Landscape Architecture in Scandinavia

Жанр: Прочие
Texas Bookman
Количество страниц:
Дата загрузки:
19 февраля 2009
Just as modern Scandinavian architecture captivates with its elegance and high quality so too does its landscape architecture. During the last century Danish and Swedish landscape architecture was amongst the European avantgarde, and in more recent years, the development in Scandinavia along with Spain, the Netherlands and France has captured our interest once again. A new generation of designers has been responsible for creating landscape architectures which met with international praise making the individuals known beyond the borders of Scandinavia. Featuring examples from Topos which include the harbour area in Copenhagen, new squares in Bergen, the redesigning of the railway station area in Jordro/Haninge, and avalanche protection in Iceland, this volume provides an overview of Scandinavia's contribution to the design of new parks, squares and landscapes.


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