Orion Books

The Sigma Protocol Ben Hartman is on holiday in Switzerland when he meets a childhood friend — who promptly tries to kill him. In self-defence, Ben kills his attacker, but soon the body and all evidence of the confrontation have disappeared. Anna Navarro, a US government agent, is sent to look into a string of deaths around the world. The only thing the victims have in common is an old OSS file, codenamed SIGMA. But as soon as she starts to get somewhere, she is dragged off the case and declared rogue. Someone wants this secret kept, and not only the future of Hartman and Navarro is at stake, but that of the world... Подробнее
The Tristan Betrayal 1940. American Stephen Metcalfe is a minor asset in the US's secret intelligence forces in Europe. Through a wild twist of fate, he must instigate a bold plan that may be the only hope for what remains of the free world. Now he must travel to wartime Moscow to find, and possibly betray, a former lover... 1991. The Communist empire is on the verge of oblivion, and a coup is being planned by a powerful new cabal. Stephen Metcalfe, now a retired ambassador, must return to Moscow and finally reveal a secret that has haunted him since the fall of Berlin... a secret that might just avert a global cataclysm. Подробнее
The First Rule
, 2010
Frank Meyer had got out of ' the life' safely. He had put an end to his mercenary days, turned over a new leaf and settled down with his wife and children. It had been a hard decision but, encouraged by his boss and friend Joe Pike, he had walked away. Ten years later, a group of armed men break into his Los Angeles home and brutally gun down him and his family. It's a vicious, cold and professional job. The crew leave no trace behind except the bodies. But they have made one catastrophic, and almost certainly terminal, mistake — Joe Pike. Because Pike is now determined to hunt down and eliminate everyone involved in the attack, one by one. And it doesn't matter that, as he starts to investigate, he discovers that these criminals are bigger and better organised than he ever could have imagined, because they are about to learn the first rule... Don't make Joe Pike mad... Подробнее
The Matarese Countdown Twenty years ago, KGB and CIA agents worked together to bring down the Matarese Circle. Now they are back — and the only man with the power to stop them may already have run out of time... CIA officer Cameron Pryce is hot on the trail of the new Matarese alliance. His only chance to terminate its ruthless activities is to follow a trail of blood money and stone-cold killers right to the heart of its deadly conspiracy. Then he gets a lucky break. One of the Matarese victims lives long enough to whisper dying words that will blow the case wide open: the code name for legendary agent Brandon Scofield — the only man to infiltrate the Matarese circle, and survive. Подробнее
The Matlock Paper James Barbour Matlock is a Vietnam veteran and college professor — but now the US government have an assignment for him. They want him to investigate what seems to be a large-scale dope and prostitution business; and they'll go to any lengths to find the answers they need. Matlock is soon trapped in a maze of unrelenting terror, as the people he cares for most are under threat. Would he have accepted the job if he'd known just what it would mean? But the faceless men in Washington only care about one thing: that Matlock is the perfect man for the job — for a reason that is deadly, violent and extremely disturbing... Подробнее
The Chancellor Manuscript Inver Brass: a group of high-minded and high-placed intellectuals. They see a monstrous threat to the country in Hoover's unethical use of his scandal-ridden private files. And so they decide to do away with him — quietly, efficiently, with no hint of impropriety. Until bestselling thriller writer Peter Chancellor stumbles onto information that makes his previous books look like harmless fairy tales. Now Chancellor and Inver Brass are on a deadly collision course, spiralling across the globe in an ever-widening arc of violence and terror. They are hurtling towards a showdown that will rip Washington's intelligence community apart, leaving only one damning document to survive: The Chancellor Manuscript... Подробнее
Lady Gaga Stefani Joanne Angelina Germanotta, better know as Lady Gaga, is a born performer. Forget the fake, wannabee starlets who become famous overnight — Gaga earned her success the hard way, performing at every club in New York, getting booed offstage — and then finding herself — as a singer, a dancer, a performer — as an artist. She's shocked the public with her crazy outfits, individual sense of style and headstrong manner. This is one girl who says what she thinks, and doesn't care if you like it or not. She's sold millions of records, performed to millions of people and won hearts with her brashness and honesty. And now, she's just trying to change the world — one sequin at a time. This is the incredible story of the artist that is Lady Gaga. Подробнее
One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich This brutal, shattering glimpse of the fate of millions of Russians under Stalin shook Russia and shocked the world when it first appeared. Following a typical day in a labour camp, as experienced by prisoner Ivan Denisovich Shukhov, we are taken on a harrowing journey into a world where survival is all. We discover the importance of a piece of bread or an extra bowl of soup, the incredible luxury of a book and the ingenious possibilities of a nail, a piece of string or a single match. Through Denisovich's suffering we experience incarceration, brutality, hard labour and freezing cold — and participate in the struggle of men to survive both the terrible rigours of nature and the inhumanity of the system that defines their conditions of life. Подробнее
The Drawing of the Dark
, 2002
When Brian Duffy, an ageing soldier of fortune, is recruited in Venice by a strange old man to work as a bouncer in Vienna at an inn where the fabulous Herzwesten beer is brewed, everything seems straightforward. But his journey is far from it. Pursued and attacked from all sides, guarded and guided by creatures of myth, Duffy is no sooner in Vienna than the city is besieged by the turkish armies if Suleiman. And it becomes apparent that Duffy's presence is no accident and that it is up to him to preserve the West until the drawing of the dark... Подробнее
Time's Eye: A Time Odyssey Book One 1885, the North West Frontier. Rudyard Kipling is witness to a bizarre encounter between the British army and what appears to be an impossibly advanced piece of Russian technology. And then to a terrifying intervention by a helicopter from 2037. Before the full impact of this extraordinary event has even begun to sink in, Kipling, his friends and the helicopter crew stumble across Alexander the Great's army. Mankind's time odyssey has begun. It is a journey that will see Alexander avoid his premature death and carve out an Empire that expands from Carthage to China, beating the time-slipped army of Ghenghis Khan in a battle outside the ruins of Babylon in the process. And it will present mankind with two devastating truths. Aliens are amongst us and have been manipulating our past and our future. And that future extends only as far as 2037, for that is the date Earth will be destroyed. This is SF that spans countless centuries and carries cutting edge ideas on time travel and alien intervention. It shows two of the genre's masters at their groundbreaking best. Подробнее
The Wyrdest Link: A Terry Pratchett Discworld Quizbook First came THE UNSEEN UNIVERSITY CHALLENGE, the Discworld Quizbook that left a trail of exploded minds from London to Ankh-Morpork. Now THE WYRDEST LINK takes trivia to strange new heights, with hundreds more Discworld posers, questions iin the merciless tradition of the Star Chamber, the Spanish Inquisition and Anne Robinson... So is it a good thing or a bad thing to be THE WYRDEST LINK? Подробнее
The Prestige Two 19th century stage illusionists, the aristocratic Rupert Angier and the working-class Alfred Borden, engage in a bitter and deadly feud; the effects are still being felt by their respective families a hundred years later. Working in the gaslight-and-velvet world of Victorian music halls, they prowl edgily in the background of each other's shadowy life, driven to the extremes by a deadly combination of obsessive secrecy and insatiable curiosity. At the heart of the row is an amazing illusion they both perform during their stage acts. The secret of the magic is simple, and the reader is in on it almost from the start, but to the antagonists the real mystery lies deeper. Both have something more to hide than the mere workings of a trick. Подробнее
, 2009
A million years from now, the galaxy is divided between the vast, cooperative meta-civilisation known as the Amalgam, and the silent occupiers of the galactic core known as the Aloof. The Aloof have long rejected all attempts by the Amalgam to enter their territory, but have permitted travellers to take a perilous ride as unencrypted data in their communications network, providing a short-cut across the galaxy's central bulge. When Rakesh encounters a traveller, Lahl, who claims she was woken by the Aloof on such a journey and shown a meteor full of traces of DNA, he accepts her challenge to try to find the uncharted world deep in the Aloof's territory from which the meteor originated. Roi and Zak live inside the Splinter, a world of rock that swims in a sea of light they call the Incandescence. Living on the margins of a rigidly prganised society, they seek to decipher the subtle clues that can reveal the true nature of the Splinter. In fact, the Splinter is orbiting a black hole, which is about to capture a neighbouring star, wreaking havoc. As the signs of danger grow, Roi, Zak, and a growing band of recruits struggle to understand and take control of their fate.Meanwhile, Rakesh is gradually uncovering their remote history, and his search for the lost DNA world ultimately leads him to a civilisation trapped in cultural stagnation, and startling revelations about the true nature and motives of the Aloof. Подробнее
Inverted World A uniquely powerful novel of a society in decay. On a planet whose very nature is a mystery a massive decrepit city is pulled along a massive railway track, laying the line down before it as it prgresses into the wilderness. The society within toils under an opressive regime, its structures always on the point of collapse, the lives of its individuals lived in misery. No one knows where they are going, why they are going or what they will find when they get there. The ending of the novel provides one of the most profound twists in SF. Подробнее
Fevre Dream Abner Marsh has had his dearest wish come true — he has built the Fevre Dream, the finest steamship ever to sail the Mississippi. Abner hopes to race the boat some day, but his partner is making it hard for him to realise his ambition. Joshua York put up the money for the Fevre Dream, but now rumours have started about the company he keeps, his odd eating habits and strange hours. As the Dream sails the great river, it leaves in its wake one too many dark tales, until Abner is forced to face down the man who helped to make his dreams become reality. Подробнее
Ilium: Totally Space Opera
, 2009
Taking the events and characters of the Iliad as his jumping — off point, Dan Simmons has created an epic of time travel and savage warfare. Travellers from 40,000 years in the future return to Homer's Greece and rewrite history forever, their technology impacting on the population in a godlike fashion. This is broad scope space opera rich in classical and literary allusion, from one of the key figures in 1990s world SF. Ilium marks a return to the genre for one of its greats. Подробнее
Firstborn With this epic tale of altered histories and different earths, a universe where Alexander's empire prompted a different past, a world where strange alien 'eyes' gaze upon a fractured reality, a time when man is looking to colonise the red planet Arthur C. Clarke and Stephen Baxter scale new heights of ambition and sheer story telling brio. This is classic SF adventure from two of the biggest names in the genre. A heady combination of high concept SF, big engineering projects and human drama. Подробнее
Yellow Blue Tibia
, 2010
Russia, 1946, the Nazis recently defeated. Stalin gathers half a dozen of the top Soviet science fiction authors in a dacha in the countryside somewhere. Convinced that the defeat of America is only a few years away, and equally convinced that the Soviet Union needs a massive external threat to hold it together, to give it purpose and direction, he tells the writers: 'I want you to concoct a story about aliens poised to invade earth... I want it to be massively detailed, and completely believable. If you need props and evidence to back it up, then we can create them. But when America is defeated, your story must be so convincing that the whole population of Soviet Russia believes in it — the population of the whole world!' The little group of writers gets down to the task and spends months working on it. But then new orders come from Moscow: they are told to drop the project; Stalin has changed his mind; forget everything about it. So they do. They get on with their lives in their various ways; some of them survive the remainder of Stalin's rule, the changes of the 50s and 60s.And then, in the aftermath of Chernobyl, the survivors gather again, because something strange has started to happen. The story they invented in 1946 is starting to come true... A typically mind-blowing SF novel from one of the genre's literary stars. Подробнее
From Dead to Worse: A True Blood Novel The supernatural community in Bon Temps, Louisiana is reeling from two hard blows: the natural disaster of Hurricane Katrina, and the manmade horror of the explosion at the vampire summit in the up-north city of Rhodes. Sookie Stackhouse is safe but dazed, and she's yearning for things to get back to normal. But that's just not happening. Too many vampires — some friends, some not — were killed or injured, and her were-tiger boyfriend Quinn is among the missing. It's clear that things are changing, whether the weres and vamps like it or not. And Sookie, Friend to the Pack, blood-bonded to the leader of the local vampire community, is caught up in those changes. She's about to find herself facing danger and death and, not for the first time, betrayal by someone she loves. And when the fur has finished flying and the cold blood has stopped flowing, Sookie's world will be forever altered... Подробнее
The Cold Kiss of Death All Genny wants is to live the quiet life and to do her job at Spellcrackers.com but there's her tangled personal life to sort out first. She's being haunted by ghosts who want her help. Her witch neighbours want her evicted. Genny's sort-of-Ex — and now her new boss — can't decide whether he wants their relationship to be business or pleasure now he knows all her darkest secrets. And then there's the queue of vampires all wanting her to paint the town red — how long will it be before they stop taking 'no' for an answer and Genny's life becomes even more complicated? But when one of her human friends is murdered by sidhe magic, Genny is determined to find the killer. Her efforts to find the real murderer lead her to some of the most dangerous and seductive fae — but her search is hindered by the vampires, who have their own political agenda. Then when all the evidence points to Genny — she's the only sidhe fae in London — and she's named the main suspect; it's not long before she's on the run — and not just from the police — but from some of London's most powerful supernaturals. Подробнее





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