John Grisham

The Summons
, 2003
Once Judge Atlee was a powerful figure in Clanton, Mississippi — a pillar of the community who towered over local law and politics for forty years. Now the judge is a shadow of his former self, a sick, lonely old man who has withdrawn to his sprawling ancestral home. Knowing the end is near, Judge Atlee has issued a summons for his two sons to return to Clanton to discuss his estate. Ray Atlee is the eldest, a Virginia law professor, newly single and still enduring the aftershocks of a surprise divorce. Forrest is Ray's younger brother, who redefines the notion of a family's black sheep. The summons is typed by the judge himself, on his handsome old stationery, and gives the date and time for Ray and Forrest to appear in his study. Ray reluctantly heads south to his hometown, to the place where he grew up and now prefers to avoid. But the family meeting does not take place. The judge dies too soon, and in doing so leaves behind a shocking secret known only to Ray. And perhaps someone else. Подробнее
A Time to Kill
, 2003
In this searing courtroom drama, best-selling author John Grisham probes the savage depths of racial violence... as he delivers a compelling tale of uncertain justice in a small southern town... Clanton, Mississippi. The life of a ten-year-old girl is shattered by two drunken and remorseless young man. The mostly white town reacts with shock and horror at the inhuman crime. Until her black father acquires an assault rifle — and takes justice into his own outraged hands. For ten days, as burning crosses and the crack of sniper fire spread through the streets of Clanton, the nation sits spellbound as young defense attorney Jake Brigance struggles to save his client's life... and then his own... Подробнее
A Painted House
, 2001
The hill people and the Mexicans arrived on the same day. It was a Wednesday, early in September 1952. The Cardinals were five games behind the Dodgers with two weeks to go, and the season looked hopeless. The cotton, however, was waist high to my father, almost over my head, and he and my grandfather could be heard before supper whispering words that were seldom heard. It could be a «good crop». Thus begins the new novel from John Grisham, a story inspired by his own childhood in rural Arkansas. The narrator is a farm boy named Luke Chandler, age seven, who lives in the cotton fields with his parents and grandparents in a little house that's never been painted. The Chandlers farm eighty acres that they rent, not own, and when the cotton is ready they hire a truckload of Mexicans and a family from the Ozarks to help harvest it. For six weeks, they pick cotton, battling the heat, the rain, the fatigue, and sometimes, each other. As the weeks pass Luke sees and hears things no seven year old could possibly be prepared for, and finds himself keeping secrets that not only threaten the crop but will change the lives of the Chandlers forever. «A Painted House» is a moving story of one boy's journey from innocence to experience. Подробнее
The Testament
, 1999
Troy Phelan is a self-made billionaire, one of the richest men in the United States. He is also eccentric, reclusive, confined to a wheelchair, and looking for a way to die, His heirs, to no one's surprise especially Troy's — are circling like vultures. Nate O'Riley is a high-octane Washington litigator who's lived too hard, too fast, for too long. His second marriage in a shambles, he is emerging from his fourth stay in rehab armed with little more than his fragile sobriety, good intentions, and resilient sense of humour. Returning to the real world is always difficult, but this time it's going to be murder. Rachel Lane is a young woman who chose to give her life to God, who walked away from the modern world with all its strivings and trapping and encumbrances, and went to live and work with a primitive tribe of Indians in the deepest jungles of Brazil. In a story that mixes legal suspense with a remarkable adventure, their lives are forever altered by the startling secret of the Testament. Подробнее
Penguin Readers 4: The Client
, 2008
Mark Sway is eleven and he knows a terrible secret. He knows where a body is hidden. Some secrets are so dangerous that it's better not to tell. But it's just as dangerous if you don't. So Mark needs help fast... because there isn't much time. Подробнее
Penguin Readers 5: The Firm
, 2008
Mitch McDeere is young, intelligent and ambitious. When he gets a job with the law firm of Bendini, Lambert & Locke it seems to be the path to money and power. But soon Mitch finds that the firm is listening to all his phone calls, and the FBI want to speak to him. Money and power has a price and it could be Mitch's life. Подробнее
Penguin Active Reading 4: The Street Laywer (+ CD-ROM)
, 2007
Michael is a successful lawyer with Drake and Sweeney. Then a homeless man attacks him. As Michael tries to discover who the man was, he uncovers a dangerous secret about Drake and Sweeney. Подробнее
Le couloir de la mort
, 2004
Mississippi 1967. Deux enfants sont atrocement tués dans un attentat aveugle du Ku Klux Man. Le procès de Sam Cayhall, complice des terroristes, est ajourné. Octobre 1981. Officiellement, la ségrégation est abolie et les droits civiques rétablis dans le Sud. L'affaire revient devant la Cour Suprême. Un nouveau jury condamne le vieux raciste à la chambre à gaz. Quelques jours plus tard, Adam Hall, jeune avocat chargé de le défendre, pénètre dans le couloir de la mort. C'est alors seulement qu'il découvre que Sam Cayhall est son grand-père. Il dispose de moins de trois mois pour apprendre à le connaître, comprendre son crime et peut-être le sauver. Подробнее
, 2003
Trois juges. Trois anciens notables déchus. Trois hommes vieillissants enfermés dans la même prison. On se souvient à peine du motif de leur condamnation. Ils passent leur temps dans la bibliothèque du camp de détention à écrire et à lire du courrier. Et ils écrivent beaucoup. D'étranges lettres, adressées à des correspondants qui n'ont rien en commun, sauf d'avoir commis la même erreur: répondre à une petite annonce passée dans un journal homosexuel. Parmi eux, se trouve un certain M. Konyers. Les trois juges le devinent torturé par ses penchants refoulés, cultivé et fortuné. Mais ce qu'ils ne savent pas encore, c'est que derrière ce mystérieux M. Konyers se cache l'homme que la CIA a choisi pour être le prochain président des Etats-Unis. Подробнее
La loi du plus faible
, 2005
Il avait toutes les cartes en main pour devenir l'un de ces riches associés sans états d'âme qui font prospérer les gros cabinets juridiques de Washington. Une prise d'otages commise par un S. D. F désespéré va totalement bouleverser sa vie. Le mettre face à la réalité de ces milliers d'exclus que personne n'écoute. Faire voler en éclats son existence de jeune avocat d'affaires ambitieux et talentueux. Et l'entraîner dans un bras de fer à hauts risques contre son ancien employeur afin que triomphe une certaine idée de la justice: la défense du plus faible. Подробнее
The Appeal
, 2008
In a crowded courtroom in Mississippi, a jury returns a shocking verdict against a chemical company accused of dumping toxic waste into a small town’s water supply, causing the worst “cancer cluster” in history. The company appeals to the Mississippi Supreme Court, whose nine justices will one day either approve the verdict or reverse it. Who are the nine? How will they vote? Can one be replaced before the case is ultimately decided? The chemical company is owned by a Wall Street predator named Carl Trudeau, and Mr. Trudeau is convinced the Court is not friendly enough. With judicial elections looming, he decides to try to purchase himself a seat on the Court. The cost is a few million dollars, a drop in the bucket for a billionaire like Mr. Trudeau. Through an intricate web of conspiracy and deceit, his political operatives recruit a young, unsuspecting candidate. They finance him, manipulate him, market him, and mould him into a potential Supreme Court justice.Their Supreme Court justice. «The Appeal» is a powerful, timely, and shocking story of political and legal intrigue, a story that will leave readers unable to think about the electoral process or judicial system in quite the same way ever again. Подробнее
The Appeal
, 2008
In a crowded courtroom in Mississippi, a jury returns a shocking verdict against a chemical company accused of dumping toxic waste into a small town’s water supply, causing the worst “cancer cluster” in history. The company appeals to the Mississippi Supreme Court, whose nine justices will one day either approve the verdict or reverse it. Who are the nine? How will they vote? Can one be replaced before the case is ultimately decided? The chemical company is owned by a Wall Street predator named Carl Trudeau, and Mr. Trudeau is convinced the Court is not friendly enough. With judicial elections looming, he decides to try to purchase himself a seat on the Court. The cost is a few million dollars, a drop in the bucket for a billionaire like Mr. Trudeau. Through an intricate web of conspiracy and deceit, his political operatives recruit a young, unsuspecting candidate. They finance him, manipulate him, market him, and mould him into a potential Supreme Court justice.Their Supreme Court justice. «The Appeal» is a powerful, timely, and shocking story of political and legal intrigue, a story that will leave readers unable to think about the electoral process or judicial system in quite the same way ever again. Подробнее
Playing for Pizza
, 2008
Rick Dockery was the third-string quarterback for the Cleveland Browns. In the AFC Championship game against Denver, to the surprise and dismay of virtually everyone, Rick actually got into the game. With a 17-point lead and just minutes to go, Rick provided what was arguably the worst single performance in the history of the NFL. Overnight, he became a national laughingstock and, of course, was immediately cut by the Browns and shunned by all other teams.But all Rick knows is football, and he insists that his agent, Arnie, find a team that needs him. Against enormous odds Arnie finally locates just such a team and informs Rick that, miraculously, he can in fact now be a starting quarterback — for the mighty Panthers of Parma, Italy. Yes, Italians do play American football, to one degree or another, and the Parma Panthers desperately want a former NFL player — any former NFL player — at their helm. So Rick reluctantly agrees to play for the Panthers — at least until a better offer comes along — and heads off to Italy. He knows nothing about Parma, has never been to Europe, and doesn’t speak or understand a word of Italian. To say that Italy holds a few surprises for Rick Dockery would be something of an understatement. Подробнее
The Chamber
, 2008
The horror of death row is that you die a little each day. The waiting kills you. Seventy-year-old Sam Cayhall is on Mississippi's death row. Sam hates lawyers but his date with the gas chamber is close, and time is running out. Then Adam Hall, a young lawyer arrives. Can he and his secret persuade Sam to accept his help? Подробнее
The Testament
, 2008
Nate O’Riley is a powerful Washington lawyer. Returning to work after a long stay in hospital is difficult for Nate. Then he is sent on a journey that takes him from the tense courtrooms of Washington to the dangerous swamps of Brazil. It is a journey that will change his life forever… Подробнее
Le maître du jeu
, 1999
Tout jury a son leader, et c'est lui qui, à l'instant décisif, détient la clé du verdict. Celeste Wood, la veuve d'un ancien fumeur mort d'un cancer du larynx, intente un procès aux grandes compagnies de tabac américaines. Du côté de la plaignante, un vieil avocat brillantissime; du côté de la défense, une équipe de techniciens de pointe servis en sourdine par un homme qui ne reculera devant rien. Car l'enjeu est de taille: si les compagnies perdent ce procès, elles seront définitivement ruinées par les plaintes en cascade qui s'ensuivront. La partie semble perdue d'avance. Mais un grain de sable vient enrayer la machine: il s'appelle Nicholas Easter, il est le «maître du jeu». Подробнее
The Partner (+ Audio CD)
, 2008
Patrick Lanigan, a lawyer, dies in a car crash. Later, the partners in his law firm discover that Patrick is not really dead. He is living in Brazil, and he has 90 million dollars of his partners' money... Подробнее
A Time to Kill (+ Audio CD)
, 2008
Ten-year-old Tonya Hailey is attacked and raped by two local men. Carl Lee, Tonya’s father, shoots them. Now only his lawyer and friend, Jake Brigance, stands between him and the electric chair. Is there a legal defense for Carl Lee’s actions? Подробнее
The Pelican Brief
, 2008
In Washington, two Supreme Court judges are murdered and only the young and beautiful law student Darby Shaw knows why. She has uncovered a deadly secret but will anyone believe her? Can she stay alive long enough to persuade them she is right? Подробнее
The Rainmaker
, 2008
I have no job. I have no money. I have debts I can’t pay. I do, however, have a case. Rudy Baylor is ready to finish law school but loses his first job before he has even started. Then Dot and Bud Black ask for his help in their fight against a powerful insurance company. Their son, Donny Ray, is dying. His claim for medical insurance has been refused. Can Rudy, an inexperienced student, really give them any hope? Подробнее





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