
Архитектура изменяющейся России: состояние и перспективы В настоящей книге рассматривается совокупность историко-теоретических проблем существования и развития архитектуры и градостроительства в современной России. Раскрываются причины возникновения особенностей и определенных трудностей отечественной профессиональной деятельности в области архитектуры и неоднозначного отношения к ней общества и государства. Обнаруживаются новые интенции и глубинные преобразования в системе сложившихся архитектурных представлений и ценностей. Высказываются суждения о необходимых переменах в образовании и воспитании нового поколения архитекторов, а также в отношении исполняемых ими служебных обязанностей архитектора и градостроителя. Анализируются возможные и желаемые сценарии развития событий, что дает основания авторам выдвигать и отстаивать в качестве первостепенных гуманитарные приоритеты в архитектурно-градостроительной политике XXI века. Книга предназначена для архитекторов, инженеров-строителей, искусствоведов, а также широкого круга читателей, интересующихся вопросами архитектуры и искусства. Подробнее
Предыстория Великого шелкового пути: диалог культур Европа-Азия Настоящая монография представляет собой первую в историографии работу, посвященную истории становления Великого шелкового пути, сыгравшего важнейшую роль в истории Старого Света. Шелковый путь описывается как трасса распространения «вещей, идей и людей», что вело к диалогу культур, обеспечивая исторический прогресс. Анализ исторического развития степей Евразии от Дуная до Китая позволил реконструировать главные направления связей на протяжении III-II тыс. до н.э. Большое внимание в книге уделено закономерной взаимосвязи динамики экологии степей с развитием хозяйства и становлением номадизма степных народов. Рассмотрены также проблемы транспорта: появление повозок, колесниц, доместикация коня и верблюда как условия функционирования Пути. Книга рекомендуется историкам, географам, социологам, культурологам, а также всем заинтересованным читателям. Подробнее
Теория характеров и представлений групп Вниманию читателей предлагается книга выдающегося немецкого математика Ф.Г. Фробениуса (1849-1918), которая содержит девять его классических работ, относящихся к теории характеров и представлений групп. Эти работы, являющиеся первоисточником в вопросах теории групп, не утратили своего значения и в наши дни. В конце книги дается ряд примечаний, содержащих характеристику каждой из работ и разъяснение наиболее трудных мест. Книга рекомендуется математикам-алгебраистам, физикам-теоретикам, использующим в своих исследованиях методы теории групп; преподавателям, студентам и аспирантам естественных вузов. Подробнее
Натур-философия: лекции, читанные в Лейпцигском университете Настоящая книга, написанная выдающимся немецким физикохимиком, философом и организатором науки Вильгельмом Оствальдом (1853-1932), посвящена вопросам философии природы. Представленная в форме лекций, она раскрывает такие понятия, как речь, чувственные впечатления, многообразия, время, пространство, энергия и многие другие. Автор не пытается исчерпать предмет, подлежащий обсуждению, а, наоборот, ориентирует читателя и побуждает его к более глубокому изучению частных вопросов. Книга рекомендуется философам, преподавателям, студентам и аспирантам гуманитарных вузов, а также всем, кто интересуется философией. Подробнее
A Theory of the Origin and Development of the Solar System The endless and mysterious history of origin and development of celestial bodies, the evolution of the Solar System, comets, asteroids, terrestrial and giant planets, small bodies and enigmatic planet rings — all these are the material on which a number of cosmogonical hypotheses are built. The author of this book calls attention of the readers to one more hypothesis, expecting to attract new researchers to the problems of cosmogony. Подробнее
Baro-electric effect and celestial magnetism The nature of the terrestrial magnetism has been creating a problem in geophysics. This book is devoted to the elaboration of the Sutherland hypothesis of the phenomenon proposed in 1903 and almost forgotten now. He supposed the electric charge redistribution in a celestial body under the action of inhomogeneous mechanical stresses (reaction against gravity) and the magnetic field moment resulted from the axial rotation of the charged body. In this book the effect is estimated quantitatively from the quantum theory point of view among others. To describe the magnetic field, generated because of the axial rotation of electrically charged object, electrodynamics of slowly rotating observer is developed. Presented are the estimates of planetary electric and magnetic fields created due to both its internal self-gravitation and external tidal influences. The contribution of the effect into the main geomagnetic field is estimated as approximately 10%. The contribution into the magnetic moments of giant planets is larger. Also considered are other possible geophysical manifestations of the effect including specific properties of the fair weather electricity and possible earthquake forerunners. This book could be recommended not only to Ph.D. students, university faculty members, and researchers, but also to everyone interested in the application of scientific results. Подробнее
Cosmology: Foundations and Frontiers
, 2007
Recent discoveries in cosmology have changed this science drastically. In a new world picture emerging now, the major feature is the «dark energy» of vacuum which contributes about 3/4 to the total energy of the observed Universe. Predicted theoretically by Einstein in 1917, this unusual cosmic energy produces not gravity, but antigravity. Antigravity makes the Universe expand with acceleration. This is one of the first books in current literature which treat the newest most exciting ideas and discoveries in the science of the Universe. The book provides an easy introduction to both classic foundations and modern developments in cosmology for students, as well as interested physicists and astronomers working in other fields. Only a basic background in calculus, differential equations, and vectors is expected from the reader. Throughout the text, boxes present interesting side areas or background material while exercises promote active understanding. Подробнее
Diagrammatic method in the theory superconductivity and ferromagnetism
, 2007
Diagrammatic methods are applied to strongly interacting electron systems. Several problems are studied in the atomic representation. It is assumed that electron-electron interaction in an atom is stronger that the interaction between electrons belonging to different atoms. The theory of high-temperature superconductivity is considered in the Hubbard model. Then the theory of ferromagnetism in transition metals is also presented. Подробнее
Equivocaciones y errores en la termodinmica
, 2006
En este libro se analizan tanto los momentos de confusin que fueron originados por los fundadores mismos de la termodinmica (Clausius, Thomson, Planck, Nernst, Wien, Helmholtz) como los errores tpicos que suelen aparecer en monografas y en muchos libros de texto de la actualidad. En general, estas equivocaciones fueron cometidas durante la comprensin bien de los conceptos fundamentales, bien de las tesis iniciales de la termodinmica, o bien de sus principios y mtodos. Tambin se exponen y analizan diversos ejemplos de conclusiones errneas que pueden encontrarse en el campo de las aplicaciones de la termodinmica a diferentes sistemas macroscpicos. Para especialistas en termodinmica, estudiantes universitarios y de posgrado. Подробнее
Geometra diferencial y lgebras de Lie y sus aplicaciones en la teora de campos En el libro se exponen las bases de la geometra diferencial y de la teora de lgebras de Lie, y se describen las teoras de campos de gauge en el lenguaje geomtrico. Como una aplicacin de este aparato se analizan la reduccin dimensional de las teoras de gauge y el problema de la compactificacin espontnea. El libro est dirigido a estudiantes de los cursos superiores, posgraduados, matemticos y fsicos tericos. Подробнее
Hierarchy and Power in the History of Civilizations: Ancient and Medieval Cultures
, 2008
The human history has evidenced various systems of hierarchy and power in different spheres of social life. The relations of hierarchy and power penetrate the whole of social life but naturally they are most visible in the political sphere. The careful study of each particular case of such relations is of great significance. In the meantime it is very important to see both the general features typical for all or most of the hierarchy and power forms, and their variation. Among all the systems of power and submission the ancient and medieval systems are of special interest in certain respects, as they are characterized by tremendous variation, and also because among them one can find especially pure cases of natural evolution of power and hierarchy structures. In this volume the relations of hierarchy and power are studied with respect to representative samples of pre-modern states and societies. These interesting and revealing cases cover a wide range both in time and space, as well as different types of the relations of hierarchy and power in the history of ancient and medieval civilizations. Подробнее
History and mathematics: Analyzing and Modeling Global Development
, 2006
This almanac initiates a series of edited volumes dedicated to various aspects of the application of mathematical methods to the study of history and society. It comprises articles that apply mathematical methods to the study of various epochs and scales: from deep historical reconstruction to the pressing problems of the modern world. On the other hand, all the articles of this almanac are dedicated to the analysis, periodization, or modeling of global development. It is shown that the mathematical modeling of historical macroprocesses suggests a fresh approach to the periodization issue. The authors study these problems from different perspectives (technological, economic, demographic, sociostructural, cultural-psychological, linguistic). New quantitative insights on the dynamics of contemporary processes are presented. These insights allow the authors to make a number of important forecasts on this basis. Подробнее
History and mathematics: Historical Dynamics and Development of Complex Societies
, 2006
The times of “Pure History” when historians were only interested in the deeds of kings and heroes passed long ago. A more and more important role is played by new directions in historical research that study long-term dynamic processes and quantitative changes. This kind of history can hardly develop without the application of mathematical methods. This almanac continues a series of edited volumes dedicated to various aspects of the application of mathematical methods to the study of history and society. This edited volume considers historical dynamics and development of complex societies. Its constituent articles treat historical processes at very different levels of scale. Some articles study global dynamics during the last millennia covering the formation and development of the World System. Other articles focus on the dynamics of single societies, or even communities. In general, this issue of the almanac constitutes an integrated study of a number of important historical processes through the application of various mathematical methods. In particular, these articles trace the trajectories of political development from the early states to mature statehood. This almanac also traces trajectories of urban development, and important demographic, technological, and sociostructural changes. The almanac demonstrates that the application of mathematical methods not only facilitates the processing of historical information, but can also give to a historian a deeper understanding of historical processes. Подробнее
Homoarchy: A Principle of Culture’s Organization: The 13'th-19'th Centuries Benin Kingdom as a Non-State Supercomplex Society Until quite recently, cultural evolution has commonly been regarded as the permanent teleological move to a greater level of hierarchy, crowned by state formation. However, recent research, particularly those based upon the principle of heterarchy — the relation of elements to one another when they are unranked or when they possess the potential for being ranked in a number of different ways (Crumley 1995: 3) changes the usual picture dramatically. The opposite of heterarchy, then, would be a condition in society in which relationships in most contexts are ordered mainly according to one principal hierarchical relationship. This organizational principle may be called homoarchy. Homoarchy and heterarchy represent the most universal ideal principles and basic trajectories of socio-cultural (including political) organization and its transformations. There are no universal evolutionary stages — band, tribe, chiefdom, state or otherwise — inasmuch as cultures so characterized could be heterarchical or homoarchical: they could be organized differently, while having an equal level of overall social complexity. However, alternativity exists not only between heterarchic and homoarchic cultures but also within each of the respective types. Подробнее
Introduccin a la teora de ecuaciones diferenciales
, 2007
El presente libro abarca por completo todos los temas del programa aprobado por el Ministerio de Educacin de Rusia del curso de ecuaciones diferenciales para las especialidades de mecnica terica, matemtica y fsica. Se incluyen, adems, algunos temas complementarios relacionados con diferentes aplicaciones tcnicas, lo cual facilita la labor de concretar el material del curso en dependencia de la especializacin del centro de enseanza. El volumen del libro es menor que el de otros libros de texto debido a que se ha reducido el material complementario y a que se han elegido las demostraciones ms sencillas entre las existentes en la bibliografa. La teora se expone de manera bastante detallada y es accesible para estudiantes de diversos niveles de preparacin. Se presentan ejemplos de resolucin de los problemas ms representativos. Al final de las secciones se da la relacin de ejercicios correspondientes al tema dado que se propone en la ya clsica coleccin de este mismo autor «Problemas de ecuaciones diferenciales» (URSS, 2007). Al final de casi todas las secciones se mencionan algunas de las direcciones de investigacin correspondientes al tema analizado. Подробнее
Introduction to Modern Statistical Physics: A Set of Lectures
, 2008
The aim of this book is to add certain new topics to the material of the famous textbook «Statistical physics» by L.D. Landau and E.M. Lifshitz. High-temperature corrections to the thermodynamic potential are calculated by employing ring diagrams and also by expanding in powers of the gas parameter. The universality hypothesis gives a possibility to calculate critical exponents in the framework of perturbation theory. Summation of the most strongly diverging diagrams yields parquet equations. Solving these equations, the singular specific heat and magnetic susceptibility are determined in the (4-epsilon)-dimensional space. The gradient-invariant microscopic equations which describe a superconducting state are derived. Using these equations, the Ginsburg-Landau equations together with the microscopic boundary conditions are obtained. The critical magnetic field of forming superconducting nuclei is calculated. The tunneling effects between two superconductors (the Josephson effect) and also between a superconductor and a normal metal are studied. The microscopic description of the Meissner effect, calculation of the spin susceptibility in a superconductor (the Knight shift) are given. The book is intended for researchers, graduate and undergraduate students studying the theory of condensed matter. Подробнее
Introduction to Social Macrodynamics: Compact Macromodels of the World System Growth
, 2006
Human society is a complex nonequilibrium system that changes and develops constantly. Complexity, multivariability, and contradictoriness of social evolution lead researchers to a logical conclusion that any simplification, reduction, or neglect of the multiplicity of factors leads inevitably to the multiplication of error and to significant misunderstanding of the processes under study. The view that any simple general laws are not observed at all with respect to social evolution has become totally predominant within the academic community, especially among those who specialize in the Humanities and who confront directly in their research all the manifold unpredictability of social processes. A way to approach human society as an extremely complex system is to recognize differences of abstraction and time scale between different levels. If the main task of scientific analysis is to detect the main forces acting on systems so as to discover fundamental laws at a sufficiently coarse scale, then abstracting from details and deviations from general rules may help to identify measurable deviations from these laws in finer detail and shorter time scales. Modern achievements in the field of mathematical modeling suggest that social evolution can be described with rigorous and sufficiently simple macrolaws. This book discusses general regularities of the World System growth. It is shown that they can be described mathematically in a rather accurate way with rather simple models. Подробнее
Introduction to Social Macrodynamics: Secular Cycles and Millennial Trends
, 2006
Human society is a complex nonequilibrium system that changes and develops constantly. Complexity, multivariability, and contradictions of social evolution lead researchers to a logical conclusion that any simplification, reduction, or neglect of the multiplicity of factors leads inevitably to the multiplication of error and to significant misunderstanding of the processes under study. The view that any simple general laws are not observed at all with respect to social evolution has become totally dominant within the academic community, especially among those who specialize in the Humanities and who confront directly in their research the manifold unpredictability of social processes. A way to approach human society as an extremely complex system is to recognize differences of abstraction and time scale between different levels. If the main task of scientific analysis is to detect the main forces acting on systems so as to discover fundamental laws at a sufficiently coarse scale, then abstracting from details and deviations from general rules may help to identify measurable deviations from these laws in finer detail and shorter time scales. Modern achievements in the field of mathematical modeling suggest that social evolution can be described with rigorous and sufficiently simple macrolaws. The first book of the Introduction (Compact Macromodels of the World System Growth. Moscow: URSS, 2006) discusses general regularities of the World System long-term development. It is shown that they can be described mathematically in a rather accurate way with rather simple models. In this book the authors analyze more complex regularities of its dynamics on shorter scales, as well as dynamics of its constituent parts paying special attention to «secular» cyclical dynamics. It is shown that the structure of millennial trends cannot be adequately understood without secular cycles being taken into consideration. In turn, for an adequate understanding of cyclical dynamics the millennial trend background should be taken into account. Подробнее
Introduction to Social Macrodynamics: Secular Cycles and Millennial Trends in Africa
, 2006
Human society is a complex nonequilibrium system that changes and develops constantly. Complexity, multivariability, and contradictions of social evolution lead researchers to a logical conclusion that any simplification, reduction, or neglect of the multiplicity of factors leads inevitably to the multiplication of error and to significant misunderstanding of the processes under study. The view that any simple general laws are not observed at all with respect to social evolution has become totally dominant within the academic community, especially among those who specialize in the Humanities and who confront directly in their research the manifold unpredictability of social processes. A way to approach human society as an extremely complex system is to recognize differences of abstraction and time scale between different levels. If the main task of scientific analysis is to detect the main forces acting on systems so as to discover fundamental laws at a sufficiently coarse scale, then abstracting from details and deviations from general rules may help to identify measurable deviations from these laws in finer detail and shorter time scales. Modern achievements in the field of mathematical modeling suggest that social evolution can be described with rigorous and sufficiently simple macrolaws. The first book of the Introduction (Compact Macromodels of the World System Growth. Moscow: URSS, 2006) discusses general regularities of the World System long-term development. It is shown that they can be described mathematically in a rather accurate way with rather simple models. In the second book (Secular Cycles and Millennial Trends. Moscow: URSS, 2006) the authors analyze more complex regularities of its dynamics on shorter scales, as well as dynamics of its constituent parts paying special attention to «secular» cyclical dynamics. It is shown that the structure of millennial trends cannot be adequately understood without secular cycles being taken into consideration. In turn, for an adequate understanding of cyclical dynamics the millennial trend background should be taken into account. In this book the authors analyze the interplay of trend and cyclical dynamics in Egypt and Subsaharan Africa. Подробнее
La matemtica elegante: Problemas y soluciones detalladas
, 2007
Los problemas de los que se compone este libro atrajeron a los autores por su esttica. Las preguntas qu es lo que hace que nos guste uno u otro problema y cul es la fuente de belleza y elegancia en la matemtica constituyen los temas fundamentales que se discuten en esta obra. La exposicin est basada en una gran cantidad de exquisitos ejemplos del campo de la matemtica elemental. En la primera parte del libro se presentan problemas que no requieren, con raras excepciones, clculos o razonamientos complejos. Consideramos que estos problemas sern de gran inters tanto para estudiantes y profesores, como para los aficionados a la matemtica en general, independientemente de su preparacin. La segunda parte del libro — «Temas de olimpiadas» — ser del agrado de los lectores que tienden a perfeccionarse y se sienten especialmente atrados por los problemas difciles, es decir, de aquellos que saben hallar en ellos su belleza. Подробнее





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