
Stephen Williams Architects Издание по архитектуре на иностранных языках. Подробнее
Ceramic Design From the Neolithic age on ceramic material was used as a building material through out the world: in the Empire of China as well as in the Islamic and Mesopotamian civilizations. With its natural qualities and adaptability to various circumstances combined with technical innovations in the manufacturing process, ceramic is regarded even nowadays as a superb material. It is fire resistant, waterproof and hypo-allergenic. Ceramic ages with dignity and its style is timeless. In this book around 40 Designers and manufacturers are presented with outstanding projects and innovative designs on ceramics which range from exterior solutions such as facades to interior design on walls and floors. The content is arranged in alphabetical order of the designers. An index with the contact details of the designers and manufacturers is enclosed. Подробнее
Broadcast Design (+ CD-ROM) Broadcast design and television branding bear an important prominence in our world today. Audiovisual design, in terms of content and technology, is fast-paced: the TV landscape faces great changes in distribution channels and different content models. Those changes demand a strict strategic brand development, which should be suitable for the on-air designs as well as for a range of other media channels and merchandising.With Broadcast Design Bjorn Bartholdy introduces the corporate design of ten selected international TV channels like BBC, FOX or arte. It gives examples of on-air design positions, introduces the collaboration between channels and design agencies and features interviews of the channel's representatives. Enclosed is a DVD to show the audiovisual media in their natural environment: on screen. Подробнее
Lobby Design 56 new projects present the new trends in Lobby Design all over the world. The lobby is a passing place, a transitory space. It is the first point of contact with the place visited from the street. The great challenge for the architect and client is to achieve a space in which the visitor would like to stay. The book is divided into chapters and gives an overview of all kinds of lobbies, such as in public buildings, airports and hotels but as well in private apartment houses. The projects will be presented in alphabetical order of the designers. As far as available plans will be shown. An index of contact information of the designers and architects is enclosed. Подробнее
Plastic Design During the last 50 years, the plastic industry has grown at an incredible pace until becoming part of nearly all the areas of human activity. Plastic materials moreover have made practically any architectural solution affordable to all. This book contains dozens of examples and architectural projects which have used plastic in one or various of their features: walls, illumination, roofs, facades, furniture...The examples featured cover practically all the possible applications of plastic materials in contemporary architecture. An index of contact information of the designer and architects is enclosed. Подробнее
Roof Design Since streets become increasingly crowded, living on the top of a building promises privacy and distance. Rooftops have become the symbol of a new lifestyle — an extension and exclusive enjoyment of an area traditionally unused: the architectural crown of a building has been transformed into a new area for work or living. Architects, designers and town planners have seen in this final section of a building their last chance to let their fantasies run free and to dramatically shape the cities' skylines with extensions, attics and unique tops. This volume delivers a very close insight in the divers possibilities of the roof design of residential, corporative and other buildings. About 200 projects present the different types of roofs: Pitched roofs, flat roofs with planting vegetation, roof garden as a pool area or further floor space. An index with the contact dates of the designers is enclosed. Подробнее
New Entrance Design The entrance to a house acts as its visiting card. Its conception has changed enormously over the years, as has its social uses, and the space that was once considered indispensable for receiving guests and keeping the house from view on first contact — whether out of a desire to preserve privacy or a belief that it was bad taste to put living space on display — has changed to such an extent that it is on the verge of disappearing from many homes. Even in cases where there is no hall, however, its absence constitutes a type of entrance that tells us about the personality of the occupants and the layout of the space. In fact, in many cases the entrance is the axis around which the space is organized and it takes on a far greater importance than is immediately apparent: if the entrance is well planned, the space will be used to greater advantage and the layout of the various areas will follow a logical order; in contrast, a misguided placement results in an erroneous starting point for a residential project. So, we are devoting these 192 pages to solutions for entrances, of various shapes and styles, belonging to different types of homes from all around the world, drawn up by a wide range of architects. Подробнее
Mario Schmolka: Intense Mario Schmolka lives and works in Vienna. As assistant of Andreas Bitesnich and Greg Gorman he was able to gain experiences and worked his way up to into the top league of the fashion photographers. Подробнее
Stadium Design In ancient Greece, the term stadium was defined as a footrace over a distance 192 m. This distance measurement was then later used as a description for the competition facility. Nowadays a stadium is considered a total competitive sporting complex with field, oval-shaping running track, shot put, javelin and broad jump facilities as well as viewer seats and press boxes. Nowadays, stadia are not only simply sporting sites, but also act as tourist attractions, distinguishing features and gathering place for clubs. This tendency has led to increased value being placed upon architecture in stadium design. Additional uses for covered stadia may include stores, offices, hotels and restaurants. In the following, various solutions of modern stadia design are presented. In so doing, examples of various use types and sizes will be addressed. 32 projects are introduced, they are catching the eyes because of an extraordinary architecture. As well the «inner life» with VIP lounges will be shown. Included are all 12 stadiums which are scene of the soccer world championship 2006. Plans and sketches will be enclosed to every project. Подробнее
Chinese Design In this book of Chinese Design, we are pleased to introduce a wide array of different architectural projects, and the various designers, architectural ateliers and developers that have made these works come to light. The distribution of the book has been done in three chapters according to the three main geographical areas — Beijing, Shanghai, and Hong Kong — where most of these projects are located. A fourth chapter covers the architectural projects located in other parts of the Chinese mainland. Like the Great Wall, which with its 2.400 km is the only built structure on earth visible from outer space, China is so huge and profound, that to make an attempt to analyse its design is practically impossible. The basic principle, however, that seemed to influence space design in China was related to a number of different philosophies like Confucianism, Taoism or Fengshui. Although nowadays, in general, people do not really like being bound by ancient tradition, still most of them follow, or at least cannot ignore, that Fengshui laws of space direction or some other philosophies. China's complex, harsh and hazardous history partly explains one of the reasons why many residential houses and buildings look often like solid fortresses, with its inner space clearly separated and differentiated from the outer part of the house. Inside the house compound, the patio serves not only as a source of visual delight, but it is used also for outdoor inner living throughout the various seasons of the year. Finally we would like to introduce a few distinctisyve examples of iconography in China, symbologie that plays a very important role within Chinese design. Colours like red, aside form being the colour of the Chinese national flag, have signified fortune and luck, since ancient times. Visually, sometimes it seems as if every single city of the country lies under the overriding spell of the Chinese character script. China's extraordinary appetite for the new was certainly a powerful driving force for its rapid change. The end product is as somewhat general retrofuristic urban landscape spreading all over its cities. Подробнее
Matali Crasset This volume of the series about young but already very successful architects and designers introduces to the projects of the french designer Matali Crasset. The book not only shows the assembled work of Matali Crasset but also what she understands under «work ensemble». Подробнее
New Indoorpool Design In every of the new compact design books are about 25 to 30 projects shown to the particular theme. As far as available, projects are presented with detailed plans. Подробнее
New Studio Design A more flexible lifestyle, increasing rents an a greater number of single-person homes have all meant that apartments, especially in big cities, have been reduced to a single room. This does not necessarily have to be a disadvantage however. The use of space can be optimised with an intelligent design; minimalist amenities, made-to-measure furniture and predominantly light colours are three basic ingredients of any studio flat, where the premise is to do without all that is superfluous. This book presents 21 projects of spacesaving, contemporary and urban design to show, how trendy and functional a room can be furnished. Подробнее
London Architecture and Design London may be known as a city of grey for its persistently cloudy skies, but when it comes to everything else, few cities on the planet can boast such a colorful palette of converging cultures and styles. Inherently vibrant and extraordinarily diverse, it has been one of the most important settlements on the globe for nearly two millennia and still stands today as an international leader in virtually every aspect of a modern society. Подробнее
Art Spaces: Architecture and Design
, 2006
Set in different landscapes, this title contains photographic portraits of trucks and their drivers. Подробнее
Paris Architecture and Design It has been the French revolution that has paved the way for an inventive and creative spirit in the arts, architecture, literature, and music that enhanced the development of science and technology of the future. Even a few years back, on the 200th anniversary of the revolution, the city presented more breath-taking monuments to modern architecture, which rival any in Europe. This book presents new and innovative projects by architects, who on the one hand, bear witness to the desire to combine environmentalism with the urban needs and, on the other, to the diversity of influence and changes needed in the architectural outlook. All projects will be listed in alphabetical order to the architects and designers, presented in a very clear layout. As far as available floor plans will give additional insights. Подробнее
Obermann New York Moments Bernd Obermann has been living in New York for several years, in the part of the city historically known as Hell’s Kitchen. He is intimately involved with his surroundings, and so he hardy betakes himself to the fundamental New York to lead us to the undiscovered Harlem, Coney Island, the recently russianized Rockaways, to a new soul food restaurant, to the best pizza parlor in little Italy, to the best New York hot dog at Katz’s delicatessen or the cheapest outlet store on a Sunday morning on Orchard street. There is no shortage of books about New York and most of them are descriptive while very few are interpretative an lived. With this “moments” book of Bernd Obermann you can walk along the streets with him and practically touch the gritty New York atmosphere. Подробнее
Yacht Interiors During the last 10 years there has been a significant leap forward in the development of yacht interiors. A decisive factor here was the introduction of the computer in the production process, which has greatly shortened the design phase and allowed more freedom when simulating and visualizing models. As a result, new boat forms, as well as more aerodynamic sails, have emerged, which could be carefully designed and built. The creation of modern yacht interiors reflects current design trends. There is, for instance, a clear trend towards plain and minimalist interiors. Here the designer renounces unnecessary decorative elements and employs pale colours, like white, grey and beige, which make interiors seem larger. In addition to Asian décor elements, there are also very colourful interior designs, which are appealing for their playfulness, among other reasons. Modern yachts, then, do not take a back seat to living quarters on land when it comes to comfort and design, and it is not surprising that, besides famous yacht designers, creative personalities like Armani or Philipp Starck have discovered a love for designing yachts interiors. Подробнее
Shanghai Architecture and Design Shanghai is the fastest growing city at the moment and will be one of the most important metropolitan cities in the world. The diversity of Western and Oriental influences can be seen on its streets, in the silhouettes of its buildings and in their interiors, where tradition, design and contemporary tends mingle to create a distinctive language. In a mere 10 years, Shanghai has acquired a skylight comparable with that of New York, which was build over the course of more than 50 years. In this book you will find the image of the contemporary Shanghai, like the world’s future highest building to the new Shanghai International Formula One Circuit. About 35 projects are published, buildings, restaurants, shops and offices. Подробнее
Tokyo Architecture and Design Tokyo constitutes the most populated metropolitan area on the planet, it houses 33 million inhabitants. It is also, possibly, the megalopolis with the highest proportion of recent architecture, what is a result of two significant events: The earthquake of 1923 and the bombardments of World War II. The economic development that took place after the war gave rise to a modern city that stands out on account of its complex infrastructures. In no other city are the boundaries between inside and outside, public and private, up and down as blurred as in Tokyo; this lack of frontiers has shaped an urban setting without parallel which is reflected equally by the most state-of-the-art skyscraper and the most intimate store. This amalgam of architectural typologies has established itself as a reference point for designers from all over the world. Projects are listed in alphabetical order to the architects and designers, presented in a very clear layout. Plans show the layouts of the buildings and single rooms. Подробнее





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