Blinded and Missing Persons

Жанр: Little, Brown and Company
Little, Brown and Company
Количество страниц:
Дата загрузки:
14 апреля 2011
Blinded Psychologist Alan Gregory has a new patient: Gibbs Storey, whose looks turn grown men into dazzled adolescents. She tells Alan that she thinks her husband, Sterling, may have murdered one of her friends. Blandly recounting a history of dangerous sexual encounters, Gibbs stuns Alan with another revelation: she thinks there are other victims... and that her husband will kill again. Struggling with a strict confidentiality agreement, Alan walks a perilous ethical line by revealing just enough to interest his detective friend, Sam Purdy, and start a search for a missing Sterling Storey and a string of innocent victims. But are they too late to stop more killings? Missing Persons Hannah Grant had volunteered to cover Alan Gregory's practice over the Christmas period, but when he and another colleague called at her office they discovered her body, the cause of death not clear. Then on Christmas Day itself a fourteen-year-old girl is reported missing — eight years to the day after another missing child had been discovered murdered — a girl who had she lived would have been fourteen.Then it emerges that the parents of the latest missing girl had been treated by Alan some years ago, and recently the girl herself had consulted Hannah. Could any of these tangential connections prove to be links to both deaths and the missing girl, or are they mere coincidences?


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