Traffic Design

Жанр: Daab
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Дата загрузки:
14 апреля 2010
For over two centuries, public space has been gradually adjusted to meet the needs of a rapidly growing traffic. Thanks to the mass-motorization of the 50's and 70's in the US respectively Europe and the subsequent development of private mobility, less visionary Traffic Design quickly generated an ugly and alienated architecture. The needed infrastructure had to be built quick and, what was more important, it had to be cheap. In the name of the automobile, the urban space and plenty of landscapes were sacrificed: A threat to man and nature. The change came during the 90's-thanks to a shift in thinking that led to a different appreciation of nature and life quality. Buildings of all kinds-bridges, tunnels, parking garages, drive-throughs and service stations-slowly achieve the potential to become favorite landmarks. They reflect the automobile lifestyle perfectly and secure a new quality of living, especially in urban zones. This is good, since everybody spends more of his lifetime in those public spaces than within its own four walls. Therefore, it is important and necessary to support this new paradigmatic way of thinking. This is effectively fostered by the car maker Renault, who in 2000 launched in Germany the «Renault Traffic Design Award». The competition credits not only completed projects, but also visionary concepts by students that demonstrate a inherent better quality. Looking at projects that have been awarded over the last six years, one notices a consistent increase in design quality. Individual traffic as much as the number of circulating automobiles being due to increase further in the next decades, the importance of good Traffic Design becomes more important every day-and not only in Germany — it seemed to make sense to gather various extraordinary projects from all over the world in one book, as a source of inspiration for designers, consumers and clients. As a whole, the projects not only show different cultural approaches to design, but also show the differing needs of different people, companies and their brands-this all in spite of ongoing globalization. But no matter how different they are, it is always important to plan ahead. Not just because most existing structures cannot fulfill the growing need for mobility, but also because new technologies and materials finally allow for more functional and-even more important-esthetical solutions to be implemented. A new way of thinking and approaching Traffic Design issues is badly needed and appropriate. After all, everyone everyday is confronted with this problem, not only car drivers.


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