Hachette Book Group

Giants: The Parallel Lives of Frederick Douglass and Abraham Lincoln They were the self-made men of their time. Lincoln was born dirt poor, had less than 1 year of formal schooling and became the nation's greatest President. Douglass spent his first 20 years as a slave, had no formal schooling, couldn't read or write and became 1 of America's greatest writers and activists. At a time when most whites would not let a black man cross their threshold, Lincoln met Douglass 3 times at the White House and invited him to tea at the Soldier's Home. Their friendship was based on usefulness: Lincoln saw that he needed Douglass to help him destroy the Confederacy and preserve the Union; Douglass knew that Lincoln's shrewd sense of public opinion would serve his own goal of freeing the nation's blacks. Lincoln and Douglass moved beyond the traditional idea of character as fixed and based primarily on heredity and social status and embraced a self in a state of continual evolution. Award-winning historian John Stauffer describes the dramatic transformations in the lives of these giants during a major shift in cultural history, when men rejected the status quo and embraced new ideals of personal liberty. Подробнее
Dark Mysteries of the Vatican The defender of the faith for more than 16 centuries, the Vatican became the repository of many secrets, making it the focus of countless legends, myths, and mysteries. Veteran journalist Jeffers unveils the Church's highly controversial scandals and cover-ups. Подробнее
The Kennedys: End of a Dynasty With the passing of Edward Moore Kennedy on August 25, 2009, a climactic chapter in a thunderous American political saga came to an end, a chapter that featured the very greatest triumphs and the darkest tragedies. In this commemorative book, the Kennedys' remarkable story is retold-the clan's rise from the grinding poverty of America's immigrant stock to the highest reaches of power and influence. With the driven patriarch Joe piloting the political machine, the second son of the Kennedy's greatest generation, Jack, achieved the unthinkable and became the nation's first Catholic president. The came Bobby and Ted-cultural icons as much as legislators, each of the men instantly knowable by his first name-and the Kennedy's epic extended, with ever more glory and ever more sorrow. In this new book from the editors of LIFE, the constant drama of the Kennedy tale are captured in a riveting narrative and characteristically stunning photography, much of which first appeared in the pages of the renowned magazine. The great moments on the public stage are here, as are intimate photographs of warm family gatherings on Cape Cod and at Hickory Hill. In LIFE The Kennedys, which gives a complete account starting with the desperate 19th century flight from the famine in Ireland through the late senator's recent funeral, all the characters come to life-the legendary politician called Honey Fitz; the ruthless Joe; the matriarch Rose; the charismatic Joe Jr., killed in World War II; the famous trio of brothers; their remarkable sisters, including the heroic Eunice Kennedy Shriver, who died just before her younger brother in August; the next generation-John Jr., Caroline, Bobby Jr. and their many kin-who have also experienced life's joy and pain. The Kennedys have legions of Americans who are devoted to them and their legacy, and, yes, they have their detractors. But one point is inarguable: In the history of our country, there has never been a family like them. Their story is truly Shakespearean. In these pages, that story comes vibrantly to life. Подробнее
People: Great Lives Remembered: Looking Back at the Icons Who Changed Popular Culture Ronald Reagan. Audrey Hepburn. Jackie O. Paul Newman. Michael Jackson. Princess Diana. All have passed on, but the echoes of their lives continue-in our memory and our culture. Drawing from the best of People 's editorial and photographic archives, Great Lives Remembered explores the lives of more than 60 famous politicians, actors, musicians, and artists, as told during the magazine's first 35 years. Readers will discover — or rediscover — who they were, what they did, and why they mattered to millions. Подробнее
Real-life Decor
, 2010
The economy may have stalled but life goes on. Chair legs break, pillows lose their puff, painted walls get scuffed and sheets get torn or go out of style. Real Life Decor brims with ideas for repurposing, reusing or replacing your accents and furniture to keep your home fresh and functional as well as wallet-friendly. Comprised of a collection of 100 easy, appealing projects illustrated with lively photos and simple how-tos, the book is divided into 7 sections that offer multiple approaches to dressing up walls, sewing simple soft furnishings, recycling old furniture, brightening lamps and accents, making multipurpose furnishings and storage, and sprucing up floors and ceilings. The photos include inspiring ideas that the reader can interpret and emulate as well as pretty projects they craft to the T. Sidebars with simple solutions on topics such as Displaying Your Collections, Easy Vintage Fabric Ideas, and Small Space Ideas enrich each chapter with additional tips. Подробнее
Fabricating Architecture: Selected Readings in Digital Design and Manufacturing For years contemporary architects have been inundated with hype about the radical changes expected as a result of technological innovation and the proliferation of new digital tools and techniques. Though architects acknowledge that advances in computing are having a profound impact on architecture, the nature of that impact remains a subject of ongoing debate. Many noteworthy books are available that document the growing field of digital design and manufacturing, but few of these books address the truly broad range of issues that grow out of these emerging technological innovations. Fabricating Architecture gathers together for the first time twelve key essays by important critics, theorists, and architects, such as Martin Bechthold, Achim Menges, Kiel Moe, and Amanda Reeser Lawrence. Editor Robert Corser's concise analysis of each essay guides readers through the lively debate surrounding this topic. Подробнее
Time Annual: 2010 Helps to relive the momentous year that is 2009 as reported by Time's unparalleled worldwide staff of journalists and photographers. Подробнее
Time: Visions of the '60s: The 100 Images That Define the Decade Forty years after the 1960s ended, we still live in the world shaped during those remarkable times. Now the editors of TIME explore the '60s in all its vivid and wild extremes. This book showcases key TIME magazine reporting and eyewitness accounts from those that lived it. From the Vietnam War to the US Civil Rights movement — the sexual revolution and women's liberation movement; the thrill of Beatlemania and the landing on the moon; and finally, the sorrow as three of America's great leaders are assassinated. The '60s produced some of the most compelling imagery in history. This book takes readers on a visual journey through the decade that rocked nations to the core. Change defined the decade; changing attitudes, outrageous trends, and new perspectives stemmed from the events spanning a mere 10 years, and 40 years later still have a profound effect. Подробнее
, 2010
By all accounts seminary student Kevin Parsins is leading a good, if not virtuous, life. But like all people, Kevin has his secrets. And someone wants them revealed. While driving home from a day at graduate school, Kevin receives a call from a mysterious stranger who calls himself Slater. Slater demands Kevin confess his sin in the next three minutes or the vehicle he is manning will be blown to pieces. Thus starts a harrowing chain of events. After narrowly escaping his exploding car, Kevin continues to receive phone calls from Slater, each with another riddle, another consequence, and another three minutes to confess his sin. The problem is Kevin is unsure of what that sin might be. And Slater's cycle won't stop until he figures it out. Подробнее
Time: History's Greatest Events: An Illustrated Journey Through 100 Turning Points That Changed the World
, 2010
The editors of TIME magazine select the 100 events that have shaped civilization, and take readers on an illustrated journey through history's most important events and people. Подробнее
Hollywood Hills The legendary Hollywood Hills are home to wealth, fame, and power — passing through the neighborhood, it's hard not to get a little greedy. LAPD veteran «Hollywood Nate» Weiss could take or leave the opulence, but he wouldn't say no to onscreen fame. He may get his shot when he catches the appreciative eye of B-list director Rudy Ressler, and his troublemaking fiancíƒÂ©e, Leona Brueger, the older-but-still-foxy widow of a processed-meat tycoon. Nate tries to elude her crafty seductions, but consents to keep an eye on their estate in the Hollywood Hills while they're away. Also minding the mansion is Raleigh Dibble, a hapless ex-con trying to put the past behind him. Raleigh is all too happy to be set up for the job — as butler-cum-watchdog — by Nigel Wickland, Leona's impeccably dressed art dealer. What Raleigh doesn't realize is that under the natty clothes and posh accent, Nigel has a nefarious plan: two paintings hanging on the mansion's walls will guarantee them more money than they've ever seen. Everyone's dreams are just within reach — the only problem is, this is Hollywood. A circle of teenage burglars that the media has dubbed The Bling Ring has taken to pillaging the homes of Hollywood celebutants like Paris Hilton and Lindsay Lohan, and when a pair of drug-addled young copycats stumbles upon Nigel's heist, that's just the beginning of the disaster to come. Soon Hollywood Nate, surfer cops Flotsam and Jetsam, and the rest of the team at Hollywood Station have a deadly situation on their hands. Подробнее
Still Summer In high school, Olivia, Tracy and Holly had been known as The Godmothers, and their friendship has endured throughout the ensuing decades. Now, with the death of Olivia's husband, a wealthy Italian Count, and her return to America, the friends decide to reunite on a luxury cruise in the Caribbean. Along with Tracy's college-aged daughter and a two-man crew, they begin their journey uneventfully, enjoying the sun and the warm, clear waters of the Caribbean. Then, a series of devastating events unfolds, leaving the women crewless, starving and terrified. Almost overnight, what was meant to be a blissful vacation devolves into a desperate fight for survival, as they soon find themselves battling the elements, a horrifying attack by drug traffickers, and their own frailties. It is at once a story about the bonds of friendship, the love between mothers and their children, and the strengths we don't know we possess until we are faced with our own mortality. Подробнее
Bridges of Madison County
, 1997
The legendary love story, the bestselling novel of all time, and the major motion picture starring Clint Eastwood and Meryl Streep. This is the story of Robert Kincaid, the photographer and free spirit searching for the covered bridges of Madison County, and Francesca Johnson, the farm wife waiting for fulfillment of a girlhood dream. It shows readers what it is to love and be loved so intensely that life is never the same again. Подробнее
People: Seventy-Five Years of Oscar Style From the glamorous gowns to the shocking mistakes, Oscar Style will capture the most memorable styles and fashion statements in Oscar history. The People editors will revisit the elegance of Grace Kelly and the audacity of Cher as they pronounce the best and worst dressed stars of all time. They track the evolving styles of celebrities such as Jodie Foster, Goldie Hawn, Nicole Kidman and Julia Roberts. They'll also highlight the famous personalities, couples, and dynasties that have made the Oscars a family affair. And they include lots of surprises-from the notorious streaker running on stage during David Niven's speech to Jack Palance's one-armed push-ups — that have made these ceremonies unforgettable. Подробнее
Then We Come To The End
, 2008
This wickedly funny, big-hearted novel about life in the office signals the arrival of a gloriously talented new writer. The characters in THEN WE CAME TO THE END cope with a business downturn in the time-honored way: through gossip, secret romance, elaborate pranks, and increasingly frequent coffee breaks. By day they compete for the best office furniture left behind and try to make sense of the mysterious pro-bono ad campaign that is their only remaining «work». Подробнее
Love, Suburban Style When Meg Addams lived in Glenhaven Park as a teenager, she couldn't wait to leave. But after 15 years, a Broadway career, a marriage, a daughter and a divorce she can't wait to get back. Beaten to the lead of a hot new musical by a hotter and newer starlet, Meg packs up her daughter and goes home. She's shocked to see the small town she remembers is now full of 'Yummy Mummies', olive bars, yoga studios and diners serving sushi but even more unsettling is that the only place Meg can afford is the town's haunted house! Sam Rooney can't believe someone else is moving in next door and the last thing he wants is to get involved — as a widower with two children, a bunch of students and a soccer team counting on him, he has enough on his plate already. But when it turns out that the beauty next door is Meg from high school, he softens a little. As two Glenhaven natives in a sea of transplants, why not be neighbourly? Between the soccer team, the school play and a growing closeness between their families, Sam and Meg's lives become closely intertwined. But can true love blossom between a newfound soccer mom and the sexy soccer coach? Подробнее
Kushiel's Mercy Having learned a lesson about thwarting the will of the gods, Imriel and Sidonie publicly confess their affair, only to see the country boil over in turmoil. Younger generations, infatuated by their heart-twisting, star-crossed romance, defend the couple. Many others cannot forget the betrayals of Imriel's mother, Melisande, who plunged their country into a bloody war that cost the lives of their fathers, brothers, and sons. To quell the unrest, Ysandre, the queen, sets her decree. She will not divide the lovers, yet neither will she acknowledge them. If they marry, Sidonie will be disinherited, losing her claim on the throne. There's only one way they can truly be together. Imriel must perform an act of faith: search the world for his infamous mother and bring her back to Terre d'Ange to be executed for treason. Facing a terrible choice, Imriel and Sidonie prepare ruefully for another long separation. But when a dark foreign force casts a shadow over Terre d'Ange and all the surrounding countries, their world is turned upside down, alliances of the unlikeliest kind are made, and Imriel and Sidonie learn that the god Elua always puts hearts together apurpose. Подробнее
One Scream Away
, 2009
Killer Chevy Bankes is a master of disguise, and just paroled, he's coming after the woman who sent him to jail, the beautiful antiques expert Beth Denison. A set of antique dolls brings Beth into his sight, and inspire Chevy's disturbing crimes as he draws closer to Beth and her young daughter. Chevy sends the dolls to Beth one-by-one and she soon realizes that these antiques carry the same marks as his victims, signaling that the final piece in his collection will be for her. Neil Sheridan gave up his FBI shield five years ago, but his best friend Rick, a cop, pulls him in as a consultant on a case involving a serial killer who is eerily similar to a murderer Neil encountered in the past. The investigation leads Neil to Beth's doorstep, and he is certain she isn't telling him the truth. Neil is the only one who can get through Beth's defenses and, as they grow closer, discover the secrets that Beth is hiding about her fateful night with Chevy. Подробнее
Breaking Dawn When you loved the one who was killing you, it left you no options. How could you run, how could you fight, when doing so would hurt that beloved one? If your life was all you had to give, how could you not give it? If it was someone you truly loved? To be irrevocably in love with a vampire is both fantasy and nightmare woven into a dangerously heightened reality for Bella Swan. Pulled in one direction by her intense passion for Edward Cullen, and in another by her profound connection to werewolf Jacob Black, a tumultuous year of temptation, loss, and strife have led her to the ultimate turning point. Her imminent choice to either join the dark but seductive world of immortals or to pursue a fully human life has become the thread from which the fates of two tribes hangs. Now that Bella has made her decision, a startling chain of unprecedented events is about to unfold with potentially devastating, and unfathomable, consequences. Just when the frayed strands of Bella's life — first discovered in Twilight, then scattered and torn in New Moon and Eclipse — seem ready to heal and knit together, could they be destroyed... forever? Подробнее
Frankly My Dear, I'm Dead No one is surprised when feisty Delilah Dickinson opens her literary travel agency in Atlanta after her divorce. But during her first group's tour of an old plantation modelled after Tara from Gone with the Wind, she finds herself in the middle of a murder mystery when the actor playing Clark Gable playing Rhetr Butler is found dead. Almost immediately, the police have the place under lockdown.Delilah finds herself taking over the investigation when their No 1 suspect is her son-in-law Luke-the not-so-bright husband of her daughter, Melissa. But life starts imitating art when the actors begin taking their roles a little too seriously-believing they actually are Ashley Wilkes, Scarlett O'Hara, and Melanie.With all the drama of Margaret Mitchell's epic story suddenly coming to alarming life, Delilah's only chance to head off a not-so-Civil War is to track down and confront the deranged murderer. But she must move quickly and very quietly — or risk becoming the next victim of a killer who frankly doesn't give a damn. Подробнее





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