Little, Brown and Company

The General's Daughter Her murder was just the beginning. She was an army captain and the daughter of legendary General 'Fighting Joe' Campbell, when her body was found — naked and bound — on the firing range of Fort Hadley. This political powder keg of a case goes directly to elite army investigator Paul Brenner and rape specialist Cynthia Sunhill — and explodes. Behind the military code of honour, Brenner and Sunhill uncover trails of corruption — all leading to the golden girl's shocking secret life. Подробнее
The Charm School Deep in the heart of Russia, a group of casually dressed young men are learning a different kind of lesson. The undergraduates sprawled around a game board aren't chilling out on campus: the young KGB agents attending the Charm School are brushing up on their American. When a young tourist goes to the aid of a stranger on a dark Russian road, he is astonished to find a fellow American on the run. The man has been missing for over a decade, plucked from the jungles of Vietnam to become an unwilling tutor at the institution. Now his former students are poised to strike at the heart of America. Подробнее
Word of Honour Ben Tyson is a good man, a brilliant corporate executive, an honest handsome family man, admired by men and desired by women. But sixteen years ago Ben Tyson was a lieutenant in Vietnam. There, in 1968, the men under his command committed a murderous atrocity — and together swore never to tell the world what they had done. Now the press, army justice and the events he tried to forget have caught up with Ben Tyson. His family, his career and his personal sense of honour hang in the balance. Подробнее
By the Rivers of Babylon They were forced to meet by the rivers of Babylon...In Israel, two Concorde jets take off for a UN conference that will finally bring peace to the Middle East. Covered by F-14 fighters, accompanied by security men, the planes carry warriors, pacifists, lovers, enemies, dignatories — and a bomb planted by a terrorist mastermind. Suddenly they're forced to crash-land at an ancient desert site. Here, with only a handful of weapons, the men and women of the peace mission must make a desperate stand against an army of crack Palestinian commandos — while the Israeli authorities desperately attempt a rescue bid. A story of compulsive excitement, rich in personal drama and political tension that must rank as one of the greatest of our times. Подробнее
The Talbot Odyssey For forty years Western intelligence agents have known a terrible secret: the Russians have a mole — code-named Talbot — inside the CIA. At first Talbot is suspected of killing European agents. Then a street-smart ex-cop uncovers a storm of espionage and murder on the streets of New York, while in a Long Island suburb a civic demonstration against the Russian mission masks a desperate duel of nerves and wits. Engineered by Talbot, a shadow world of suspicion and deceit is spilling onto the streets — leading to a new Soviet weapon and a first-strike war plan threatening the foundations of American government. For the U.S., time is running out. For Talbot, the time is now... Подробнее
The Queen of the Damned
, 2008
After 6,000 years of horrifying stillness, Akash, mother of all vampires and Queen of the Damned, has risen from her sleep to let loose the powers of the night. But her monstrous plan for ruling the worlds of the living and the undead must be stopped before she destroys mankind, and it falls to the evil vampire Lestat to fight her all-encompassing evil — for it is he who challenged her power by waking her from sleep. Подробнее
Season of Passion Can love conquer all? Kate and Tom are the original star-crossed lovers. Kate is a beautiful model; Tom a successful football star at the peak of his career. It seems as though nothing can come between them. Together, they are invincible. But when tragedy strikes and Tom is left a broken man, Kate finds herself frightened and alone. She must face her greatest fear: will she ever love again? Подробнее
Nights in Rodanthe A love affair pushed to the brink ... Adrienne Willis must rethink her entire life when her husband abandons her for another woman. She flees to the small coastal town of Rodanthe, North Carolina, to look after a friend's guesthouse for the weekend. But when a major storm moves in, she is stranded. Until a guest arrives — Paul Flanner, who has just sold his medical practice and arrived in Rodanthe to escape his own shattered past. Now, with the storm closing in, two wounded people will turn to each other for comfort — and in one weekend, set in motion feelings that will resonate throughout the rest of their lives. Подробнее
Changes To dare to love... Heart surgeon Dr Peter Hallam was trained to fight time, to conquer odds beyond hope. He had saved the lives of countless strangers, only to see his own wife die tragically beyond the reach of his healing hands. Months later the deep wound of loss had begun to heal as he learned to live without love. Melanie Adams, television newscaster, lived for her work and her children: nothing else mattered. On screen she was the ultimate professional, covering the biggest stories and meeting the hardest deadlines, but she was lonely inside. After heartbreak and desertion she had made her way to the top alone. And she, like Peter, had learned to live without love. But one day, for Peter and Melanie, everything changes. Подробнее
Going Home The pledged themselves for ever... For Gillian and Chris their happiness seemed complete. Handsome, dynamic, with a wild past behind him and a golden future ahead, Chris was everything Gillian wanted — and more. Until a moment’s infidelity broke the bond they shared and sent Gillian running to the city of her birth. And into the arms of another man. She thought she’d said goodbye to love. But her heart told her that she should never despair, for forever is never over. Подробнее
In Your Dreams
, 2005
Ever been offered a promotion that seems too good to be true? You know — the sort they’d be insane to be offering to someone like you. The kind where you snap their arm off to accept, then wonder why all your long-serving colleagues look secretly relieved, as if they’re off some strange and unpleasant hook … It’s the kind of trick that deeply sinister companies like J.W. Wells & Co. pull all the time. Especially with employees who are too busy mooning over the office intern to think about what they’re getting into. And it’s why, right about now, Paul Carpenter is wishing he’d paid much less attention to the gorgeous Melze, and rather more to a little bit of job description small-print referring to ‘pest’ control … Подробнее
Earth, Air, Fire and Custard
, 2006
J.W. Wells seemed to be a respectable establishment, but the company now paying Paul Carpenter's salary is in fact a deeply sinister organisation with a mighty peculiar management team. Paul thought he was getting the hang of it (particularly when he fell head over heels for his strangely alluring colleague Sophie), but death is never far away when you work at J.W. Wells. Unlike the stapler — that's always going awol. Our lovestruck hero is about to discover that custard is definitely in the eye of the beholder. And that it really stings. Tom Holt's exceedingly comic fantasies are populated with evil goblins, annoying sprites and people like us. However, it's not always possible to tell the difference. Подробнее
Practical Demonkeeping In Christopher Moore's ingenious debut novel, we meet one of the most memorably mismatched pairs in the annals of literature. The good-looking one is one-hundred-year-old ex-seminarian and 'roads' scholar Travis O'Hearn. The green one is Catch, a demon with a nasty habit of eating most of the people he meets. Behind the fake Tudor facade of Pine Cove, California, Catch sees a four-star buffet. Travis, on the other hand, thinks he sees a way of ridding himself of his toothy travelling companion. The winos, neo-pagans, and deadbeat Lotharios of Pine Cove, meanwhile, have other ideas. And none of them is quite prepared when all hell breaks loose. Подробнее
A Dirty Job Charlie Asher is a pretty normal guy. A little hapless, somewhat neurotic, more of a Beta than an Alpha Male. Charlie's been lucky, though. He owns a building in the heart of San Francisco, and runs a second-hand store with the help of a couple of loyal, if marginally insane, employees. He's married to a bright and pretty woman who actually loves him for his normality. And she, Rachel, is about to have their first child. But normal service is about to be interrupted. As Charlie prepares to go home after the birth, he sees a strange man dressed in mint-green at Rachel's hospital bedside — a man who claims that no one should be able to see him. But see him Charlie does, and from here on out, things get really weird... People start dropping dead around him, giant ravens perch on his building, and it seems that everywhere he goes, a dark presence whispers to him from under the streets. Strange names start appearing on his nightstand notepad, and before he knows it, those people end up dead, too. Yep, it seems that Charlie Asher has been recruited for a new job, an unpleasant but utterly necessary one: Death. It's a dirty job. But hey, somebody's gotta do it. Подробнее
Bitten to Death Jaz Parks, assassin and black ops agent, is plunged head-first into her latest mission — a confrontation between her ancient vampire boss Vayl, and his previous undead allies. The CIA is hunting arch-criminal Samon, and needs Vayl’s ex-friends for information. But the team will have to wade through knotty vampire politics, a were-on-were blood-fest and some nasty (oh, and blood smeared…) visions to get to it. Luckily Jaz’s highly trained killing-machine brother is on the job. Unluckily, he has reached the end of his carefully hoarded sanity, and the mission targets suddenly don’t seem quite so realistic. The last thing Jaz wants is to end up on the dead side of the balance sheet … Подробнее
One More Bite I’ve already smoked the guy who was the pain in the CIA’s you-know-what for the past few years. But now, in the power vacuum left by the death of Edward ‘The Raptor’ Samos, a struggle for supremacy has begun between his former allies. The CIA feels the balance must be maintained. So when a Valencian Were agent discovers a plot to assassinate the Coven of Inverness’ leader, me and my vampire hottie (and boss), are drafted in. Our mission — to take out the woman hired to do the deed, a killer who might be as wily and Gifted as ourselves. So it’s off to the Scottish Highlands for some twisted fun among murderers, demons and half-crazed relatives. Sometimes being a top-secret CIA assassin isn’t all it’s cracked up to be. Подробнее
Bloodsucking Fiends Jody never asked to become a vampire. But when she wakes up under an alley Dumpster with a badly burned arm, an aching neck, superhuman strength, and a distinctly Nosferatuan thirst, she realises the decision has been made for her. Making the transition from the nine-to-five grind to an eternity of nocturnal prowlings is going to take some doing, however, and that's where C. Thomas Flood fits in. A would-be Kerouac from Incontinence, Indiana, Tommy (to his friends) is biding his time night-clerking and frozen turkey bowling in a San Francisco Safeway. But all that changes when a beautiful, undead redhead walks through the door ...and proceeds to rock Tommy's life — and afterlife — in ways he never imagined possible. Подробнее
Castle Dor Both a spellbinding love story and a superb evocation of Cornwall's mythic past, Castle Dor is a book with unique and fascinating origins. It began life as the unfinished last novel of Sir Arthur Quiller — Couch, the celebrated 'Q', and was passed by his daughter to Daphne du Maurier whose storytelling skills were perfectly suited to the task of completing the old master's tale. The result is this magical, compelling recreation of the legend of Tristan and Iseult, transplanted in time to the Cornwall of the last century. A chance encounter between the Breton onion-seller, Amyot Trestane, and the newly-wed Linnet Lewarne launches their tragic story, taking them in the fateful footsteps of the doomed lovers of Cornish legend ... Подробнее
The Night Watch
, 2007
Moving back through the 1940s, through air raids, blacked out streets, illicit liaisons, sexual adventure, to end with its beginning in 1941, The Night Watch is the work of a truly brilliant and compelling storyteller. This is the story of four Londoners — three women and a young man with a past, drawn with absolute truth and intimacy. Kay, who drove an ambulance during the war and lived life at full throttle, now dresses in mannish clothes and wanders the streets with a restless hunger, searching... Helen, clever, sweet, much-loved, harbours a painful secret ... Viv, glamour girl, is stubbornly, even foolishly loyal, to her soldier lover... Duncan, an apparent innocent, has had his own demons to fight during the war. Their lives, and their secrets connect in sometimes startling ways. War leads to strange alliances... Tender, tragic and beautifully poignant, set against the backdrop of feats of heroism both epic and ordinary, here is a novel of relationships that offers up subtle surprises and twists. The Night Watch is thrilling. A towering achievement. Подробнее
, 2006
'This is the story of a dinner party, a knot of people with pasts and connections which at first seem few but are later found to be many … The prevailing mood is urbane: the wine is poured, the talk continues, and all the time the ice on which the protagonists' world rests is being thinned from beneath by boiling emotions and ugly motives … No living writer handles the tension between formality of expression and the subversiveness of thought more elegantly'. Candia McWilliam, Independent on Sunday Подробнее





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