
Рисование головы человека: Пошаговое руководство для художника Давайте вернемся в прошлое и ознакомимся с искусством Уолтера Фостера. Мы совершим наше невероятное художественное путешествие, изучив четыре работы: «Как нарисовать голову», «Рисование лиц», «Головы из жизни» и «101 голова». Эта всеобъемлющая книга содержит пошаговые инструкции к рисункам самых разных голов и лиц мужчин и женщин, детей и стариков. Из нее вы узнаете об особенностях пропорций и перспективы, а также о том, как подметить и нарисовать индивидуальные черты лица. Данная книга включает репродукции некоторых ранних рисунков Уолтера Фостера, сделанных в начале его яркой карьеры. Подробнее
Рисунок в дизайне моды: Пошаговое руководство для художников и модельеров Эта книга посвящена периоду, когда понятие «мода» ассоциировалось прежде всего с изысканностью. Инструкции Уолтера Фостера, Виолы Френч и голливудского художника по костюму Мэрилин Сотто пригодятся и начинающим художникам, и опытным модельерам. В издании рассматриваются базовые типы фигур и позы, наиболее часто используемые при создании эскизов мастерами высокой моды и прет-а-порте, здесь же представлены способы передачи текстуры разных материалов. Подробнее
Барокко Это издание открывает перед читателем мир произведений барочного искусства, созданных в самых разных уголках земного шара, от Латинской Америки до России. Еще совсем недавно барочное искусство называли излишне помпезным, непостижимым, даже абсурдным. Однако сегодня мы научились распознавать всю сложность культуры барокко, ценить, сколь многим мы обязаны событиям барочного времени. Мир как театр — именно через такую призму рассматривали свою жизнь представители эпохи барокко. Оформлял «театр мира» всемогущий церемониал. Ритуалы служили целям возвеличивания правителей и считались отражением высшего порядка вещей. Их задачам соответствовало и барочное искусство, в числе основных задач которого видели создание иллюзии безупречно организованного мира. Подробнее
Готика В эпоху готики искусство было исключительно важно, так как оно несло информацию: в то время еще не было книгопечатания и многое передавалось с помощью изображений. Автор этой книги дает оценку преобладанию визуальности в культуре эпохи готики и стремится научить читателя непредвзятому, но в то же время критическому восприятию готического художественного образа, позволяющему постичь его глубину. Ведь образы — это не просто изображения: их цель — рассказать историю, развлечь, дать наставление, а зачастую и придать убедительность определенным идеям или утверждениям. Памятники, о которых пойдет речь в книге, — это и скульптурные произведения, и росписи, и архитектурные сооружения, и даже целые города, задумывавшиеся и воплощавшиеся в жизнь весьма искусно. Подробнее
Site: Identity In Density James Wines is a larger-than-life character whose work cuts a swathe through modern architecture. Since 1970, when he founded SITE, the highly regarded architecture and environmental arts organisation based in New York, he and his practice have led the way in progressing a more socially and environmentally responsive architecture. Early work from the office includes iconic structures such as the Notch Project (1977), Sacramento, California. Nowadays, SITE offers a wide range of design services such as buildings, landscapes, public spaces, interiors, graphics and industrial products. This new addition to IMAGES' Master Architect Series offers a valuable insight into SITE's creative approach and teamwork, as it documents some of the studio's most outstanding projects. Подробнее
The Austrian Phenomenon: Architektur Avantgarde 1956-1973 (количество томов: 2) Visionäre Entwürfe von Architekten und Künstlern sorgten im Österreich der wilden sechziger Jahre für internationale Aufmerksamkeit. Diese als „Austrian Phenomenon» bezeichneten Projekte und Installationen enthielten die geballte Kreativität der österreichischen Neoavantgarde der Architektur zwischen 1956–1973. Zu Symbolen dieser avantgardistischen Träume wurden z.B. in Wien Hans Holleins Kerzengeschäft „Retti» und die vielen, bis heute erfolgreichen Lokale von Hermann Czech, wie das Kleine Café, Wunderbar oder Salzamt. Zu den bekanntesten Protagonisten dieser Szene zählen Hans Hollein, Walter Pichler, Raimund Abraham, Coop Himmelblau, Haus-Rucker-Co, Missing Link u.a. Das durchgehend farbig illustrierte Buch besteht aus zwei Teilen: Der „Dokumentation» wesentlicher Publikationen aus den Jahren 1958–1973 in internationalen Fachzeitschriften wie Archigram, Domus, Architectural Record, Casabella, in denen die jungen Architekten ihren Programmen internationale Aufmerksamkeit verschafften. Sowie der „Rekonstruktion», einem Querschnitt von Bildern und Texten aus Publikationen, die sich dem dem «Austrian Phenomenon» widmeten und von Autoren wie Friedrich Achleitner, Bart Lootsma, Stanislaus von Moos, Joseph Rykwert, Anthony Vidler u.a. erläutert und im architekturhistorischen internationalen Kontext verortet werden. Подробнее
Henri Cartier-Bresson: A Biography
, 2003
Often called the father of photojournalism, Cartier-Bresson tried to give up photography as a profession four times in his life, returning to his first love, painting, repeatedly—but he always kept his Leica in his pocket. The Frenchman captured the emotion and magnitude of some of the 20th century's most significant news stories by simply turning his camera away from the main event and into the crowd. This, too, is Assouline's approach to biography. Drawing on five years of conversations with his subject, Assouline presents not a chronological or critical accounting of events but a portrait, illustrated through descriptions of Cartier-Bresson's photographs (almost none of which are reproduced in the book) and summarized with generalizations of the artist's approach toward art and life: «His taste was classical: he needed that kind of order to counter the vulgarity of the world outside» or «In affairs of the heart, he was a seductive romantic.» Energetic and informative passages describe Cartier-Bresson's years as a soldier and his travels to the Ivory Coast, China and India (where he photographed Gandhi just hours before his death). Despite its gaps—such as mere passing references to Cartier-Bresson's two marriages—this smooth hagiography will inspire fans and followers to rediscover its elusive subject's remarkable oeuvre. Подробнее
128 Colors: A Sample Book for Architects, Conservators and Designers
, 2010
Dealing with color is a complex subject: influenced by standards, fashions, and trends, we derive our ideas and concepts from color theories, intuition, and personal preferences. The color swatches and systems for describing color common today are based on purely quantitative principles and include well over 1,500 colors. So how do we choose a particular color? More than ten years ago, the color chemist Katrin Trautwein established a pigment factory, starting out from Le Corbusier’s color palette. She now has more than 900 recipes for paint from which she has proposed – based on her work with architects, designers, and historical preservationists – a selection of 128 colors that produce pleasant results on their own and also combine well. Each color is presented with a sample; their potential uses and significance are also discussed. Katrin Trautwein has lectured throughout the world on how to approach colors, given seminars, given expert opinions, advised architects, taught painters, and worked as a restorer. Подробнее
Architecture in Existing Fabric Architectural work on existing structures has become enormously important in recent years. For the majority of architects, this is where future market opportunities will lie. This book provides a comprehensive introduction to the field and is thus addressed to all practitioners, students, and building sponsors whose interest goes beyond an initial encounter with this wideranging field of activity. Contradicting the conventional view that creative design work is the exclusive province of new building design, the authors offer a nuanced account of active and creative strategies for planning, design, and execution. Subjects considered range from town planning issues through the overall project cycle and its individual phases all the way to building management. Special focuses are the «grammar of design» as well as the issues arising through collaboration of different experts. In order to illuminate this broad and complex spectrum of topics, the book incorporates thirty examples of projects from Europe and North America, in which buildings from a huge variety of periods from the Middle Ages to the 1960 s are transferred into the present Подробнее
Unfolded: Paper in Design, Art, Architecture and Industry In «Unfolded—Paper in Design, Art, Architecture and Industry» paper conquers the third dimension and demonstrates the undreamed-of possibilities it holds today for lightweight construction, product design, fashion and art. From «Paper», the collection of bags by Stefan Diez, to Konstantin Grcic’s paper models and the scented paper garments of Issey Miyake, this book presents paper as a high-quality contemporary and ecological material. An enormous selection of projects, the lavish design and numerous illustrations provide designers with invaluable inspiration for their work. The content core of the book is a comprehensive list of state-of-the-art paper products and innovative paper technologies, supporting designers in their everyday work with detailed information on the «high-tech» material paper. From Japanese washi paper and paper foam, to ceramic paper and carbon fiber paper, «Unfolded» presents the latest in research and development, as well as the most important methods and technologies in handcrafts and industry. Подробнее
The Venetian City Garden: Place, Typologie, and Perception
, 2009
No city has played a more seminal role in the development of «landscape» as a concept than has Venice. In a city where the land and gardens are reclaimed from a lagoon environment whose ecology is in jeopardy today, they are the very basis of life, dwelling, and culture. This book develops a typology of gardens distinguished by their predominantly small scale, all of which work with essential dimensions of landscape architecture: private and public space, usefulness and beauty, and open space in a densely built environment that is permeated with history. From nearly one hundred city gardens, squares, and courtyards, public parks and temporary gardens, this book identifies garden layout and design elements that involve both material factors – spatial and design-related features – as well as the social circumstances of their use. The areas presented include the Arsenale, where the Paradise Garden was created for the 2008 Biennale by Gustafson Porter, and the giardini and public gardens that – since their creation two hundred years ago – have served as a laboratory for making Venice into a modern city with a strong appeal to the «natural» Подробнее
Time Celebrates time, an element in the work of Andy Goldsworthy both as a medium and as a metaphor. This book features an introduction by the artist and a sequence of works made around his home. It includes Goldsworthy`s diaries of visits to five locations in North America and Europe. It is intended as a reference on Andy Goldsworthy and his work. Подробнее
The Urban Code of China In reading Chinese cities, as this volume attempts to do, the focus is not primarily on well-known cities like Beijing, Shanghai and Xi'an but rather on what it is that is essentially Chinese about the Chinese city — the features and hallmarks that all Chinese cities have more or less in common, their spatial grammar, their syntax, in short: their code. It is only by deciphering their commonalities that we become able to form a clear picture of the Chinese city's internal structure and to intelligently evaluate and organize our diverse impressions. Moreover, deciphering the code of the Chinese city enables the author to «„read“» cities newly designed by Western architects. He thus also helps the reader to arrive at valuable new insights into China's booming process of urbanization and urban development. Подробнее
Urbanity: Twenty Years Later. Projects for Central European Capitals Gebraucht -- Wie neu ungelesen, sehr guter Zustand; Rechnung mit MwSt.; unused/unread, very good condition; — «Urbanity Twenty Years Later» ist ein langfristiges Forschungsprojekt, bei dem es darum geht, die mitteleuropäischen urbanen Werte wiederzuentdecken. Das Projekt zielt darauf, regionale Antworten für die Zukunft unserer Städte zu finden. Die erste Publikation des Urbanity-Projekts stellt die Überlegungen junger Architekten über die Stadt und ihre Potentiale vor. Ein Team von Architekten, Fotografen, Soziologen, Architekturstudenten, Nichtregierungsorganisationen u.a. begleitete mehr als 150 Teilnehmer dabei, wie sie an ihren Visionen für Berlin, Bratislava, Budapest, Ljubljana, Prag, Wien und Warschau arbeiteten. Der eingeladene Kritiker Elia Zenghelis wies darauf hin, dass «Urbanity Twenty Years Later» über die offizielle Erziehung hinausgeht, in der politisches Bewusstsein wie eine heiße Kartoffel behandelt wird. Подробнее
Bailey`s Democracy
, 2005
David Bailey turned his lens away from the glitterati and decided instead to focus on ordinary people. People visiting David Bailey`s studio were asked if they would agree to be photographed naked. The results, presented here in one large-format volume, combine to form an honest portrait of humankind. Подробнее
The De Young In The 21st Century A fascinating architectural study in museum design and urban planning. Designed by the internationally renowned Swiss firm of Herzog & de Meuron, winners of the 2001 Pritzker Prize, the new de Young Museum in San Francisco's Golden Gate Park is a stunning architectural tour de force. This book documents the complex five-year process that resulted in an outstanding contribution to contemporary museum architecture. Founded by San Francisco Chronicle publisher Michael de Young, the museum originated in the Midwinter International Exposition of 1894 and grew to become the city's largest art museum. Its superb permanent collection includes the arts of Africa, Oceania, and traditional cultures of the Americas; American painting and sculpture from the colonial period to the present; and both Western and non-Western textiles. After the de Young was damaged in the 1989 Loma Prieta earthquake, the museum's fate—and the decision to replace the old building with a new museum on the same site—became the focus of intense public debate. How Herzog & de Meuron, in cooperation with the San Francisco firm of Fong & Chan Architects and Oakland-based landscape designer Walter Hood, responded to the challenge of creating a building in harmony with its park setting is an important theme of the story. Lavishly illustrated with color photographs as well as plans, drawings, and models, the book traces the architects' creative process in striking detail. The new de Young is significant as Herzog & de Meuron's first major building in North America and as the first museum the architects have designed from the ground up. Reflecting its surroundings, the building is clad entirely in a skin of dimpled and perforated, naturally oxidized copper panels, whose abstract pattern was distilled from manipulated photographs of the park's tree canopy. With its elegant, twisting tower rising above the tree line, providing visitors with dramatic views, the de Young is a superlative work of architecture and a handsome tribute to the city of San Francisco. 250 illustrations, 200 in color. Подробнее
The Dusseldorf School of Photograph The Dusseldorf School is renowned around the world, and is synonymous with high artistic standards and a highly diverse and fresh approach to the medium of photography. This title traces its ascendancy from the mid-1970s, when husband and wife team Bernd and Hilla Becher gave art photography an institutional roof. Подробнее
Living Systems: Innovative Materials and Technologies for Landscape Architecture Living Systems surveys a wide array of innovative approaches to material technologies within the field of landscape architecture. The selected projects and materials exhibit a contemporary demand for technological landscapes and the collaboration between designers, engineers, scientists and ecologists. The book proposes a synthesis between technology and theory, focusing on growth, flow, metabolism, climate, and atmospheric phenomena. Projects and materials are cross-referenced according to performance criteria, processes, and properties. Each of the 36 international projects and 23 material technologies is presented with drawing details and construction photographs. Descriptions of key processes and adaptive qualities provide an analysis of the various complex systems featured, such as vertical growth structures, flood prevention, stormwater infiltration and erosion control. Projects featured include works by West8, GROSS.MAX, Weiss-Manfredi Architects, Field Operations, Kathryn Gustafson, and Vogt Landschaftarchitekten. Подробнее
Relax: Interiors for Human Wellness In today’s fast-moving world everyone welcomes a place to relax, feel good, to recharge their batteries. Wellness and body care are gaining importance, and not only among the rich and famous. A huge number of wellness facilities have opened in recent years. Some are outstanding examples of superb interior design. Relax showcases the hottest 32 designs. It covers Spas and Thermal Baths, Massage, Hair and Beauty Salons, Health Farms and Gyms. Each project has been selected for its beauty and for the innovative concept behind its creation. In addition to works by well-known names such as Karim Rashid, Steven Holl and Jun Aoki, Relax includes interiors by promising young designers. All projects feature quality photography, in-depth essays, floor plans, project details and contact information. They are organized in four typological chapters, each of which concludes with an attractively designed yet unrealized project, illustrated with renderings. Подробнее
Small Scale, Big Change Small Scale, Big Change focuses on designing and building in underserved communities around the globe. Rooted in the traditions of early Modernism, the work of the architects shown in this book expresses a desire for social change and a belief in the social responsibility of architecture. The projects – often schools, parks, housing projects and infrastructural interventions – are typically the result of close collaboration with members of the community and future users. They are located in impoverished urban and rural communities and reveal an exciting change in the longstanding dialogue between architecture and ethics, wherein the architect’s roles, methods, approaches and responsibilities are all dramatically reconsidered. These architects address community needs with innovative, low-budget and adaptable designs without sacrificing aesthetics. In these works, one also sees an expanded definition of sustainability encompassing larger social and economic issues. The architects featured include Alejandro Aravena, Anna Herringer, Francis Kere, Jorge Maria Jauregui, Lacaton Vassal, Michael Maltzan, Noero Wolff Architects, Rural Studio, Teddy Cruz, Urban Think Tank. Подробнее





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