
Roadshow Wahrend seiner abschlieenden Studienarbeit ist Alexander Babic nach Australien und Sudafrika gereitst um sich ganz dem Phanomen der sehr groen LKWs zu widmen. Das zentrale Thema seiner Arbeit konzentriert vor allem auf die Fahrer dieser groen Maschinen.Die Technik der Freistellung, die den Hintergrund ausblendet, ist signifikant fur die Objekte der Bilder: Die Trucker sind „frei“ und folgen ihrem Fernweh. Sie leben unterwegs nicht ganz ungefahrlich, denn die Welt der Highways hat ihre eigenen Gesetze. Alexander Babic hat ihre Gesichter, in denen sich ihre Starke, aber auch ihre Verletzlichkeit widerspiegelt, fixiert. Dabei ist sein wichtigstes Zubehor ein groes weies Tuch, vor dessen Hintergrund er die Manner portraitiert. Er will, so sagt er: „Gesichter, in denen sich Geschichten, Erlebnisse, auch Tragik und erlebte Harte widerspiegeln, auf ganz klassische und ungeschmuckte Art und Weise als Schwarzwei?-Portrats festhalten. “Abbildungen der LKWs, der Rastanlagen und der Landschaften erganzen die schwarzweien Portraits und erzeugen eine atmospharische Gesamtheit der Reihe. Подробнее
Roxanne Set in different landscapes, this title contains photographic portraits of trucks and their drivers. Подробнее
Barcelona Architecture and Design Barcelona is the cultural center of Spain. A tourist's hot spot and one of the most frequented cities in summer. There is a lot more to Barcelona's architecture than just Gaud?. Since the Olympic Games in 1992 international architects began to shape the capital of Modernism with numerous contructions. Norman Foster, Frank O. Ghery and many more have left their footsteps. The Forum of Cultures 2004 provided another opportunity of city planning. Slowly Barcelona has been transformed into a an artistic reference: it has an insatiable appetite for new design and innovations, but still highly values its rich architectural past. Old and new are close. Like this it became a model that other cities may choose to imitate due to its cosmopolitan atmosphere. This book shows the newest architectural developements in Barcelona and introduces several projects. Not only public and cultural buildings but also private houses are shown. As far as available floor plans will give additional insights. An index with contact information of the respective architects is enclosed. Подробнее
Das F-Prinzip: Set with 4 wooden F-shapes
, 2007
DAS F-PRINZIP is an architectural 3D board game which encourages a playful examination of the letter F. This concept is based on a constellation of four equally formed F-shapes modelled on the walls of a rectangular room. The short lower bar of the F may serve as a partition. Purpose of the game is to explore the manifold, sheer endless possibilities of creating floor plans and three-dimensional constructions. As a connector between language, shape and function, DAS F-PRINZIP enhances spatial thinking. DAS F-PRINZIP is the result of the artist Feyyaz' constant development of his own art environments. It compacts the idea of space into a recurring principle with numerous variants. Each set consists of four wooden F-shapes and a booklet in a box. Подробнее
Beijing Architecture and Design Apart from being one of Asia’s largest metropolises, Beijing is an ultimate visual challenge: Gigantic constructions in bold avant-garde designs keep a par with the explosive economic developments of the booming Asian market. This book presents the most interesting modern interiors and exteriors of shops, restaurants, hotels and public buildings of our days. Подробнее
Borquez Born 1964 in Buenos Aires, Argentina, Fabio Borquez currently lives in Germany. In Buenos Aires he studied art, photography and architecture. He won various scholarships for India, Columbia and Germany and has taken part in many exhibitions. His work spans over various areas of design. This book exclusively presents his female nude photography. Подробнее
Club Design The hottest and coolest places to be within the international nightclubbing scene illustrated by of an extravagant selection of extraordinary interiors from across the globe. Подробнее
Contemporary Corporate Architecture ENGLISCH CONTEMPORARY CORPORATE ARCHITECTURE is a compilation of the most interesting international projects today, which focus on the presentation and reinforcement of a companyʼs corporate identity. It has been common practice since the 1980s to make use of the communicative possibilities of architecture, both regarding the interior design as well as the exterior appearance of a building: the construction itself is transformed into a symbol of the residing company, hotel or bank. In a similar way as graphic and web design shape a companyʼs corporate identity with the help of logos, websites and public appearance, architecture too has become an important marketing tool. Large companies have the power to greatly influence and shape a cityʼs image: by hiring renowned architects such as Foster & Partners, 3XN and Eric van Egeraat, all of which known for their spectacular designs, they are able to channel the attention of the media from the early planning stages, to the construction phase, furnishing and inauguration of the building. Representative buildings for companies, political, economic, cultural and religious institutions or associations have a longstanding tradition in the history of architecture. Their purpose has always been to demonstrate the clientʼs status in society: their position of power, influence and historical importance. In todayʼs ever changing urban environment defined by multiplicity and differentiation, corporate architecture has become an enormous challenge. Apart from fulfilling functional and aesthetic demands and representing the clientʼs corporate identity, other factors such as “location” are no less to be undermined. City centers, industrial parks or residential areas – to stand out from the surrounding building projects thanks to unique features is no less important than fitting in and complementing the existing cityscape. New media and innovative forms and material make sure that these complex demands are met today. Подробнее
, 2005
Jochen Arndt lives in Berlin and works there as a fashion photographer. The Book shows the model Masako, accompanied by Jochen Arndt over days and weeks. Подробнее





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