroy him and tip the country into a full-blown civil war. Drawing on extensive first-hand research and personal knowledge, Tariq Ali investigates both the causes and the consequences of Pakistan's rapid spiral into political chaos. Shedding new light on controversial questions (did the US greenlight the execution of President Zufikar Ali Bhutto in 1979? Is NATO negotiating to grant the Taliban a role in Afghanistan? Are those now jockeying for power any less corrupt than Musharraf's current cronies?) he examines the various disparate elements and each of the key individuals whose conflicts are tearing Pakistan apart. Подробнее
Shadow Prowler
, 2011
After centuries of calm, the Nameless One is stirring. An army is gathering: thousands of fellcreatures joining forces from across the Desolate Lands, united for the first time in history under one black banner. By the spring, or perhaps sooner, the Nameless One and his forces will be at the walls of Avendoom.Unless Shadow Harold, master thief, can stop them. Epic fantasy at its best, Shadow Prowler is the first in a trilogy that follows professional thief Shadow Harold on his quest for a long-lost artefact that will save the Kingdom of Siala. Bound by oath to fulfil his commission, even if he dies trying, Harold is accompanied on his quest by a mysterious elfin princess, ten Wild Hearts — the most dangerous fighters in the world — and the King's court jester (who may be more than he seems... or less). His journey will lead Harold towards a destiny greater and more perilous than he could imagine... Подробнее
The Sacred Stone 1067. In the desolate wastes of Greenland, a band of hunters stumble across a strangely-shaped stone which has fallen from the sky. At first, the mysterious 'sky-stone' seems to bring good luck. But the villagers are soon cursed with violence and murder as they fight to gain control of the precious object. Over the next six hundred years, the Sky-Stone will fall into the hands of crusading knights, a wicked manor-lord of Devon, a group of radical young kabalists, the dying King Henry III and a band of travelling players. But treachery, discord and violent death follow for all who seek to possess it. Подробнее
The Perks of Being a Wallflower A powerful and perceptive coming-of-age story, in the tradition of The Catcher in the Rye, from a talented young filmmaker, screenwriter and novelist. Подробнее
Olive Kitteridge: A Novel in Stories Olive Kitteridge might be described by some as a battle axe or as brilliantly pushy, by others as the kindest person they had ever met. Olive herself has always been certain that she is 100% correct about everything — although, lately, her certitude has been shaken. This indomitable character appears at the centre of these narratives that comprise Olive Kitteridge. In each of them, we watch Olive, a retired schoolteacher, as she struggles to make sense of the changes in her life and the lives of those around her — always with brutal honesty, if sometimes painfully. Olive will make you laugh, nod in recognition, as well as wince in pain or shed a tear or two. We meet her stoic husband, bound to her in a marriage both broken and strong, and her own son, tyrannised by Olive's overbearing sensitivities. The reader comes away, amazed by this author's ability to conjure this formidable heroine and her deep humanity that infiltrates every page. Подробнее
The Lady of the Rivers Number 1 bestselling author Philippa Gregory continues her series, «The Cousins War», with Jacquetta Woodville, mother of the White Queen. Jacquetta, daughter of the Count of Luxembourg and kinswoman to half the royalty of Europe, was married to the great Englishman John, Duke of Bedford, uncle to Henry VI. Widowed at the age of nineteen she took the extraordinary risk of marrying a gentleman of her household for love, and then carved out a life for herself as Queen Margaret of Anjou's close friend and a Lancaster supporter — until the day that her daughter Elizabeth Woodville fell in love and married the rival king Edward IV. Of all the little-known but important women of the period, her dramatic story is the most neglected. With her links to Melusina, and to the founder of the house of Luxembourg, together with her reputation for making magic, she is the most haunting of heroines. Подробнее
Good In Bed Cannie Shapiro never wanted to be famous. The smart, sharp, plus-sized reporter was perfectly happy writing about other people's lives for her local newspaper. And for the past twenty-eight years, things have been tripping along nicely for Cannie. Sure, her mother has come charging out of the closet, and her father has long since dropped out of her world. But she loves her job, her friends, her dog and her life. She loves her apartment and her commodious, quilt-lined bed. She has made a tenuous peace with her body and she even felt okay about ending her relationship with her boyfriend Bruce. But now this... 'Loving a larger woman is an act of courage in our world', Bruce has written in a national woman's magazine. And Cannie — who never knew that Bruce saw her as a larger woman, or thought that loving her was an act of courage — is plunged into misery, and the most amazing year of her life. Подробнее
Geisha of Gion: The True Story of Japan's Foremost Geisha 'I can identify the exact moment when things began to change. It was a cold winter afternoon. I had just turned three.' Emerging shyly from her hiding place, Mineko encounters Madam Oima, the formidable proprietress of a prolific geisha house in Gion. Madam Oima is mesmerized by the child's black hair and black eyes: she has found her successor. And so Mineko is gently, but firmly, prised away from her parents to embark on an extraordinary career, of which she will become the best. But even if you are exquisitely beautiful and the darling of the okiya, the life of a geisha is one of gruelling professional demands. And Mineko must first contend with her bitterly jealous sister who is determined to sabotage her success... Captivating and poignant, GEISHA OF GION tells of Mineko's ascendancy to fame and her ultimate decision to leave the profession she found so constricting. Подробнее
How to Dork Your Diary Nikki Maxwell has been writing in a diary since the start of the school year, and she usually takes it everywhere she goes, so she can't believe it when one morning she can't find her diary! The hunt is on, and while she looks, pursuing various theories about where it could be, Nikki can't help putting together a list of important diary-keeping lessons to remember in case of missing diary emergencies like this one. Overflowing with Nikki's trademark humour and art this special DIY edition of DORK DIARIES not only features a brand new story featuring all of your favourite characters from the series, but also includes tips from Nikki about keeping your own diary and space for readers to write and draw their own entries. Подробнее
The Crucifix Killer
, 2010
In a derelict cottage in L.A, a young woman is found savagely murdered. Naked, strung from two wooden posts, the skin has been ripped from her face — while she was still alive. On the nape of her neck is carved a strange double-cross: the signature of a psychopath known as the Crucifix Killer. But that's not possible. Because, two years ago, the Crucifix Killer was caught and executed. Could this be the work of a copycat? Or is Homicide Detective Robert Hunter forced to face the unthinkable? Is the real Crucifix Killer still out there, taunting Hunter with his inability to catch him? Robert Hunter and his rookie partner are about to enter a nightmare beyond imagining... Подробнее
Amy and Isabelle Isabelle Goodrow has been living in self-imposed exile with her daughter Amy for 15 years. Shamed by her past and her affair with Amy's father she has submerged herself in the routine of her dead-end job and her unrequited love for her boss. But when Amy, frustrated by her quiet and unemotional mother, embarks on an illicit affair with her maths teacher, the disgrace intensifies the shame Isabelle feels about her own past. Throughout one long, sweltering summer as the events of the small town ebb and flow around them Amy and Isabelle exist in silent conflict until a final act leads ultimately to the understanding they both crave. Подробнее
Portrait of an Artist, as an Old Man Novelist Eugene Pota is a cultural icon of the 20th century, struggling to write what will be the last novel of his career. But what to write about when, like so many noted authors before him, all of Pota's output since that first, landmark novel has been scrutinized, dissected — and found wanting? Подробнее
, 2009
Olivia is an absolute delight! A gorgeous little pig who likes to dress-up, sing songs, dance, think, snooze (sometimes!) and is even good at building sandcastles. Her days are filled with all the wonderful little things that make up a child's life and, at the end of them when she snuggles up in bed and her mother reads her a story (or three!), Olivia feels very full of love. Olivia is an absolute gem of a book — a modern classic. Подробнее
The Going to Bed Book No child likes going to bed and as every parent knows, their little treasures will try and delay it for as long as possible! Discover all the antics children get up to before going to bed, in this hilarious board book, written and illustrated in Boynton's own unique humourous style. The perfect way to read kids to sleep! Подробнее
The Edge of Madness The world is peering into the terrifying chasm of a new kind of conflict, where computers take over from missiles and global damnation comes at the click of a button. Cyber-warfare: the kind that brings nations to their knees, switching off energy lifelines, crippling the financial markets, starving leaders of authority. An old Russian nuclear reactor goes into Chernobyl-style meltdown, while on the other side of the world, the US Eastern Seabord is plunged into darkness. Nobody knows — yet — who is responsible for the chaos. Hidden from the rest of the world, an extraordinary meeting of the US President, the Russian President and the British Prime Minister is about to take place. They have the weekend to save the world — and they must do it alone. Meanwhile something serious is going on in Beijing: it looks as though the Chinese are preparing for the final thrust against their old enemies, bringing them to their knees without a single shot being fired... Подробнее
Al Pacino: The Authorized Biography Not only is Al Pacino known as 'one of the greatest actors in all of film history', he is also considered 'one of Hollywood's most notorious bachelors' ( as well as being one of the most enigmatic and private celebrities in the world. For the first time, AL PACINO offers a deeply personal and revealing window into everything from his growing up in the South Bronx, where he shared three rooms with nine people, to his fabled studies with Charles Laughton and Lee Strasberg, his father's absence, his mother's early death, and how he bounced through a series of odd jobs until his first paid role at the age of 26. He reveals his childhood dream of becoming a professional baseball player, describes his first drink at 13, and admits his once ate Valium like popcorn at the Academy Awards. Though he has been involved with women like Diane Keaton and Beverly D'Angelo, the mother of his three children, he has never married and here reveals why, and how his feelings have changed. Through it all, he has delivered some of the most seminal performances in film and theatre history and worked with most of its biggest stars. He was nominated for seven Academy Awards before winning Best Actor Oscar for Scent of a Woman. AL PACINO is an intensely personal look at a creative genius at the peak of his powers who, after all these years, still longs to learn more about his art. And for now, it's a close to a memoir as we are likely to get. Подробнее
, 2004
Olivia is a gorgeous little pig who likes to dress up, sing songs, dance, think, snooze and is even quite good at building sandcastles. At the end of the day, when she snuggles up in bed and her mother reads her a story (or three), Olivia feels very full of love. Подробнее
The Executioner
, 2011
Inside a Los Angeles church, on the altar steps, lies the blood-soaked, decapitated body of a priest. Carefully positioned, legs stretched out, arms crossed over the chest, the most horrifying thing of all is that the priest's head has been replaced by that of a dog. Later, the forensic team discover that, on the victim's chest, the figure 3 has been scrawled in blood. At first, Detective Robert Hunter believes that this is a ritualistic killing. But as more bodies surface, he is forced to reassess. All the victims died in the way they feared the most. Their worst nightmares have literally come true. But how could the killer have known? And what links these apparently random victims? Hunter finds himself on the trail of an elusive and sadistic killer, somone who apparently has the power to read his victims' minds. Someone who can sense what scares his victims the most. Someone who will stop at nothing to achieve his twisted aim. Подробнее
Thatcher's Britain Britain's first female prime minister remains a political figure of almost mythical proportions. Margaret Thatcher divided a political nation, became a cultural icon, and was the longest-serving prime minister of the twentieth century. Her period in government coincided with extraordinary changes in British society and in Britain's place in the world. Thatcher's Britain tells the story of Thatcherism for a generation with no personal memories of the 80s, as well as for those who want to revisit the polemics of their youth. It seeks to rescue Thatcher from being seen as John the Baptist for Tony Blair, stresses that Thatcherism was not a timeless phenomenon, but rooted in the 70s and 80s, and focuses our attention away from her legend, to what her government actually did during this tumultuous period in British history. Подробнее
Robert Redford A national symbol of romance since the 1970s, Redford's stardom has often eclipsed the life and trials of the man himself. In this biography — written with Redford's personal papers, journals, script notes, correspondence, and hundreds of hours of taped interviews — Michael Feeney Callan strips away the Hollywood facade, exposing the complicated, surprising man beneath. The life of Robert Redford is a series of contradictions: descended from impoverished East Coast barbers on his father's side and once-wealthy Texans on his mother's side, the young Redford suffered from aimlessness and semi-poverty, dropping out of college and briefly spending time in jail before launching a career in theatre. Redford has contributed more — and more widely — to entertainment than most stars of his calibre. As an actor, he's appeared on Broadway and film, with an Oscar-nominated performance in 1973's The Sting. As a director, he's earned Oscar nominations for Best Picture and Best Director and has received three Golden Globe nominations for Best Director. He won the Academy Award for Best Director in 1980 for Ordinary People. And as a producer of independent films — including the patronage of his Sundance Institute — he's worked on films including All the President's Men and 2004's The Motorcycle Diaries. This is a fascinating exploration of one of our most celebrated and least understood public figures, and an essential read for anyone interested in the rocky road to Hollywood. Подробнее





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